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Ummm hello there! Well I have a little problem with the Creation Set, you see when the file that im making loads it shows all the objects in the places Ive put them. BUT!!!! then when like 2 or 3 minutes (It depends) the creation set like "erase"the objects, but is now that it deletes them...no because when I double click on the exact place the object needs to be it appears back since I have the angle box database and when I I put "OK" on the box the object disapears again. Then when I test the mod there are some objects that I put that are invincible just like the thing that is happeneing to me with the creation set. I hope you can help me because Ive looked everywere and couldnt find any website with the solution to this problem. Well may you all have a nice day!:))))))
Umm hello there! Well I have a little question: How can I change the files called "plugins" to "Master Files"? I ask this because a friend helped me on the making of many armors and he gave me the file in esp. and I dont want to do the process that he did to put them in the Creation Set since is for a mod im making so its a separated file. You see there are not 2 armors or 3...no no no there are 10 full sets of armor. Also I ask this because ive seen many modders have their created mods in esm. and I cant find an answer in the Internet. Please Help me and may u have a good day!:)
Ok well in my mod, well im stuck cause I dont know how to do the spawning an object at a certain momment... Ok this is part of my mod: You are in Hell's Grove Sanctum You enter with a group of soldiers since theworld is in the brink of death. So yes you are with paladins and you are their commander. You fight the forsaken thing down in the area and you keep going. Then when you fight the boss and wounds it couse its dead and can only be killed at the momment by a higher darker power dissapears. Now you are here to find a relic that shall open the gate to his land. So my problem is that I have all the stages done till the one that you kill the boss because I want that on that momment the relic appears in your eyes, but I dont find any tutorial doing this. Also ive seen this done on gamplays like on Fallout 3 and Skyrim at sertain points. Ok and ill repeat again so if you didnt understand. I want to make the relic appear in the same room at the same momment or a close momment when you killed boss, but dont know how to do that. Plz help. Also may you all have good day.
Well since this is one of the starting ages of a great mod ( I mean in landscape...etc). Well in the past few hours ive been tryng to get my summonable horse working, you see I cant ride it. So my question is How can I make me horse rideable? Plz help me
Well since this is one of the starting ages of a great mod ( I mean in landscape...etc). Well in the past few hours ive been tryng to get my summonable horse working, you see I cant ride it. So my question is How can I make me horse rideable? Plz help me
Well since this is one of the starting ages of a great mod ( I mean in landscape...etc). Well in the past few hours ive been tryng to get my summonable horse working, you see I cant ride it. So my question is How can I make me horse rideable? Plz help me
Ok well Ive seen the few videos of this topic and thanks by that now I know how to summon an item of the game as dragons, beras,npcs etc... Still I want to create a spell that summons a mount (Horse) so I could ride it. Now by this you may guess my question... Question: What is all the things that I must do in the creation kit so that my horse never disapears by the timeline? In other words: How can I get my horse to disapear only if he is killed in action not by spell time?
LE Compled Info: Wrath of the King
LightForce101 replied to LightForce101's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
thx -
Srry for a second post but this one shows all the story...( Something came out) Idea From: This idea is from the games of "Warcraft" and The Lich King Armor from Jojjo and a mod that expands Skyrim to the other provinces of Tamriel. Mod Name Idea: Wrath of the King Type: A BIG Story Line Quests Gives: This mod gives the player these things: *A new main quest *New locations *New weapons *More decisions *More Fate Decisions *New armors *New NPC *New secondary quests *Controlling a massive army *The rise of the Paladins *New Classes *New Races *New Dungeons *I will try to do a type of dungeons and raids *New factions *A Great War *And many other things I cant remmember...lol Storyline: Well you've just finished all the quests from Skyrim or just the main quest. Now you dont have anything to do exept walking around, but then a courrier gives you a letter from an unknown person. This person want you to meet at Riften at night, so you go a see what he wants. Then when you see him he is "alarmed" by something and then you get hit by someone and fade out. Then the day after you wake up at a room in a castle (Solicitude) and you see 4 guards watching you includin an old man, that you think is a doctor. Then that man talks to you, until you finish with him his conversation. When you finish he tells someone to come in and the person that enters is an old man that looks like a king, he then tells you, Son... and you start talking to him. Now you know he is your father and that the Jarl of Solicitude is your sister. Now you have the castle. Chapter two: You are being prepared to be royal prince, but then you hear some rumors that there is a separation of factions. Then some events happen and then you know that the imperials, nords, bretons are now a new faction "The Alliance" and that the dark elves, orcs, and trolls are another faction "The Horde". Now the other races are neutral. Now is a time of crisis and by some events a war arises in the borders of Tamriel. You arise with your army and fight against the horde, by your father will. Then many quests happen till you eliminate the horde from Skyrim. The horde gets to skyrim by the elves. Chapter 3: Now you hear that by the mountains the Horde shall attack The forsts of Stratholme and you ask your father for more reinforcement and he gives you what you plea. Then you get your army to Stratholme even tho there are some imperials in the area. The battles arises and your decisions count like the begining. Then when you are figthing you see a new race "The Night Elves" that apear and since they see you fightin the horde they fight with ya. Then when all is over you talk to them. Then when you finish talking to their leader...youve made a threaty with them. Chapter 4 Now since there in time you will notice that there wont be horde comming, and now you can move. Beyond the cave lies a path, this one leads to another forest, but on a bigger area. At one part of the place lies a teleport that will lead you to the Night Elves City. This part include fighting and all that, but the point of this point is to get safe and get reinsforcements at the city. This because at this point you can move your troops to Skyrim by the heavy force of the horde. Chapter 5 You have your army now is time to strike Skyrim Borders. Since your enemies know where you will attack and kill you easily, you get there in another way. Still to pass it you must send MANY men/women to this battle in which it will be a great one. Now you enter and must build a keep in the area. Chapter 6 Now at a point the horde is being attacked a two points North and South since your men at the keep are moving. Many days and quests pass and you make it to Solicitude, even tho the war is goin. You enter and your father greets. Now you get a night rest and in the next day a new quest shall appear. You doo it and a creature appears in the throne room sayng that the doom shall appear, a pleague, something evil and all will start in Stratholme. Even tho your fathers does not believes it, you do and then you ask your guards to find the creature and bring it to your knees. You talk with him and you know the future. Chapter7 You tell your father that Stratholme and the world is in danger, he negates you. So you go there by your own will. You arrive and then is too late, You must kill the citizens. You start, but then they turn undead and a fight for the city happens. A long and risky mission, but is for your people. When you finish all the things you had to do you see a demon and you say that you shall go after it. You then give orders to your soldiers to slay the remaining dead. Chapter 8 Since luckily your men survived you get your best and go to the demons land a frozen waste far away from Skyrim. You fallow a series of adventures to get to the demon place.....(Lack of intel, I need Jojjo aproval, the one i posted on the commenst of the page of his mod.) Well I know is really similar to Warcraft and all that, but there is much to it, much more.
Idea From: This idea is from the games of "Warcraft" and The Lich King Armor from Jojjo and a mod that expands Skyrim to the other provinces of Tamriel. Mod Name Idea: Wrath of the King Type: A BIG Story Line Quests Gives: This mod gives the player these things: *A new main quest *New locations *New weapons *More decisions *More Fate Decisions *New armors *New NPC *New secondary quests *Controlling a massive army *The rise of the Paladins *New Classes *New Races *New Dungeons *I will try to do a type of dungeons and raids *New factions *A Great War *And many other things I cant remmember...lol Storyline: Well you've just finished all the quests from Skyrim or just the main quest. Now you dont have anything to do exept walking around, but then a courrier gives you a letter from an unknown person. This person want you to meet at Riften at night, so you go a see what he wants. Then when you see him he is "alarmed" by something and then you get hit by someone and fade out. Then the day after you wake up at a room in a castle (Solicitude) and you see 4 guards watching you includin an old man, that you think is a doctor. Then that man talks to you, until you finish with him his conversation. When you finish he tells someone to come in and the person that enters is an old man that looks like a king, he then tells you, Son... and you start talking to him. Now you know he is your father and that the Jarl of Solicitude is your sister. Now you have the castle. Chapter two: You are being prepared to be royal prince, but then you hear some rumors that there is a separation of factions. Then some events happen and then you know that the imperials, nords, bretons are now a new faction "The Alliance" and that the dark elves, orcs, and trolls are another faction "The Horde". Now the other races are neutral. Now is a time of crisis and by some events a war arises in the borders of Tamriel. You arise with your army and fight against the horde, by your father will. Then many quests happen till you eliminate the horde from Skyrim. The horde gets to skyrim by the elves. Chapter 3: Now you hear that by the mountains the Horde shall attack The forsts of Stratholme and you ask your father for more reinforcement and he gives you what you plea. Then you get your army to Stratholme even tho there are some imperials in the area. The battles arises and your decisions count like the begining. Then when you are figthing you see a new race "The Night Elves" that apear and since they see you fightin the horde they fight with ya. Then
Hello all! Ok well to let you all know im still new in this...so srry for a lot of writting 1. Creation Set Well I dont know if i will get a lot of information here, even tho there is a thread in these forums, but ill still try. Well I heard a long time ago, but I cant say if is true, but I heard that on Fallout 3 there was a hold up of like 2 week to the creation set to be on the website of Bethesda, and this this thing that I heard was the only thing keeping me waiting. Also the voice problem that Oblivion creation set has. The point of this message is that its been like 2 months and there is no Creation Set for Skyrim and im getting "tired", but im not hasty,for now. So... * Will there be a Creation Set, yes or no? *What is the date? Plz I beg I...I ask this because I saw a mod on the Nexus that a person made that its a bout a house that is added to the game, but its in a part of the forest...so ho did he/she did that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also... If I may...I asked on the forums Skyrim Mods Troubleshooting, but no help by lack of information. Well here it goes: Well I have Oblivion for PC. Many days before Skyrim was on stores I started creating my first mod and it was a circle, a yellow circle, in wich is a piece of armor. And all of what I heard you can like retexture an armor of the game to be the circle. I mean like I have the glass armor and I have the Yellow Circle Armor and then I move the meshes and Textures of the Yellow Circle Armor to the Glass Armor. So how can I do it? Plz Im frustrated ive tried for a long time.
Help with updating of my Oblivion mod for Skyrim
LightForce101 replied to LightForce101's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well the pogram I used is art of illusion. -
Hello all! I come here because I need help with a mod that I created for Oblivion a long time ago. Now I know what you think that, why the .... I would talk about an Oblivion mod in The Skyrim Forums. Well im in the correct place you see since this mod I would like to put it in Skyrim by retexturing an armor of the game. Now the questions are: How to update the armor of my mod of Oblivion to put it in the corresponding version on NifSkope? Do I need a 3d Modeling Pogram for it? ( I have Art of Modeling ) If I need another 3d pogram what is the procesure to update the armor) Now since im somewhat new in doing new armors and I acciedentally deleted Oblivion, well that armor is a circle...well atleast my character is humanoid pacman...lol. Plz help
Well, I was playing earlier in the evening and it got to me... I mean, well the game has dragons as Alduin The World Eater, right? and what about the undead, the snow, the rocks, the tombs, the spiders, the antroaches, AHHHHH all! Well ok here's what I got so far and to let you all know im a WoW fan. Ok why not a mod that will go like this: The mod will be a quest mod, but a story. You are the only one that can defeat him Malganis, and here you know you are a prince so you embark a quest to defeat Malganis. So you go to new lands as Northern and kill him and everything your path and you find the sword. You come back to your fathers kingdom, but they knew your arrival and still your fathers love was not much to sent the orders ti kill you on the gates, and since you are still mortal the "Voice" tells you to leave and that in the future you will slay everyone that opposed you and tried to kill you. You get to Northern and become the Lich King.BUT!!!! don thing thats the end. You then when you wake up from the throne you start a new quest to rise an army of undead and you rise your dragon and start the pleague over Northern so then you get to Skyrim, or another place because im thing on putting another place, and you start the war. Now you must controll everything you have wisely because the war wont last like 30 days just much more, also because your enemies may arrive at your castle gates and "destroy" you. Now please say what you think, thats all. And I think that thats just the begining of the mod. I hope the Creation Kit is able to download shortly like tomorow or so, but Bethesda has to do what it has to do.
Well in the last topic I wrote I asked for some help and I got it so you all have my thanks, so I learned how to edit and create new armor and how to edit the armor of the game ...but! there is a question that is bothering me that is pointing at some mods that ive seen that other moders do that are the ones that they change the textures of the armor.(Example: The Dragonebone Armor is changed to the same armor but in a more daedric color).So I ask here, if I may this 1. How can I change the textures of an armor that is on the game to the one that ive created and seen?( I use Nif Skope) 2. Can I, well I dont know how to put this, Can I "change" an armor of the game to be one of my newly created armors? Well, thats all. May everyone have a good day!