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About GrimyGhost

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  1. i have also seen the crash into mountain deth.. and its always in the same place.. The E3 demo had a player getting attacked by a giant and then a dragon swoops down and picks the giant up.. taking it into the air then droping it, im begining to wounder if it was 'false advertisment' on Beths part to make the dragon fights look more epic then they are.
  2. Have any of you guys actualy seen a dragon pick anyone up like it did in the E3 video when it picks the giant up? i have battled around 25 dragons now and not seen it happen.. Plus can dragons crash land anywere? or is it in scripted locations? so far they always seem to crash in the same location for me.
  3. what i imagine could be done easy with the CK is just cutting to the enemy when the arrow hits him and just have him fall in slow-mo... that would be better than what we have now atleast..
  4. same problem here... hopefully it gets sorted.. This and a strange sound bug i get (now and then my audio totaly messes up and i get white noise when people speak or i move the camera)
  5. Mods that should return: I feel as tho we need a new 'Imperial Furniture' Store.. maybe Skyrim Furniture?? it made house owning 10x more fun... 'Basic Needs' realy improved roll playing and added that little bit of extra difficulty thats needed.. 'Bed rolls' are handy.. i for one am a hunter and it gets painfull having to travel back to a city every night to sleep.. 'get wet' i loved because of the added realism, 'bloody mess' too... loved having to take a dip in the lake to clean myself of after a fight. any other sugestions guys?
  6. Hi all, im new to the forum but have been using nexus for a long time now, i have a few Questions about Skyrim.. so here goes... 1.Do werewolves travel around the world? (would i ever come across them as a random encounter? if not i hope someone makes a Mod for it) 2.How many dungeons/caves/ruins are there? im lvl 26 now and im getting a bit worried that if i do to many of them now i will run out of things to do fast.. (i have done 34) 3.Are there any shops that sell daggers and hoods? so far the only hood i have come across is the one from the intro area.. and only seem to come across iron/steel daggers in shops.. 4.Were are the unlimited quests? when i first began playing the game NPC's would come up to me and ask me to find them swords or kill bandits... it hasnt happend now for 20 odd hours of playing. 5.anyway to fix the Riften thane quest? i have to return to the jarl to be named thane but she has now conversion for it.. ( i own the house and have tried talking to the steward aswell) 6.Is it possible to marry Suzanna the wicked? if so how? Thanks for taking the time to read this :biggrin:
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