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About napoleonofthestump

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  1. In response to post #69397777. #69409261 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks! I wasn't sure if anyone actually looked behind the spoiler tags...
  2. In response to post #69425069. #69429485, #69431661, #69478412, #69482452 are all replies on the same post. Well said, Xone. V1K1N9: Don't sweat the rating game if that's not your bag. Plenty of folks around here don't give a fig about endorsement counts. As far as the contest elements of this event, they were conceived more as incentive to newcomers (some folks really enjoy the competitive element, and some folks will be more motivated to participate in a community event if there's a chance of winning a prize) than as any sort of holy writ on our vaunted opinion of what makes a worthwhile screen-shot. If you're curious about why we chose the images we did, check out the commentary behind the spoiler tags. If you're looking for a no-stakes community theme, might I direct your attention to my and Excellentium's Community Theme events in Fallout and Skyrim, respectively? All are welcome, no post-processing necessary (and no post-processors hassled either).
  3. In response to post #69315201. Thanks and congratulations to you!
  4. In response to post #69298076. You know, I'd been planning to write a nice fat essay post on how and why one might want to 'shop their images... and now I don't know if I need to do it any more. Very thorough treatment of the subject here. I hope all manner of folks, pro-, anti-, or agnosti-'shop take the time to dig your words.
  5. In response to post #69294731. #69296531, #69297101, #69297471 are all replies on the same post. I dig where you're coming from- thank you for clarifying! Hard to tell sometimes in text alone whether someone's bellyaching or commiserating. Totally rock your style 'til you're as heavy as you want to be!
  6. In response to post #69294281. Thanks AJ! To all y'all reading along at home: If you're not already familiar, AJ runs a lovely Skyrim community event, Elegance on a Sunday. Check it out and show some love for all the folks who support the beauty of this hobby and the good feeling of the screen-shooting scene.
  7. In response to post #69290631. #69295566, #69295616 are all replies on the same post. Word.
  8. In response to post #69294731. #69296531 is also a reply to the same post. I'm just gonna jump on in here before any more steam builds up on what is, apparently, something of a touchy subject. First off, if you ever want to workshop a shot or a set and get some constructive feedback on what works and what could be improved upon, I'm always willing to lend my eyes and my words. Hit me up and we can dissect precisely why your shots didn't make it to the juried selection, and how you could improve upon your strengths to rock the house next time around. Your work shows great promise; don't ever stop creating. Regarding Photoshop, as far as I can tell there are only two 'shopped images in the final cut here, both of which I selected based almost entirely on their strength of composition compared to the vast majority of entries (plus what I said in the image commentaries). Both selections are cropped, multi-image collages of raw, unedited, direct-from-the-screen shots. Yes, people really are that skilled with just ENB and ReShade. Big names are big for a reason- they're good at what they do. Practice, solicit constructive feedback, push your creative comfort zone, and maintain a pleasant attitude and anyone can be as big as they please. We are all amateurs here. I have quite a lot to say about 'shopping/post-process editing, but the place to lay out that soapbox is, for me, not here. Stay tuned for a detailed 'Photoshopping 101' tutorial/polemic coming to a media section near you... soonish. In the mean time, thanks for all your support and feedback.
  9. In response to post #69166901. #69179571, #69184646 are all replies on the same post. Possibly. This thing took quite a bit out of all of us, Nexus staffers and independents like Excellentium and myself, to run. Much more time and effort went into this than might be apparent at first glance. It really was a team effort, too- mad props to the Nexus folks for treating an amateur like myself with interest and respect. Though the public part of the event is wrapped up, there's a bit more conversation to be had on the back end about lessons learned, what went well/poorly, and how we could improve and where we might go with the next outing. Bear with us if that takes longer than you'd like- we'd really like to do this thing as well as humanly possible. One reason we chose to focus on Bethesda games for this event was the lively and organized community screen-shooting scene already present in these media. If you're interested in highlighting the visual potential of the Division franchise, consider organizing your fellow screen-shooters to create a community-run event of your own, like our Skyrim/Fallout Community Theme series. Communities that self-organize and show initiative in collaborating already will be more likely to receive official attention and support. The Division 2 sure does look pretty from afar- can't wait to see what you create with it!
  10. In response to post #68716941. #68723861, #68735286, #68737571, #68739056, #68739171, #68740636, #68745321, #68747631 are all replies on the same post. Word.
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