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Everything posted by Tachon

  1. serious no help ? someone knows how modify the view with fo4 edit or something ?
  2. hi! i need your help the sghts of the manwell riffle are bugged with the supressed barrel and aiming is totaly bugged some have a fix for this ? the view position is not correct and i can not see the sight on the barrel imopssible to aim correctly
  3. 17 June 2019, 6:47AM Please discard version 1.6.15, some unfinished prototype functionality was enabled causing markers to appear and BodyGen to stop functioning. Should be fixed with 1.6.16
  4. the update of last night was bugged there is a new one posted this morning just update it and problem will be solved.
  5. there is 3 threads about this , this is a looksmenu issue just update it.
  6. fixed this morning , it comes from looksmenu there is a new update that corrects this bug.
  7. update looksmenu there is a new update previous was bugged
  8. Fixed ! a new update of looksmenu is aviable and fix the bug ! just update it !
  9. Have contacted f4se team the bug is reported as looksmenu bug It may comes from looksmenu
  10. this seems to be an f4se glitch , if i launch game without , bugs are gone.
  11. it happens only when i launch the game with f4se , if i launch via steam there is no bug...
  12. hi i need some help , since last update i experience some graphical bugs that seems to be some dev assets as you can see in the screens
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