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Everything posted by guerillamoderno
I've been looking into this and my best guess is that they're located in the param > gameparam > gameparam.parambnd.dcx file. There are files like SkillParam.param and SwordArtsParam.param. However I haven't found a way to actually read and edit these files, in notepad++ they are just garbled null characters. I don't know if there's any tools that let you mess with them yet.
I've kind of wanted to try a single-sword playthrough for a while, and figured bringing Aerondight into NG+ would be pretty cool as it levels up alongside you. Does anyone know if there's a way to do this, like adding an extra flag to an xml file or something? Any info or ideas on where to start would be appreciated.
Just wondering what the easiest method to do this is. It seems like the meshes don't directly correspond to each other as the feline gloves need a mesh for Geralt's fingers, so replacing might not work. I tried just changing the equip template in an .xml file a while ago before CDPR's modding tools came out but it didn't have any effect. Anyone more experienced with working with this stuff know how to go about doing this? I love that 10% crit bonus but the gloves look so lame and everything about modding this game seems super confusing, not to mention there's no reference for file structure I've been able to find.
Hey, so I'm the author of a mod called Improved Sleeping Tree Sap. So far all I'd done was just to increase the duration of the potion's visual effect to 20 minutes, but recently I've been messing around with changing its imagespace modifier (dunSleepingTreeCampISMD)'s attributes. What I'd like to be able to do is create multiple imagespace modifiers with different colors and shifting degrees of double vision that crossfade into each other every few seconds to produce a sort of kaleidoscopic-rainbow-vision effect. I tried giving it the "animate" property and then creating different keyframes for the various colors, which acheived the effect I wanted, but the problem is that I couldn't see a way for the effect to loop. In-game it would just play once for the 10 second duration I used then disappear. So my question is, is there a way to get animated ISMs to loop until the magiceffect applying them expires? I don't want to make the ISM duration 20 minutes and then have to manually keyframe every cycle at 5 second intervals, that's ridiculous. If there's no way in the ISM, should I do it through the script attached to the magic effect? I took a look at the script it uses' source, but I don't know a lot about Papyrus. What command could I use to get it to crossfade multiple imagespace modifiers based on time in a loop for the duration of the effect?
Do any of you guys know if there's a way to make certain effect shaders display over other ones? For example, the Ebony Mail's "DA02ArmorShadow" effect shader appears to be overridden by almost all other "cloak" type spells. I'm making a mod that makes an item that gives this visual effect all the time, not just when sneaking or in combat (and without the poison damage enchantment) and would like to have it "outprioritize" other effect shaders. Here are some images to demonstrate what I'm talking about: This is the shadowcloak effect when it's the only effect present: http://i.imgur.com/O7bU13w.jpg?1 This is what it looks like with oakflesh active as well. The green mage armor effect overrides the black effect, and the only thing remaining from the shadowcloak is a few blackish-green wisps of smoke radiating around the player: http://i.imgur.com/4ItPhYw.jpg?1 This is with a flame cloak spell, oakflesh, and shadowcloak. Flame cloak appears to have the highest priority, completely overriding oakflesh. Once again, shadowcloak is relegated to a few wisps of smoke: http://i.imgur.com/pKnaQak.jpg?1 I'm looking through the SpecialEffect > EffectShader section of the Creation Kit at all these spells' entries, and it's a whole ton of really alien-sounding descriptors with numeric values, and frankly I don't know where to begin, or even if making changes to any of these values will actually produce a change in priority and make the shadowcloak appear over other effects. If anyone has experience with this kind of stuff I'd greatly appreciate your input.
- effect shaders
- effectshaders
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Wondering if anyone with experience creating/editing meshes would be interested in making an Amulet of Auri-El similar to the amulets of the Cyrodiilic Divines we see around the game. It would use the star we see on top of his shrine here: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120702104428/elderscrolls/images/c/cc/Aurielshrine_03.png. I don't know anything about meshes or modeling as all I've really done is texture work, but would it be possible to somehow resize that star to roughly the size of the rest of the amulet emblems, then attach it to a generic amulet necklace and use the relevant parts of the preexisting textures? The star also appears on that large statue in the courtyard outside his temple. It'd be great if anyone else cared about this as it would be a lore-friendly amulet for Altmer characters to wear. I could take care of implementing it into the game as an actual item as well as making the enchantment for it if someone were able to make an actual model.
Here you go: http://hubpages.com/hub/Hot-to-Turn-Your-Skyrim-Character-into-a-Follower
Follower taunts suddenly broken
guerillamoderno replied to guerillamoderno's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
bump, anyone have any ideas? -
For some reason over the past day, my followers lost the ability to use their taunt lines during combat. Now they will only use dialogue for wounded/attacking grunts. It's really strange because all their other dialogue still works, including detection lines that play at the beginning and end of combat. I thought Dragonborn.esm might have messed something with Ultimate Follower Overhaul (v1.2i) up, but loaded an older save withe dragonborn.esm still activated and my followers were using their taunt dialogue. The fact that I can load an older save with all the same mods and Dragonborn activated leads me to believe I glitched out a script or something that disabled all taunt dialogue. The only really major thing I can think of doing was taking over Windhelm. It didn't let my followers follow me into the city so I manually summoned them in using the moveto player command. Is there some aspect of that quest that disables default combat taunts and doesn't re-enable it for followers at the end since it doesn't anticipate them being there? Basically, I want to know if anyone knows a global or setting that controls this that I could potentially reset to get taunts back for my followers. I really don't want to have to load an older save and start from there, I've gotten pretty far into the new DLC and I'd have to replay all of it plus more.
So I'm trying to make an Altmer follower in the CK. I know how to do that all well and good, but the problem lies in the fact that I want to use the FemaleElfHaughty voicetype for her, which is not follower-enabled. I extracted her voice clips from Voices.bsa and used a program called Unfuzer to convert the .fuz files to .wavs so I could listen to them. It's pretty obvious that there is a ton of dialogue available that could easily fit into the join, leave, follow, wait, and trade response categories followers need to operate, but that's where I'm stuck. I can't seem to get the CK to be able to recognize them or even let me select them. So when I try to create a new dialogue response to a topic, and then select one of the sound files, it just opens up a list of sound effect files. I can't seem to find any of the dialogue. I also notice when I look at other dialogue entries, all the files seem to be in .xwm format, which by my understanding is only the audio component before the .lip file is generated and the two are fuzed into a .fuz file. Also, the entries are greyed out and unmodifiable. Is there a way to get the CK to just skip the whole LIP file generation process and just use a previously-finished .fuz entry, or do I really have to use unfuzer to convert these files to .wavs and then back into .xwms and re-generate the .lip files? It seems like that shouldn't be neccessary. So far, the only thing I can think of to do is to pick one of those "general" follower dialogue entries (i.e. "I'm heading home if you need me"), look at what the .xwm files for them are called (they all have the same file name), then rename the Altmer dialogue I want to use for that response topic the same file name and create new folders in the sound directory for the appropriate path, which should automatically include it in the list. This would have course produce incorrect subtitles, but it's really all I can think of. If anyone has experience with re-purposing existing voice files like this, I would really appreciate some guidance for how exactly to go about it. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
Creating New Dragon Breath attack in CK
guerillamoderno replied to guerillamoderno's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
UPDATE: Success! I just tried the process I had described and it worked! I placed it last in my load order, went to a Warzones area in the middle of the map, called Odahviing, and he was roasting high-level enemies by the dozen, while friendly NPCs took no damage. However, the one problem I've found so far is that if I accidentally hit him with any attack, he now aggros on me and immediately destroys me with his uber-breath. Something in the renamed EncFireDragon01 actor base must override him treating me as an ally. I tried going into the relationship tab of his actor page and creating an ally relationship with player as parent and Odahviing as child, but Odahviing doesn't show up! It must only include humanoid NPCs. Can anyone see a way around this? It appears to be the only thing I need to fix, the damage changes were extremely easy to implement. EDIT: Added PlayerFaction and CurrentFollowerFaction to "Ally" status in OdahviingFaction. Fixes the aggro problem. I did however notice in the subsequent battle that one of his moving strafe breath attacks killed me. The ones on the ground or while hovering never do damage, and I'm wondering what makes this different. I'm not sure if it happens every time as it's difficult to be standing in the path of the strafe flames. I'll continue to play around with stuff, but this mod might be ready to go up as a test build before anyone even notices it, haha. -
Completely new to this here, trying to navigate the CK is like trying to read Greek for me. My goal is to change the damage of Odahviing's fire breath so that it does significant damage to enemies on higher difficulties. Basically, I've gone into the CK actor tab and found Odahviing's entry, then looked at his actor base, which is for "lvlMQDragon." Looking at the actor base of that brings me to a leveled list for "MQLCharDragonFire" with 4 different entries for various fire dragons. It seems that each of these has a different shout for their fire breath attack. These shouts then reference a specific spell. For example, "EncFireDragon01," an standard dragon, has a shout called "DragonFireBreathShout01," which consists of three words, each of which reference the spell "VoiceDragonFire01." When I go into "VoiceDragonFire01," it looks like I'm finally into an area where I can change the damage values of the attack. What it seems like I should do (I'm coming here before I do anything because like I said I have no experience with this) is make a copy of this spell, name it something different like "OdahviingFire," greatly increase the magnitude value, and then trace it backward, making similar renamed copies of the other entries referenced in the path to Ohdaviing's new fire breath attack. My primary uncertainty is whether I can change the ActorBase in his Template Data to my copy of "EncFireDragon01," which I would name something like "Odahviing01." Is this the correct way to do it? Would skipping the "lvlMQDragon" entry be ok? I don't really understand what it does other than determine how to scale Odahviing when the PC initially encounters him. It's the fact that that particular entry appears to branch off into 4 different dragon entries that makes me unsure of what to do, so I'd like to eliminate the problem entirely by skipping the step and redirecting to a specific premade dragon type instead of a leveled list. This mod would only be used in post-MQ gameplay. Obviously changing the stats on his fire breath so that it does significant damage to enemies on master or with mods like Deadly Dragons enabled means that he would almost immediately one-shot the player's pathetic ~500 health at that point in the story. I think the whole reason that Odahviing is so weak in the first place is that he uses the same breath attacks that dragons who are designed to be balanced to the player's low health use. This mod would attempt to fix that and balance Odahviing to be extremely powerful on high difficulties and swing fights tremendously in your favor like a true dragonbro should. So yeah, if anyone on here has experience with creating custom dragons and dragon breath attacks, I would really appreciate any guidance you could offer. Obviously this is nowhere near as ambitious as creating completely new dragon attacks, I'm just looking to tweak some parameters. After I got it working I would post it here and we could all enjoy having an Odahviing that can roast bandits in one blast and take significant chunks of health off enemy dragons as they fly through the sky instead of being essentially purely cosmetic like he is now.
I wish I knew more about modding, but I have no idea how to do this myself in the CK. None of the tutorials I've found seem to mention how to alter the stats and parameters of characters or their attacks. Basically, Odahviing is weak. I'd like to learn how to make his breath attack do more damage. Obviously it's possible with all the dragon difficulty mods that you see increasing enemy dragon breath damage, but they don't seem to affect Odahviing. I'd like to be able to summon him during these dragon battles and have him actually have an impact on the fight. His fire breath should be able to one-shot NPCs; in its current state it takes like 3 blasts just to take down a mid-level bandit. Is it as simple as creating a unique dragon breath entry to assign to the breath attack in Odahviing's AI script and increasing the damage on it? Could anyone figure this out? Basically, I would love to have a mod that greatly increases the damage on Odahviing's breath attacks.
I have a few other ideas about useful binds if there were a way to script them. Something with the microphone would be a huge undertaking, but just creating a hotkey to perform a few different actions at once would probably be easier, like to automatically recharge the weapon you have equipped with Azura's/Black Star or to equip a combination of 2 preset spells at once. Is there a way to do this by modifying the game files, or is that potential construction set territory? I'm pretty new to how all but the simplest modding works, and have no experience with how Elder Scrolls games work for this kind of stuff.
Does anyone know how I would go about making a script that would allow me to program a keybind to automatically use the Black Star to recharge the weapon I currently have equipped? I'd really like to be able to just recharge with the click of a button instead of having to go through the inventory.
I know this would likely be a nightmare to actually implement, but I had this idea and figured I'd share it with the hope that it inspires someone who actually would be capable of making it happen. I love shouting. I think shouts are a great addition to the game. The one thing I don't like about them though, is that every time you want to change what shout you can perform (which is usually in the heat of combat), you have to go into your menu and manually select it, which really breaks the tempo of a lot of intense battles. How awesome would it be if you could just hold down the shout button to activate your computer's microphone, actually say the words of the shout you want it to do, then release it and have your character do that shout in game? In order to actually make it work the mod would likely need to operate on some sort of standalone program that you use to record your own voice saying the one, two, and three word versions of each shout (which would be 60 different voice commands total), then utilize voice-recognition software to create binds for each of those recorded shouts to activate their ingame equivalent when your microphone picks you saying it up. I can't imagine we'd be seeing a working version of something like this for a hell of a long time, but it would be pretty awesome to just shout "FUS RO DAH!" into your computer mic and have your character force push a frost troll off a cliff or shout "WOLD NA KEST!" and jump across a ravine.
LE Automatic Recharging on Enchanted Weapons?
guerillamoderno replied to guerillamoderno's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yeah, I've seen that perk. Also with Azura's Star I imagine it would be pretty much impossible to ever run out of potential charge during battle/exploration, but I sort of would like to get a free recharge just from the passage of time while I'm in towns trading and stuff, or a few free charged swings in my next fight from the time I spend running between fights. -
One of my favorite things about enchanted items in Morrowind was that they would gradually recharge themselves over time while you weren't using them. You could still burn a soul gem to fully recharge them if you wanted, but you wouldn't have to all the time. I'd really like to see enchanted weapons and staves behave that way in Skyrim as well. I'm not sure if it's something that would require any actual files to be created and hosted like with traditional mods, perhaps it could even be achieved just by typing something into or changing an .ini file. Does anyone know of any information or have any ideas for how to implement this?