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About Caille

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    Skyrim, SW:TOR Beta

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  1. I think I will join you guys over there. Can it be done? Yes. Will it be tough. Hell yes! Will it be worth it? Fook yes! I would be content if we could get two players in one Skyrim, more than that would be gorgeous. Alexis *smiles*
  2. http://project-skyrim.forum.com.bz/f23-soul-of-the-garou-nation We are now a community accepted project over at ProjectSkyrim. Feel free to visit our forum over there, and feel more than free to contact me if you wish to help in any way. Alexis *smiles*
  3. I have neither that nor a ENB patch. Yet sometimes I get the same effect. Think it is a game issue. Alexis *smiles*
  4. TFSakon, you are thinking along the right lines. Elders will look different in gear at the VERY least. Jump needs reworking for Lupus, Hispo, Crinos and Glabro and Stealth will be important to some tribes, moreso than others. Will check out Sourceforge and Ultiman666's sites tomorrow, if not I will grab up a domain and set up something basic myself. Alexis *smiles*
  5. Ok, just thought I would drop in an update. I am going to be setting up a project forum today for this once I figure out a decent site to set one up at. Once we have a project forum we can start to figure out what we can get done early and what will need the SDK. Alexis *smiles*
  6. Excellent resource, will see what I cannot do with it. Glyphs were what I planned to write Garou Howls into stones with anyways. Alexis *smiles*
  7. Me personally, I meant locally. I could give less than two poodoo piles about playing with anyone other than my spouse. Who obviously lives with me. Alexis *smiles*
  8. I would be happy with a mod than enabled me to play with one other person. Heck I would drop real life dollars on such a mod if such a mod existed. My spouse and I love these games and the only lament is we cannot play together. We could care less about a MMO type environ, just the two of us. Alexis *smiles*
  9. Shoot me one via Yahoo if you'd like. I am just sitting her medicated, contemplating if I want to do some textures tonight or start some models. With the CK coming soon my own mod will be kicking into high gear, and as soon as my mouth heals from surgery I will be getting setting appropriate voice samples out to mod makers. Admittedly a Nord voice is new to me, the Breton, Imperial, or any other race I can do with much more ease, but I am excited to master a new accent. Once I can talk without my upper palate feeling like its going to rip apart. Alexis *smiles(
  10. [email protected] is my Yahoo IM Always open to chatting with fellow modders. Alexis *smiles*
  11. Oh my goodness, good work! I would like to sign up to be one of your testers for female armor if you are still looking for testers? Alexis *smiles*
  12. There will certainly be rank restricted gear. If such can be managed. But yea the large Garou wielding a fang dagger or spirit fetish in one hand and Klaive in the other, in full totemic gear, is not to be trifled with. Not sure if we can do look to rank changes and they were never really a part of WW:TA. Alexis *smiles*
  13. Skyrim Script Extender has been released in beta development format. One step closer. Alexis *smiles*
  14. Made these changes to my ini, and the game now just teleports arrows to farther away targets, auto aim is still kicking in. If people can find out how to disable it I would be greatly appreciative of it. This ruins all the ground I "thought" I was making as a good archer. Alexis *smiles*
  15. I am aware that we will need to wait for the Script Extender for many of the more ambitious features. But I would rather make the mod right even if it takes a year than make a mod I am not proud to have made. Alexis *smiles*
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