After recently downloading and thoroughly enjoying the Monster Wars v2 mod, and fighting the Colossus, I fell in love with fighting large, hard to kill bosses. No game embodied that sense of David vs Goliath one-sided-ness than Shadow of the Colossus. Those fights were the most memorable moments of my entire gaming life, and I feel like they should make their way into Skyrim somehow. Not all of the Colossi would work, but maybe the flying one, and a few of the ground ones. They don't have to have the weakness areas, although that would be pretty amazing if they did. God mode - If someone made the platform that you fight the 4th (I believe) Colossus, the one with the giant hammer/sword thing, somewhere off of one of the shorelines, that would be amazing. Now they don't have to even be the exact Colossi from the game (though that would be amazing). Even just more giant enemies would be really cool!