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Everything posted by Kairo29
Seriously. All I really want is a dismemberment mod and maybe a grave digging mod lol. CK is out and still none in sight. Tons of skimpy female outfits though. TONS of them. Sigh.
Good point. Hate when that happens. Especially when using a speed mod for the horses. For such heavy animals, they float all over the place.
CK is out, may the wind blow this request into the hands of a capable modder worthy of our praises!
I REAAALLY hope this mod gets made now that CK is out. Exciting times! I'll be checking nexus even more than I do already :D Imagine this video if there was dismemberment: It would be Extra Epic.
Def need this. Made a thread about it a whiiile ago. Here's a link to check out some of the ideas that came out of that thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/469549-graveyard-shift-burned-bodies/page__p__3856249__hl__%2Bgraveyard+%2Bshift__fromsearch__1#entry3856249 I'm glad others feel a need for this!
Surprised nobody said anything about this. Nice write up. If i was a modder or had any skill in maya or something, id look into this. Maybe even a quick cut of a mix between a giant and man/orc body models scaled to be .5 or 1.2 times bigger than the biggest humanoid model. I like the way it sounds, anyway. Need more spawns that give off a viscious blood thirsty or cruel vibe. +1
Id download this without a doubt.
Yeah, i said it in another thread but Skyrim could rly use more companion/follower banter as you adventure like in Dragon Age Origins. One of the most enjoyable extras in the game was hearing their interactions
Good stuff. I made a thread that kind of touched on similar topics a while ago (Check it out here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/486798-improved-lawcrime-enforcement/page__p__3979807__hl__%2Bimproved+%2Bcrime__fromsearch__1#entry3979807) If you like any of the ideas, feel free to add em to your original post so there's more chance a modder sees them and works their magic to make it a reality! A "true yield" system is sooo needed. Options beyond that would be great too!
This idea would send immersion through the roof, honestly. Id love to see a modder tackle this. With a way to pick up posters or books that describe certain holidays. I imagine wandering into a town and seeing NPCs setting up for some festivities. Would make you go "Oh its that time of year again." Toss in a mini game or unique scripting and this would make an awesome mod, methinks. Great idea, honestly. +1!!!
Of course dmg would be scaled down to an approriate level. Would be cool if instead of shouts, they had something more like "yelps" which would be a smaller scale of dragonborns shouts. No steady flame or frost breaths but more like spitting a wave of whatever element the dragon is of. Itd be like q hiccup in comparison, but with encounters of dragonling packs, their smaller version of shout can still be a dangerous thing cuz u could keep getting pelted by the attack in a shorter recharge time.
Banter between companions like in Dragon Age Origins would be GREAT. Beth missed a serious opportunity for character development there.
Dragon vs Giant Eagle/Gryphon fights. +100
It'd be cool if there were dragonlings (smaller young dragons) that hunted in packs. Almost like velociraptors. Being swarmed by them and having to kill a pack of 5+ would be ridiculously cool. I think it would be seriously more scary and nerve-wracking to hear their call and know that you're about to be attacked. If they had some knock down skills by swooping, or could initiate an attack where they grab your shoulders with your feet and try to drag you away or carry you into the air....that crap would create some heart pounding moments lol. Stumbling on a dragon nest would be a "Oh. sh*t." moment for sure.
Yeah not every animal should be HUGE, but bigger mammoths are a must! haha (not sure if as big as the vids I posted, but that's just an example of how they could be.) Having dire animals would be actually pretty dang cool. It'd change things up to kill off a few wolves then see a big badass dire wolf bounding towards you. :D Dragons def need to be bigger as the dragon class increases. Would love to see some troll chieftans or something that are bigger versions of trolls. Maybe slightly different in the face or something too. I just think the beasts being bigger in some cases will give me more of that monster slayer to be feared vibe, rather than picking off weakling rabid wolves.
I think skills or perks for disguising could be spread out in different branches of character development. 1 example that comes to mind is in illusion. When you're disguised, having skill in illusion should help you do a jedi-mind trick on NPCs so they feel you look familiar and aren't quick to say "Hey, who are you?!" Speech could work in the same way when it comes to being witty enough to speak like a certain member of a faction would, or adopt mannerisms quickly that help make your disguise effective.
Another idea: After you bury your first companion/follower, a quest titled "Fallen Comrades" or something should trigger, which basically marks the location of the grave you dug and tells you whose grave it is when you hover over the marker with the cursor in map view. This would be cool to just see where you laid your friends to rest, but also could be used as a way to retrieve equipment you couldn't loot off of your follower at the time they died. I've heard that some residents of certain major towns get put into the hall of the dead where you can visit their grave and retrieve everything they had on them or something but I haven't seen it happen in my game yet. When revisiting a follower's grave, you could interact with the grave spot and it reacts like opening a barrel, where you can see the items the follower had on them and you can pick them up to do what you want with them. Would be also cool if random events spawned on gravesites where if you visited a followers grave, you might stumble upon grave robbers or bandits trying to dig up the grave. (They never actually get to the contents of the grave, though, you just catch them in the act or in the middle of the digging animation). Then you can deal with them as you see fit and dig another mass grave nearby for them to give your follower some company :D haha.
LE More Options for Giving Followers Commands
Kairo29 replied to tots0tater's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yeah. +1. If we're in combat, I can't order them to do anything. What's up with that? -
Everytime I see a mammoth, I wish it was big like in the Lord of the Rings movie. lol. I saw this video just now on youtube...I wish this was the standard (with appropriate animations and hitboxes of course): Baby mammoths could be the size of the current mammoths with smaller tusks.
was just wishing the other day that I could disguise myself. it would make assassinations so much better :D
Definitely cool!
+1 i really like this! Would be kinda cool to have a job line that.allows u to enlist as a guard. The questline would allow u to complete tasks, settle disputes in town ranging from funny to outright violent or disturbing, maybe protect the town from a monster horde or crazed giant. U could increase rank and eventually hold a position as commander or something where it opens up into tactical gameplay like giving orders during bandit attacks or hauling ppl off to jail after using a search warrant. And this type of quest could be in all towns with unique situations depending on area or geography or typical mobs, etc and released independently until all major towns have one released. Then a pack could be assembled :) Id love this.
Hmm intetesting stuff :) i think i like it. Gonna go google it!
I made a thread talking about burying the dead. I feel like such a tool leaving my loyal follower who took that arrow/magic bolt that was meant for me to the face rotting in a cave..lol. I want that so bad. The idea about putting markers at graves is also a great one.
Sometimes I feel like there could and should be a bigger variety in monster types in Elder Scrolls games, period. :/ I wonder if time and resource are the only reasons behind the number of non-human mobs present in the game world.