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Everything posted by Bandwidthbob

  1. I'll take a look soon, and get back to you. EDIT: Flickering for me. I know nothing about this stuff, but I'm assuming it's a slightly faulty .nif file, where the dimensions are either broken, or the .bgsm file doesn't line up correctly. I'm assuming someone like Ethreon would be able to help you with this. I haven't used NifSkope or anything like it, so probably can't help right now bud, sorry.
  2. I created a little basement in one of my playthroughs, but don't have the save game anymore. I'm trying to recreate the basement in the CK, and would like to use the same floor again. Can anyone recognise the floor name? Thanks in advance for any help. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/24252/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/24251/?
  3. Well thanks, at this point I still work on a large update where I place more and more models and textures so at this point you'll have to wait till I finish that. Then you'll get an updated .esp to work on. Unfortunately this has to be worked one by one adding stuff one at a time. No problem. Looking forward to the update.
  4. Hey bud, if you need images of the issues, please let me know. Most are almost certainly fixable, and I'm happy to see if they can be fixed (by checking it myself in the CK). Feel free to let me know if I can help in any way (and I realised the candles thing was an engine thing, and not something you'd done, after I posted my comments). Happy to check out any revised files you send my way. Great work!
  5. Click on the sword, and open the "ownership" header and edit all values to "none". Hopefully this will resolve the issue.
  6. Firstly, wow! Seriously, there's a lot more there than I expected. I think I'm going to give up building my second mod. Really, really impressed. I took a look through the level, and assume you're still going to add "character" to the NPCs etc, but in terms of other level design, here are a few things to note. I'm just going to list things I've visually noticed. If I'm being too pedantic, please let me know, as I'm not sure what stage of building you're at. Hope this is sort of what you were looking for. Dock and first 4 rooms Arriving in the dock; Took up to a minute for the companion to arrive, so assuming the navmesh hasn't been finalised. Coming out of the dock; Minor clipping of floors. Coming out of the dock; Stair case banister not aligned correctly. Coming out of the dock; Pillars on the left stick out the wall more than those on the right. Wine room; clipping with tarberries. Wine room; All candles have light source, but no flames (this is everywhere). Room with bullion; all safes are set to unlocked. Moon Palace Door between Moon Palace and Lower Chambers is not aligned correctly. Floor 1 Door between Moon Palace and The Island is not aligned correctly. All safes are set to unlocked (this is everywhere). Bathroom toilet paper not immersive ;) Bath water is static, and can be walked on. In the library, when sitting in a chair, then getting up, I clip into the table and get stuck. Floor 2 When talking to the Maid, she clips through the flowers. Maybe bring the chair forward a little. Bath house; there are no ripples in the water when walking through it. Kitchen; cooks slip into the wall when sitting down. Floor 3 Redundant railing on landing. Door between Moon Palace and Servants' Quarters is not aligned correctly. Fire place is floating slightly above the ground. All doors open outwards in your face, maybe they could open inwards. Outside Moon Palace (The Island) Objects disappearing. Standing right outside the door, and looking around. I'm not sure what causes this, but I've read about it. I've taken screenshots, so if any of this doesn't make sense, I can upload them somewhere. And poor Alfred. Hope he doesn't suffer from claustrophobia :) Again, fantastic work bud! Really impressed. Your current screenshots don't even do the amount of work you've put in justice. :)
  7. Thank you. I've grabbed the download, and will start looking at it as soon as I get a chance. Thanks for the invite.
  8. Thanks bud, I'll take a look at this tonight when I get in from work. Seems to make sense in my head now, but that might all change when I actually try it :) I'll keep you posted.
  9. I'd like to make a duplicate of some .nif files, and move them into my own mod. I'm still very new at this, and would appreciate a step-by-step guide on how to do it. I have already spoken with the original mod author, and do have permission to copy the files. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  10. Thanks, looks like that did the trick. I did a Search & Replace, and changed it that way. Tried the workshop, and it seems to be functioning, so thank you. Appreciate the help!
  11. Ok this is fairly easy. Plop one of your new Fixed custom floor tiles down right on top of the floor of the hallway tile don't worry all that much about the positioning. make sure you have the snap to grid off! open the floor's form and adjust the "Z" position of the tile down just until it stops z-fighting and is just under the hallway tile you want to be seen in game. repeatedly Ctrl + D that hidden tile and move the new ones until you can fully cover the surface of the hall that has issues. You don't have to worry about the hidden tiles snapping properly because they are just the base for your hall and never seen in game. :thumbsup: Very clever, thank you. Just released an update anyway, but will get cracking with this (it's on my to-do list). Really appreciate the help with this, thank you.
  12. Apologies if this bumps the thread, but just wondering if anyone is aware of this issue (if it even is one), and if so, how it could be resolved. Many thanks.
  13. Dan, Can you imagine me attempting this task for my entire Concord Municipal Cistern level? :laugh: :ermm: o_O :wacko: :wallbash: I would probably lose my mind. Some jobs just aren't worth doing. Lol. Exactly. Luckily, there was an easier way, and I've already done most of the level. I don't know how to fix the Utility Hall, because it's different to the floor tiles, so I'll need to figure that one out. Currently, objects drop through the floor in the hallways.
  14. That's interesting, thanks. However, I haven't touched xEdit for a couple of weeks, and I have 10 backups from this evening, so assumed they were from playing in the CK. Nice to know though (and I'd obviously assumed everyone knew to remove the .bak from the file name). It's late, and I should be sleeping :)
  15. If we're talking about the same thing we've just discussed, but asked in a different way, then yes, it's adding the keyword "workshopstackableitem" to the floor tiles. Just tested, and it's worked for me. If it's not what we're talking about, just ignore me :)
  16. Not at all, and thank you, I know exactly what you mean -- and by that, I mean I get what you're saying, I just need to figure it out. As it happens, I think I only used a handful of tiles throughout, so it should be easy. If that's the case, then I'll do the entire level. Thank you very much, you're a star! Really, really appreciate your help with this.
  17. Just tested it, and it works, thank you. One last question then -- as I've already build the entire level, would I need to create a duplicate ID / form, of all the different floor tiles I've used (with the added keyword), and then replace each one throughout the entire level? Really appreciate your help, thank you!
  18. Thank you, you're a star. I'm not sure how to do all of that, but I'll give it a go. At least I know where to start looking. Really appreciate the help!
  19. I'm unable to build anything on the floor in my mod. I've tried with and without Place Everywhere, but everything is red. It won't snap to the floor like it's supposed to, but rather it'll drop through the floor. The only place I'm able to build, is on debris. Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17206/? I'm assuming I'm missing an obvious component in the workshop, so any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  20. For what it's worth, I never set anything myself in the CK, but stumbled across this the other day: ...\Fallout 4\Backup It has a pile of name.esp.1.bak files in there, so perhaps copying one of those and renaming it (and placing it back in the Data folder) might help you? I have no idea how incremental the backups are, or if it'll work, but worth a go anyway. Good luck.
  21. Looks like that did it. I finalised the navmesh, and a yellow tri appeared, which I definitely hadn't seen before. My companion appears now, immediately after entering and exiting the level. I'll get a couple of other people to test it first, but looks like that did the trick, so thank you!
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