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Posts posted by Ellary

  1. honestly confused..I see mob nerfs and player hp increases. The default game even on max diffuclty offers no challenge to a mage,Archer, or sneaking assassin.


    I will love love love love! anyone who can make a mod that increases NPC health! would love some epic battles and where my companion is actually of use.


    There was one for Oblivion that came in 50%-100%-200% increases wondering if someone can make those and maybe a 400% one?



    I have zero skill in where to even edit anything or I would make it myself.


    Thanks if you read this! <3

  2. hello, I am simply stuck I have looked all over..well I think anyway in the creation kit. Have patched my game fully up on steam to see if it unlocked more..but I am unable to find out how to make a regeneration spell, food does it but its weak and my companions wont eat food..So is there anyway at all I can safely make a regenerate Health over time spell? am in the process of making a lot of monsters harder so the fights last longer which is why I need a regen spell.
  3. any chance anyone of you wonderful peoples can figure out how to make a companion eat food you give them? I am redoing all food in the game to make it actually do something. I am stuck on how to make the companions eat it though, they just hold it in their inventory.
  4. ok have tried everything >< I even did a full reinstall. I installed CBBE and the textures. In my game my females have two belly buttons..missing strips on their hips and odd looking breast shade. Just curious if anyone else has this issue or if anyone knows how to remedy it. thankies ^^
  5. Ok..so I play as a mage and the spells kinda are uncontrolled at times. Is there a way to make it where no matter how badly I harm my companions they will not turn and start killing me? If anyone could make a mod or if theres a setting I need to change!



  6. Hello, have viewed a few custom companions and sadly they are all female. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to make my own companion with the creation kit and have it start out in the first village. Any help would be amazing!


    I have googled and searched this site, I am very bad at finding info.

  7. yay that would be awsome! right now I only have oak and stone as well! glad to hear there are others! if its to much hassle I can just wait, just a pain having to switch back every 55-60 secs to recast armor.
  8. ahh I would have to buy fallout just to use Fo3edit, sigh is cool it works though! I will have to keep waiting unless you can upload your modded alteration armor one? my character has 350 mana so the 250 cost is not to bad.
  9. hello~ well as the topic states am confused, after searching this forum I downloaded FOMM to try and mod a few alteration spells. It keeps saying it cannot find the registry for fall out. *sigh* does anyone know any working program I can use to view and just modify the duration of some of the alteration skills?



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