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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Equipping Overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49784/?
  2. I remember seeing a mod that altered the meshes of vanilla weapons to make them skinnier. The glass dagger feels like a cleaver in my hand.
  3. Bummer. Any chance you'll pick that back up? The post was almost a year ago, how far did you get?
  4. The Live Another Life mod allows you to start in the Thalmor embassy if you're a High Elf. Unfortunantly, there's nothing in-game you can really do from there. Mods that add quests I've seen pertaining to the Thalmor all involve wiping them out. I've tried doing some roleplay, pretending I'm a covert agent of sorts, assassinating NPC's I find out are Talos worshippers thanks to the No Essentials and Sneak Tools mods. But I just wish there was more. Are there any mods that add dialog options, where I can do stuff like openly accuse people of violating the White-Gold Concordat, making them hostile and thus can be killed without pennalty? There are a few mods that add Thalmor companions, so it'd be awesome to roll through Skyrim as a proper Inquisitor.
  5. I was thinking about something like this the other day, though it was limited to #6. The one thing that bothered me most about vampirism in TES games (or at least the ones I've played: Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim) is that vampires somehow get more powerful the less they feed, and somehow turn back into a fledgling as soon as they have a sip of blood. All those other fancy doodads are nice and all, but modding it so all the bonuses start off at well fed, while keeping the compounding weaknesses as you starve would make playing a vampire worthwhile. I tried it with my thief/assassin character, and almost immediately looked for the guy who could cure it.
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