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Everything posted by sopp12

  1. Hello everyone. One day i picked up fallout 3 in a steam sale, but never got into it until a few days ago. Now im loving the game. But of course, bethesda screws a few game mechanics up that i just don't like. Its hard to search for good mods considering how long the game has been out. Now my question is, what are some good mods to roll with? I like fallout but, i don't want the entirety of the game to be changed, just some perks, maybe some better gun play/design. UI needs a little touching up as well. I have played skyrim so i am very familiar with installing and load order and such. So just throw some out there if you guys can.
  2. I was taking a look at the deadly dragons mod and thought, after im done with my first play through of skyrim which will be done shortly, i want to start a new character on master difficulty, but im NOT gonna do crafting. Now "Why?". I find crafting too tedious to even think about doing considering how much farming you have to do for materials and how long it will take to lvl up. Now i saw the other 2 mods that are made for deadly dragons, which is deadly dragons armory and spells, i figured they are lore friendly which they definately seem to be and if dragons are going to be that much of a challenge for me, i figured i'd need that stuff to help me with my master play through. Now my question is for anybody who has experience with this mod, do i NEED blacksmithing perks to make the deadly dragon armory stuff?
  3. Thanks for the info Xarrian, was wondering what the hell my spell was doing casting all my magicka away! xD
  4. Thats what i did a few times actually is lure them into those axe traps. But i have a question for you. I downloaded the dawnguard version of this mod, and newest one, and when i wanna cast an ability such as flames or sparks, it makes me continuously cast till im either halfway or out of mana. Cannot cancel it. Is this normal? I disabled the mod and played on normal, flames and sparks are the way they are suppose to be. Are they this way in the mod or another bizzare bug?
  5. Ugh, i actually figured it out. I did bleak falls barrow at lvl 3 with elven gear, and that was a pain in the ASS. Lawl
  6. Thanks for the dawnguard support btw! But i did the draugr thing you told me to do, it doesn't tell me it's current health. And i did chop down a draugr with 10 hits or so with a bound sword, health didn't go down a bit EDIT: Nvm i got to work, i see now, I need GEAR! xD
  7. Well, the Draugr are about twice to thrice as durable in terms of health as humans, meaning they have 500 Health points on average - using an appropriate weapon (axes or swords) will need about 10 hits to chop one down if it does not wear armor. It is cosmetic, however, indeed - just do the following; Find a Draugr or spawn it via the consol Open the consol Leftclick on the Draugr Type in: GetActorValue Health It then tells you the Draugrs health Not close the consol and hit him once Use GetActorValue Health You'll see that the Health does drop, but the bar just does not move until it has dropped to a certain point The new feature with wearing armor to increase the skill level seems to be not working properly, though it strangely does for myself - I do not get Skill Increases without wearing armor. Do you use the newest version of Skyrim? Yes i use the newest version of skyrim. "Well no dawnguard downloaded but the patch before that."
  8. Ah. I've also seemed to encounter a very bizzare bug. I downloaded the new version of requiem "Worked this time" and when i got on, i could just sit there, or kill stuff, and my heavy armor keeps increasing. Im not wearing ANY heavy armor and im not doing anything, yet it just keeps ramping up
  9. OHHH, i see what you meant. But no, it actually is bugged. Its not cosmetic. The health bar does eventually go down. Unless that just means it has a ridiculously high life span.
  10. What do you mean it's no bug? Quite confused on that one. Explain?
  11. Also, can't update to the new version because the file does not exist apparently :S
  12. Found a bug which is mod breaking for the main story. Drauger's in bleak falls barrow are invincible for a great amount of hits until they are actually vurnerable, i tried several tactics and they're health won't go down until a large number of hits
  13. Im redownloading skyrim and actually going to play it just because i just found out about the requiem mod. Really like the oldschool RPG feel. But anywho. Does the requiem mod support dawnguard yet? I heard yes, i heard no. And confused.. I won't need it right away considering the difficulty ramp up with requiem, but crossbows would be nice. So depending if yes/no would change my decision in downloading dawnguard right away
  14. Thats the point, some people prefer the annoyance.
  15. Hello, my name is sopp. And i have never seen a realism mod yet. What i mean by realism is. Lets say i shoot an arrow to someones face, it lands in their skull. I expect that person to actually drop dead and not come back, unless ofc they don't have a brain such as draugur's. Weather conditions, speed of wind, so and so. I don't expect someone to instantly recover when i set them on fire with flames or a fire ball. I don't expect people to be running towards me when i shoot an arrow in their knee, they should be struggling to walk. Bleeding to death on yourself, feeding yourself. Keeping yourself warm and clothed. Im sure you guys get the idea.
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