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About serpentwave

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  1. OK thank you very much for the tip, although the experimentation with a tremendous amount of mods would make the spectrum, well.... tremendous. The suggestion you made brings up a good point with something I had read earlier regarding a type of location based error / conflict. But that is not the case with this issue. But the usage of going to Helgen and tracking backwards is food for thought. I have a question though, is there a general database for any bad script files? Is there a method to check any inconsistencies with current mods and scripts within the script folder? Boss will check with load orders and Wrye-Bash is great but it doesnt check for any old script files (that I am aware of). I am thinking some erroneous that is occurring (within my game), is related to conflicts within these new custom-behavior patches and the like (Fore's, JoshNZ's, etc.) when these are stacked with pre-packaged, stand-alone, scripted-AI packages (not to mention different skeletal types and weight paintings, etc. within these packages) there is room for CTD-a'plenty *whew that was a mouth full*. At any rate, I appreciate any furthered, as well as previous, assistance given sir.
  2. I know this post is a few months old but I am also trying to pin point the, "Firefly.Disable() - "<native>" Line ? [None].Firefly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 283..etc." (papyrus log). Was any new information discovered regarding this CTD? I have never installed any of those monster mods before, however I heard mention of the "Claralux" mod. I had that installed at one point and I recognize that the author used the old "onupdate" as opposed to the "autoupdate" scripting.. bloaters (it has been a while so please excuse my butchery of the script tasks). Anywho if anyone has any leads for some fireflies or critters, for that matter, t'would be most appreciated.
  3. Looks like the solution is to wait it out lol I had spoken too soon Zaz' :/ Although I have not tried a new save in the console or waiting 10 days (which is coming up), I did find a big issue that people have been experiencing more frequently lately (same as this issue) and that is save game file bloating due to unfinished processes restarting before finished. This creates strain on both the CPU, as well as, the HDD. There is a mod that helps alleviate "loose" arrows and weapons on defeated foes including discussion on this topic linked here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/507256-posesive-corpses/page__st__410__gopid__5175013#entry5175013 I have been pinpointing where this issue arose and found a recurring process (via a skyrim save game scanner by "Mikanoshi" <-which, by the way, has been invaluable in finding the culprit. Actually just a damn good tool anyway, wish I could dig the link up but just google it). But if you are experiencing this save game "bloating", I highly recommend going to that thread. I think that scanner is linked 4-5 pages back, as well.
  4. Looks like the solution is to wait it out lol I had spoken too soon Zaz' :/ Although I have not tried a new save in the console or waiting 10 days (which is coming up), I did find a big issue that people have been experiencing more frequently lately (same as this issue) and that is save game file bloating due to unfinished processes restarting before finished. This creates strain on both the CPU, as well as, the HDD. There is a mod that helps alleviate "loose" arrows and weapons on defeated foes including discussion on this topic linked here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/507256-posesive-corpses/page__st__410__gopid__5175013#entry5175013http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/507256-posesive-corpses/page__st__410__gopid__5175013#entry5175013pages back, as well.
  5. I have found the solution and cause to this (hangs head in shame): If you are experiencing this issue the first answer on the link (See below) resolved it for me :D:D:D:D:D http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/49012/will-items-dropped-on-the-ground-ever-disappear
  6. As it can be tedious (I run 90-100 mods when playing). I would definitely recommend going through the extra hassle. I have had to "re- reinstall" as I tried to get out of the process. But I am no expert on registry footprints either ;-)
  7. I have just now started to experience this issue as well. I can confirm that it is relevant to the bloating of save games, at least with saves taking forever and the occurrence of lag-type freezing every 2-3 minutes. I cleaned out my scripts folder and this issue has dwindled greatly, however it still occurs randomly when loading.. Goats or Sheep. (Scratches head). One of the things that I noted was it occured after a "bad uninstall" of Realistic Natural Lighting (forgot to uninstall before deleting it via the NMM) On a side note, I am usually very keen about the load order and properly saving installing / un-installing mods effecting .pex's and other actor-related conflicts I am really curious how to resolve this.. as it just popped up out of nowhere and is annoying as hell.
  8. Actually that is a damn good idea for a mod! Jump with a somersault or even Jump then Jump immediately when landing for a somersault or even a triple jump (a la legend of Zelda / Ninja Gaiden, etc.). The jump animations are horrendous and the current ones in FONV are far better. CAN SOME ONE PLEASE ASSIST ME WITH A GOOD CAMERA MOD OR TWEAK SO I CAN MOVE THE CAMERA FREELY WHEN WALKING OR RUNNING? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. I will buy you a nice steak dinner. TYVM :)
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