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Posts posted by Calebhp95

  1. So after crafting my long awaited set of completely badass ebony armor, I was quickly disappointed when I went into third person and spotted an issue that isn't so pleasing to the eye. When equipped with both the chestpiece and helmet there is some nasty clip going on on the back of your neck. Without the helmet, there's some odd black ring surrounding your neck as if it were a necklace. I don't know anything about modding but this doesn't seem like it'd be too too hard to fix... I'm sure i'm not the only one who would be extremely grateful if it was fixed.


    Please make it happen, and thanks so much if it does!


    P.S. This is what it looks like, I had downloaded an HD res/golden trim mod beforehand. Credit to LetoKolente! (http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=549)


    (This is with them both on, see? It's not the most pleasing clippage.)



    (And here is without the helmet. Not as noticeable but still, eeeh.)


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