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About mroboto2016

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  1. Yup. Windows creators update. I hadn't played the game for a while after the update, and I figured it was a link error. Thanks for the advice about the mklink command. I will now have to check it out.
  2. I had originally installed Fallout 4 on my SSD. When it became crowded, I used Steam Mover to move it to my secondary drive. Everything was fine until I let windows upgrade. Somehow it broke the link, and now the game won't run. Steam wants to update the files, and can't because it's still looking for the files on my SSD. My only thought is to move everything back to the SSD, but I lack the space. Any Ideas?
  3. O.K. I've got 900 hours on this game. It won't run at all now. I had used Steam Mover to run the game from my secondary "D:" drive because my SSD was getting too full. Everything was fine. I hadn't played it for a while, and in the meantime I updated to the new version of windows. I think it must have broke the link to where the files are located, as Steam keeps trying to update the remaining files that were originally on my "C:" drive, and failing. Any Ideas short of clearing out the "C:" drive an move it all back?
  4. I wanted to extract and burn a cd of the jetfuel radio songs. I got them extracted, and they show up as a .wav format, I can play them using VLCPlayer, but they include the intos and start out stuttering. I like the intros and such, but would like just the songs. Anyone? I can't get them to play with anything else to burn them. Cool songs though. I found most of them on youtube, but not all.
  5. I had the CK working from the Bethesda launcher previously, although trying to edit dialogue was next to impossible. It runs from the local file, but crashes from the launcher, telling me I have to validate the game files, which I did. Still won't start. Anyone? Still looking for answers on crashing on dialogue edit also.
  6. I had an earlier post about crashing on dialogue editing. Still no answers. I take it some of you can actually use this thing? I can't even get past basic dialogue editing without crashing. Exception handling seems to be missing.
  7. I was following Seddon's tutorial videos step by step. just entering new dialogue is crashing every time. Anyone have a suggestion? I made 2 NPCs (hookers), that have a basic dialogue, but trying to add additional dialogue crashes.
  8. Not even trying audio at this point. Just trying to get a basic interface going.
  9. I tried adding alternate text for random responses. As soon as I hit OK, crash. I was able to edit player/NPC dialogue by checking the "Minor edit" tab, but just trying to add dialogue to an existing NPC statement, even checking the minor edit tab, crashes every time. Very frustrating. Tried about everything so far. I know the CK's still in beta, but still. Only working on a single, simple NPC. Works in game so far, but needs more dialogue and dialogue options.
  10. Answering my own question here. The little check box at the bottom that says "minor edit". Click it. Go figure.
  11. I've been trying to learn the dialogue system. I can enter dialogue, and it all seems to work in the game, but if I try to re-edit the dialogue, it keeps crashing every time I hit OK. I've tried deleting the text first, same crash. I can edit the topic OK, but not the actual dialogue.
  12. yes, I know I did it wrong.. I previously had the file as: SResourceDataDirsFinal=. I had problems with it not loading certain meshes. It seemed to work having \MESHES, etc. enabled, until I messed up the files when relocating them to a different drive. I ran it as: SResourceDataDirsFinal=, and still get the same result. And : bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 is set.
  13. Ok. I wanted to upgrade to a SSD. I thought I backed up all my game files, etc. I can run Fallout 4 off the new SSD, or off the saved game off old HD, but I'm missing something now. I was running numerous mods, some of which seem to still work, NMM shows the Plugins, but not the Mods. Re-installed the Homemaker Mod,which now show up under Mods, but the objects don't show in the inventory, even though it appears to be loaded, i.e. the listings are there, just no actual objects. Same with CBBE. So, I'm stuck with characters running around with just heads, and no bodies, my buildings built with Homemaker are invisible, and everyone is highlighted in red, like the targeting HUD is up, even with no helmet or HUD. NMM first said I had no Fallout4.ini file. I fixed that, added Fallout4Custom.ini file, set Fallout4.ini to include: SResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\, just in case I missed something. Anyone?
  14. Ok, gotcha. I was hoping that I could find the cells in the homemaker data somehow. Still trying to learn this. IT degree and still a noob. lol.
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