Hi all, im new to the forum but have been using nexus for a long time now, i have a few Questions about Skyrim.. so here goes... 1.Do werewolves travel around the world? (would i ever come across them as a random encounter? if not i hope someone makes a Mod for it) 2.How many dungeons/caves/ruins are there? im lvl 26 now and im getting a bit worried that if i do to many of them now i will run out of things to do fast.. (i have done 34) 3.Are there any shops that sell daggers and hoods? so far the only hood i have come across is the one from the intro area.. and only seem to come across iron/steel daggers in shops.. 4.Were are the unlimited quests? when i first began playing the game NPC's would come up to me and ask me to find them swords or kill bandits... it hasnt happend now for 20 odd hours of playing. 5.anyway to fix the Riften thane quest? i have to return to the jarl to be named thane but she has now conversion for it.. ( i own the house and have tried talking to the steward aswell) 6.Is it possible to marry Suzanna the wicked? if so how? Thanks for taking the time to read this :biggrin: