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Everything posted by 0xFailsafe

  1. The helmet flashlight points too low when aiming in third person, I imagine it is a .nif or an animation, and I have tried to fix it on my own by editing the file that I believe is glowlightcone36wide.nif, but I have not been able to do so.
  2. This works, but it's not necessary to unpack your BSA file, just create new folders into your Data directory: Dawnguard\Data\Textures\actors\character\female and paste here your dds files. (I include femaleheadvampire.dds, femaleheadvampire_msn.dds and femaleheadvampire_sk.dds)
  3. Ok, tested without mods, Survival Stimpaks still heal broken limbs.
  4. Then I must have some mod with conflicts in Survival Mode, because Stimpaks heal the limbs at the moment :/ I was afraid it was hardcoded xD Thanks for your answer.
  5. Since Survival mode [F4] was launched, mods of drugs and limbs don't work, I'm trying to create one of my own, but I can not make stimpaks that not cure limbs in Survival mode, any ideas? I've tried removing the Effect/Conditions about limbs and reducing the Magnitude value, but without success. Thanks.
  6. In response to post #36264185. #36272420, #36280400, #36281620, #36294745, #36295480, #36307360, #36313620, #36340025, #36344490, #36347635, #36348020, #36368590, #36372830, #36372990, #36373850, #36382245, #36384055, #36384285, #36385985, #36391440, #36414355, #36422860, #36433295 are all replies on the same post. Do you feel so alone, right, Eruadur?
  7. Nope, should I paint it? That would make sense.
  8. I'm doing a mod of eyes, but I have encountered this problem on eyelashes. The alpha layer doesn't seem to be the problem. http://s21.postimg.org/pbya18bcn/Captura_de_pantalla_2016_01_20_12_21_02.png
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