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jaffa5 replied to Irishwolven1's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Just discovered this thread. I've had this same exact idea for a while now too. it's a shame no one has made this mod a reality yet.- 6 replies
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I also made the switch tro skse and SkyUI 5.SE. I've also seen a dramatic increase in the time it take the bug to appear as i have stated a few posts back (its still present but only after a long crafting session). Also the only DLL loader i'm using is the one for SE fixes. I have never used uncapper of Achievments enabler. as for your crash near dayspring canyon It's most likely casued by a mod that has added something to that area. I had the same problem near Dustman's cairn with the mod Death mountain SE, it caused a CTD anytime i walked in to the area the mod had changed. from what i have read the CTD could have been caused by meshes from the mod not being optimised for SE but i havent confirmed this as i chose to just remove the mod. after i removed the mod the CTD's in that area stopped. so if you know of any of the mods you have installed change or add to that area then i'd investigate those.
I don't know what to say but i have now played for 5 hours straight with out the bug showing up. I could be getting lucky but i doubt it. I'm currently 187 hours in to this playthrough and the bug has been there from the start and the longest i ever got before it showed up was an hour. since i installed skse I've not had the bug show up in a 2 hour and 5 hour sessions. so what ever was causing the bug for me skse seems to have solved. I believe I mimicked said post to confirm SKSE was not the fix. Ok so he's right SKSE dosent stop the bug. it reappered after a long crafting session. however i have seen a dramatic increase in the time before the bug appears. I don't know if this increase is due to skse or skyui 5 as i installed them both at the same time. I'm now at a point where my game is playable for 5+ hours aslong as i don't spend too long in the crafting window.
I made a post about this a few pages back and found that SKSE64 does not fix the bug. I don't know what to say but i have now played for 5 hours straight with out the bug showing up. I could be getting lucky but i doubt it. I'm currently 187 hours in to this playthrough and the bug has been there from the start and the longest i ever got before it showed up was an hour. since i installed skse I've not had the bug show up in a 2 hour and 5 hour sessions. so what ever was causing the bug for me skse seems to have solved.
Jaffa I've posted my previous MO2 loadout earlier in the thread I'm not sure if SKSE mods were the issue then, I don't rightly remember how many SKSE mods I have in my current loadout but according to expired6978, authour of EFF and one of the SKSE team, who I brought this issue up with said that redundant SKSE scripts should not cause an issue and are safe as they have no code to run them. And if that was the case why then are, as I have mentioned before, are some PS$ and Xbone users getting the same issue as us when there are no SKSE mods available for and have been ported to those consoles? :sad: :mad: :dry: :ermm: :huh: I figured as much but lately i have been getting the bug appearing after 20/30 minutes. however it never appeared after 2 hours of play this last session. The only change i have made between the bug apearing in 20 minutes and the last play session was adding skse and skyui 5.
OK so the last few days i have been playing with SKSE64 and SkyUI5. as soon as i launched my game i had 13 MCM menues register with skse from mods offically ported to SE months ago before skse was out. i have also played for 2 hours tonight and have not had the bug appear. This makes me think that any mod ported over to SE that did not remove skse scripts are the ones that are causeing the bug. say a script that is 95% vanilla but uses a skse variable but obviously that wouldn't work in vanilla so the script fails and that ends up messing up the script engine. this seems like a logical explination to me Can some one else try running SKSE64 and see if they get the same results. I plan on playing a long 6 hour session later tonight so i will let you know if the bug appears in those 6 hours. Fingers crossed it doesn't.
Has anyone opened the last offical update to see what changes it makes regarding UI or strings as i noticed a few people mention that they first got the bug after the last update earlier in the thread. maybe i'll try running my load order with the offical update disabled and try some crafting and see if the bug still triggers.
So i have recently noticed that some of the mods that i have installed aren't having their animations triggered like they are supposed to. I'm unsure if this is connected to the bug or not but i find it odd all the same. for example i have ported over guard dialog over haul and respectful guard animations from old rim. whats supposed to happen is that guards salute you when they say lines such as "hail companion" but the animation doesn't trigger. the animation for this is in the vanilla game. anyone else noticed this aswell? Also i noticed in one of the descriptions of a mod (can't remember which one now sorry) that its been updated to take advantage of skse64 when it's released and they mentioned it skse will help the mod avoid over full level lists. so could this be the source of our bug for those of us that get it via crafting?
I'm using Avast Antivirus but i only use the free version so i don't have the ransomware protection activated as that is only for paid users so that shouldn't be what is causing this issue.
finally some one who has video proof of the bug! shame you didn't show reloading the save you made after the bug appeared proving that it was fine but still this is great. don't know why we never thought to record the bug appearing before. @Gothpunk4Christ yeah Re-saver usually shows nothing for me aswell unless i have removed a mod. I just have got in to the habit of checking it every time the bug appears. i'm mostly checking to see how high script and script instances count currently is. i have tried running SKSE64 but i couldn't get it to work with Mod organizer so i can't test it with my load order.
I'm glad SKSE has finally has been released. I'm still hoping that it'll be the solution to our bug problem or the skse team will find the source of the bug while they are reverse enginering the game code. anyway update on the bug in my game. i'm now 130-ish hours in to my playthrough. i recently managed to play for about 4-6 hours in one session while i played through the forgotten city mod. so I can confirm that the bug doesn't seem to appear in mod added locations. i'll point out however i didn't do any crafting in those 4-6 hours while i played through the quest mod (crafting has always triggered the bug for me.) removing quest mods after i have finished them and cleaning my save in RE-saver seems to have helped delay the bug even longer. personally i have noted that once i get around 210 esp/esm mark that the bug starts to appear more quickly. however if i am around the 200 mark, I can consistently get a solid 1-2 hours unless i start crafting (which has always caused the bug to appear almost instantly for me.) I also removed The Recorder companion mod, mainly because she was starting to get on my tits, and also because when the bug appeared it caused her to try and fight me if i accedently hit her during combat (or i punched her for standing in my way yet again tallking about how the theifs in riften stole her sweetroll for the 9th time in 20 minutes). Anyone else have modded companions AI go nuts when the bug appeared?
damn i was kind of hoping SKSE would be the silver bullet to kill this bug off. out of curiosity could the bug be cause by mods that have been ported over that haven't had their SKSE scripts removed? I imagine that some of the heavier scripted mods could have over looked one or two uses of skse scripts in their mods. I know that the scripts wouldn't work as intended but i wonder if it could be the source of the bug. I admit though that i don't know anthing about scripting so i'm just tossing out yet another theory based on what limited information we have.
I guess we just have to cross our fingers and hope the SKSE64 team some how find and fix this bug while looking at the base code for when they eventually release SKSE64. unless one of use stumble ass backwards in to a solution in the mean time. guess i'm just going to have to rome a couple of my heavier scripted mods and merge what i can to get my ESP count down.
My first playthrough was about 60 hours with a lot of the mods people are claiming cause the bug to appear fater for them. the bug first appeared for me after installing (skyui 2_2). i do however allways have subtitles turned on and i never ecperianced the bug before installing skyui. I had Better Dialogue Controls/ better messge box controls installed before installing SkyUI with no problems also. i currently have SkylightUI installed and i get the corruption bug.
Wooh, 44k strings, is that a fresh game? I'm level 27 in my current run and still at 34.3K. By all means if this were a scripting/strings type of issue I would imagine I should be ok, but it doesn't seem that way. I do find it strange, while at level 27 (wish I could see total played time) 237 plugins 34,330 strings 5,590 scripts 83,380 script instances Is this maybe because I'm a lot further into the game time-wise? I expect some numbers to increase, and strings, I imagine, swell and increase during actual gameplay but probably revert to a "base" state on exit or something? My previous setups weren't much more than this as far as strings, and I ran a lot of resource intensive stuff. This is also without Warzones and Genesis. Unfortunately though I also haven't been able to get much free time, spent all day today and yesterday working on stuff in a nearby territory I'm having to cover because our other techs can't get over there anymore, with being under water and whatnot. Fortunately, 3 day weekend. I'm also level 27 i've playeyed 76 hours but i have a lot more script incance than you. 208 Plugins (cut down from 213 i had been playing with for the first 70 hours.) 49105 Strings 8333 Scripts 161035 Script instances I'm playing with a lot of script heavy mods. but i have found the bug gets worse the more pluggins i have. as i recently removed a bunch of weapon and armour mods and a couple player homes i was not using and noticed my bug took longer to appear. I also noted that a large number of the mods i have have loose files rather than BSA's in the data folder, obviously some of the mods are ones i have self ported to SSE from oldrim. Is it possible that this could be causing the game problems. do you guys think it's convering the loose files to BSA's and seeing if the bug persists?