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Posts posted by HurDerpDerp

  1. Underclocked mah gpu with msi afterburner and what do u think... it works. For 4 days havent had a single problem. And all i ve got is a 9800 GTX+. I guess it was SOOO AWESOME that skyrim couldnt handle it on its overpowering original 745MHz, only on 701Mhz.


    Ok u know what - f*** it to hell. It works - fine with me. I just dont wanna think anymore about it, trying to fnd the reason behind all this. Lets say its because i touch myself at night a lot. Yeah gonna write it to Bethesda, they ll be so surprised.

  2. Just registered to post this:


    I had constant hard crashes under win 7x64 nVidia 570 in Skyrim. Crash was completely reproducible -- enter map screen, scroll around, *bam*, PC reset. Stable everywhere else (with exception of occasional, reproducible crashes in a house basement talking with another character).


    Installed latest nVidia BETA driver (290.36). Reproducible crashes are GONE, BANISHED, FIXED.


    Get it here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us

    Win 7 x64, go straight here: http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/40030


    This new 290 driver even adds Ambient Occlusion, which will make a major difference in shadow quality -- at a minor FPS expense. You can see the difference at the beta download page -- before/after images with a slider in the middle. Impressive, but it tends to peg my GPU more often.

    Downloaded, installed, crashed. NEXT!


    But yet again i ve never crashed on the map. Can look at it all day... just gets boring.

  3. Here's a strange thing - even though my laptop is weak, it handled everything from Crysis 2 to Saint's Row 3. The only games that crashed just like Skyrim were Batman Arkham Asylum and Assassin's Creed Revelations. What do you think - could this be hardware-related?

    I ve completed Batman Arkham Asylum. Twice. Not a single crash... And yet Im here in this thread lol.

  4. I had this problem from the very begging. Crashed after creating mah character. But i still can play like... 10 hours straight. Its more of a question "where" then "how long" for me.

    I can run for hours in dungeons. Never had a crash there. NEVER! But in the open its like a freakin crashfest.

    So its like playing from one indoor location to the other. Trying every fix there is in between, quicksaving every 2 steps, crashing, trying another fix and so on.

    And yet not every open area is like that. Who the hell knows...


    Also: Im bored, my friend has PC which only minor differs from mine and he havent got such sort of problems. So f*ck it, I ll go outside. See what all the fuss is about this "real world"... I just hope i dont crash there.

  5. Zolexus, you should alter the OP because for some like me it can be reproduced. It only happens when I try to view the map or ride a horse.


    Sounds like a completely different issue like 99% of the people of this thread have mate. This is about a crash that happens randomly


    It's still the black screen crash and it has been mentioned by some in this thread that it only happens when viewing the map.


    That sounds more like a corrupted file then anything else.


    Re-installing is your best guess.


    Already tried, along with every other "fix" that has been mentioned. I'm not alone, many people on many forums have the same problem, and as mentioned including some who have posted in this very topic.


    I did read one more fix that I haven't tried but will soon, and that's to launch the game on it's own without steam, directly from the .exe file. Here's hoping, otherwise I'll just have to pray the issue is addressed in the patch.

    Useless. If pirate version doesnt work, steam is out of the question

  6. As u guessed - same problem here. I ve got NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+.

    But Im pretty sure this crashes are somehow connetced to the place where they occur. Only have those crashes when Im outside.


    But this kind of "no signal" crash has happened in lot other games, some of them were pretty old and couldnt possibly overheat my card.

    Got the same problem in the begining of Gothic 2. When im inside the first tower - everythings fine. I go outside, see a little bit of the sky and crash! dead....

    Some other games crashed too like this. Psyhonauts i remember crashed very often. Has to replay that game on an old computer.

    League of Legends crashed. Not often but enough to be annoing. They must ve fixed that with patches cause it doesnt do that anymore. That or maybe cause i started playing in window mode.

    And everytime its the same black screen and hard resetting.

    But the most "funny" thing happened in Total War series. In Empire I couldnt zoom in on the ships in sea battles. No crashes in the game, but if u try to look at the ship more closly - BLAM! Black screen, same symptoms. I still can do sea battles, just from up high... And then i get myself Shogun 2. Love the series - what can i do. XD And what do u think? I still cant look at the ships closely!!! This just blows my mind! In two games... well yeah they probably used the same engine... but why the hell cant I look at the ships? Maybe i love ships!!! Why cant i see people running around them and dying in open sea... Nevermind.


    So what could be a problem? why such set conditions for a crash to happen....

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