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About domeshooter28

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  1. I think the Big Daddy would be an awesome enemy to fight in Skyrim. He already has a sort of Dwemer/mechanical styling to him, so it's not too much of a stretch to imagine him in the world. Any use of Plasmids could just be spells. I'd be terrified to encounter one, and it would be a lot of fun! http://images.wikia.com/bioshock/images/e/ec/Bouncer_Rendered_Model.png
  2. We need the Gueta as well! http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c29/Atsu-kun/ReachGUETA3.jpg
  3. Now it's not canonical at all, which everyone seems to hate here, but there are already other mods that would work perfectly with this, like the flying mod. The Iron Man armor could be animated so that with sheathed weapon/relaxed, the helmet would be open, like it does in the movies. When armed and in a battle stance, the mask closes to protect the face. The blasters on the hand would be as simple as a new spell. I think it would be awesome.
  4. I would love this =D Also, dragons could be banshees, or Covenant drop ships
  5. After recently downloading and thoroughly enjoying the Monster Wars v2 mod, and fighting the Colossus, I fell in love with fighting large, hard to kill bosses. No game embodied that sense of David vs Goliath one-sided-ness than Shadow of the Colossus. Those fights were the most memorable moments of my entire gaming life, and I feel like they should make their way into Skyrim somehow. Not all of the Colossi would work, but maybe the flying one, and a few of the ground ones. They don't have to have the weakness areas, although that would be pretty amazing if they did. God mode - If someone made the platform that you fight the 4th (I believe) Colossus, the one with the giant hammer/sword thing, somewhere off of one of the shorelines, that would be amazing. Now they don't have to even be the exact Colossi from the game (though that would be amazing). Even just more giant enemies would be really cool!
  6. I'd love to see a good Halo Master Chief armor set in Skyrim. It's completely lore-breaking, but that's one of the great things about mods, anyway! I have a link for some models and textures to get someone started. http://hce.halomaps.org/images/files/lg/Screenshot-7.png Link to models
  7. Halo armor? (sorry. I didn't want to read all 23 pages to see if there was one posted already. If so, I'll delete) Models for you, in several formats. http://hce.halomaps.org/images/files/lg/Screenshot-7.png
  8. There have been other threads about this on here that didn't seem to pick up much steam, but every one I read was before the CK was released, so it should be easier now. I would love to see SPARTAN armor in skyrim. It's not canonical at all (unless some kind of quest was attached to it) but it would be so badass to run around as the MC, or as any kind of spartan. Plus it would be a great way to tie in the energy sword mod that is already out. EDIT: Before anyone says anything, I understand that Microsoft's Terms of Service may make it difficult to do, but I've found free models on the internet that have been freely uploaded without being forcibly taken down, so the armor models are already out there.
  9. I'd love to see this. That plus a Halo ring in the sky! (just made a poll about it)
  10. I know it makes absolutely no sense, considering the Halo's were advanced weapons, and no medieval society lived on them, but I think a Halo ring in the sky would be an awesome mod. There's 2 ways to go about it. 1. Make it appear as if you're on the ring world, looking up at the huge ring circling above you, as in most Halo games. 2. Make a Halo ring appear as one of the moons, but somehow make it prominent enough that it can be seen during the day as well. Anyone think this is a good idea?
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