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Everything posted by Senaira

  1. Yeah, a guy sent me a pm saying that adding then removing draugr abilities worked for him, but it didn't for me. :wallbash:
  2. I like any idea to do with more contact with the Thalmor, but there's a mod idea section for you to post this in. :P
  3. So Riften is the Vegas of Skyrim i take it?
  4. If you're not going down the rogue tree, why not invest in heavy armour? Less damage taken = longer life = less need for hp = more points that can be spent in stamina, and pumping out those power attacks is vital for dual wield imo.
  5. On top of what's already been mentioned, there's an enchant specifically for bow damage. Get this, 5 points in enchanting, and you're laughing.
  6. I received a parameter error when attempting to use that Oh right, it might be setstage MQ201 1 then, for stage 1 in that quest. I'm clearly not very good at this.
  7. setstage MQ201 That should work, according to what I just looked up. :psyduck:
  8. Maybe console then togglemenus? I don't know if you can do this at all from the main menu, the idea just came up when you said you couldn't see any of the menu options. :ermm:
  9. Agreed. I can't stand any of the residents, not even Tolfdir! J'zargo can have his damn arch-mage title..
  10. Watch out for snake arrows....to the knee. =(
  11. Attacking citizens. It's seriously addictive. I'll shoot 1 just for fun, end up with around 8k bounty, quickload and start over. Other bad habits include, but are not limited to: loot hoarding, pickpocketing to the point of over-encumbrance, trying to converse with fellow vampires, death by fall damage, and wasting all my arrows shooting the solitude hawks (which seem to have developed a force field that the arrows stick in).
  12. This is liopleurodon from walking with dinosaurs. Responsible for childhood nightmares, and my current phobia of the sea. :ohdear:
  13. I was thinking of Beowulf too =] Did you see the 1998 animated version? That used to terrify me, it's great though.
  14. The bumps. Also, mannequins won't wear stormcloak officer headgear :<
  15. I may be wrong, but I think Mjoll shares voice with some of the female guards. so there are two possibilities - either she was mistakenly included in the same group as the female guards, or this phrase was just said by some female guard with the same voice and you thought it was Mjoll. Aren't all the whiterun guards male? The thought just occured to me.
  16. I got married on my first character, it was so disappointing i doubt i'll bother this time. *cough*
  17. I'm quite glad...if skyrim had sharks...I don't even want to think about it o_O' Orca's would be fitting though.
  18. I use this http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=822
  19. Haha, i like this one. :) Try setrace (insert race here, if it's elf, it will be like darkelf, highelf etc) Switching to another race then back via this shouldn't mess up stats, and may bring your head back. If that's no good, try showracemenu, but don't switch race, as this will screw up stats.
  20. A rather minor bug, but my character has cuts beneath her eyes, from which bright blue lights appear. Setrace doesn't fix it, even when I changed genders. It's not mod related, as I saw the same bug posted on a ps3 site. Anyone? :|
  21. Finisher'd by Lydia on master difficulty. I was leveling up my one handed skill on her, and took one swing too many. :facepalm:
  22. I was going to think up something clever, but then I took a care to the face.
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