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About Plasquar

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  1. I really like aplestormys Towns and Villages: Enhanced mod. On nexus I can only find single towns for download, but on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=79384336) there exists a collection. I do have some problems with the steam site, so I can't download there. Is there another download link for the complete collection other than steam?
  2. Thanks a lot. Just wondering, I've played as a mage before and never saw someone in Winterhold who would follow me...
  3. he guys, where can I find a good magician follower? Please no lists with all available followers, those contain to much spoilers.
  4. He guys, I'm playing as an archer and I put poison on my bow every now and then. But it is gone after 2 shots? that can't be all? I tried adding the perk that poison last longer on weapons, but all I have are 2 shots?
  5. *bump Please, I want to use more than just the Skyrim HD 2k mod.
  6. I saw the DLC fix and now I'm wondering, if you can use Skyrim HD 2K and other texture mods. I am using the 2k HD mod and a few others, like realistic water and skyrim nights. What does skyrim load? The textures from the 2k mod or the other mods?
  7. A short question... I am using the HD DLC from Bethesda and a few others (the HD Pack is the only one affecting graphics). Now I want to use "Realistic Water Textures and Terrain". Can I use both of them? What about other graphic mods? Which ones will use Skyrim, when the HD Pack and others are installed?
  8. the mod actually enhanced the graphics quite a bit trough this file. i would prefer to keep this, isn't this resolvable by changing an option from =0 to =1?
  9. I installed some mods, one of them overwrited the skyrimPrefs.ini file. can someone upload the original? i have the following problem: no questmarkers are shown ingame and all the messages like "completed quest XY" are shown on the screen. the only thing i found in the .ini file is the "showquestmarkes", but this is set to = 1. can someone upload it or tell me, what i have to change to get things to normal? ingame questmarkes are marked as active.
  10. I just was curious if skyrim would recognize a folder created by me... ok i'll just create it
  11. Ehm, there is no "textures" folder in the data folder? Do i simply have to create it?
  12. steam is installed there as well also my system drive is d: not c:
  13. is it enough to just open them and instantly closing them by pressing "tab"? Or is there a book that requieres to read a few pages until it does anything?
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