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Everything posted by unuroboros

  1. You can call it: Shalidor's Real Maze Not That Cheap Knockoff In Labyrinthian. ;)
  2. I think you do have the right idea of looking at another mod to get an idea for how you'd build your own. If I may make a suggestion though... use a different mod to learn from. :) ForceAV is definitely not the way to accomplish this, you want to use Spells and Magic Effects. Very similar to how a potion or poison would accomplish the same thing. (Actually, very similar. In Skyrim, food is technically a potion.) There are lots of needs mods out there to choose from, so if none of them actually suit your "needs", then one of them is bound to have a similar setup to what you want, and you can look over it. I'd recommend either Realistic Needs & Diseases or Eat & Sleep. Again, what you're looking for are how potions and MGEF's interact to apply penalties or bonuses for your regen. About your CK: The app itself is just a little... buggy. In my experience, most toolsets for games are. :p The best you can do is go through as many generic CK tutorials as you can stomach, to get an idea for how it acts up for most people, then you'll know what to expect yourself. Something I notice almost half the time I launch it is that the main window, the one with the File menu, starts orphaned in the background. You have to minimize all your other windows and possibly drag the other CK windows around before you can find it, and maximize it. (Or, try this tip: As soon as the CK is done launching, if you notice this has happened, use the Windows shortcut "Alt+Space, X", which is the shortcut sequence to maximize.)
  3. You probably won't be working with statics, but with furniture. Depending on what you want to set down, you may need to make your own custom furniture item, too. The mod you want to crack open and use to learn from is Frostfall. It uses the "drop and place" method and Chesko is a very experienced modder, plus all his scripts are included. There's a much simpler model you can use if you need to get the hang of Papyrus first (this is going to be a lot harder if you're learning Papyrus at the same time!), which is to "swap out" instead of "drop and place." In this method you have a Misc item in your inventory, drop it, and then it immediately becomes furniture or you sneak-activate it and it becomes furniture. This is really easy to set up, actually. I added a bedroll item in my own mod with this method and it took all of 15 minutes. :) Send me a PM if you need help with the second method. I haven't looked into the first method myself, haven't needed it yet.
  4. Well... the way the tutorial on Cipscis is doing it is a little... unusual. This is the method I was taught, maybe it will help: Make a quest. Check the box for Start Game Enabled.On the Quest Aliases tab, make a Player alias ('Specific Reference', cell any, pick PlayerRef). To click OK to this dialog box, since it will probably be too big for your screen, press Enter in the Alias Name box.In the properties for the alias, add a new script. For example, "PlayerScript". This script will have your OnObjectEquipped event.On the Scripts tab of the quest, add as many scripts as you need. For example, "FunctionScript".Now, in PlayerScript you can call a function in FunctionScript like so:Add a line of code in PlayerScript: FunctionScript Property myFunctions AutoThe important part of this property is that its type (the part before Property) matches exactly the name of the script you are calling.The name (the part after Property) is how you will call upon that script in this script.Finally (very easy to forget this step), open the Properties for the player alias script, and from the drop-down box for the myFunctions property, choose your quest. So, applying that example to your scripts, you will have TestActorEquip (extending ReferenceAlias) attached to the Player alias. Then you'll attach TestArmorChild to the Scripts tab of the quest, and add this Property to that script: TestArmorChild Property armorChild Auto Then, since you can't directly assign its value in the script itself, use the CK to open the properties for TestActorEquip (open the Player alias, right-click TestActorEquip, Edit Properties), and set the value of armorChild; it should match whatever you named the quest. Setting all of this up the first time can be a bit confusing, but after you see how easy and elegant it is, you'll realize how powerful the feature can be. For a large project where you need to break apart your script and call functions in any one of them from any other script, this method is invaluable. I use it in my mod with six different scripts.
  5. I don't think you're attaching the script correctly. You should have a quest (flagged start game enabled), with an alias for the player, and the script attached to the alias. It should extend ReferenceAlias; i.e., Scriptname TestActorEquip extends ReferenceAlias
  6. This sounds a lot like what SkyRe does. (Or Requiem.) Have you checked those mods to be sure you're not just re-inventing them? :) And of course, you might be able to crack open one or both and see how it got accomplished there.
  7. I don't want to pick on this topic, but let me try to better explain. Here is a function declaration: EVENT onActivate(objectReference actronaut) This is the OnActivate event, which is declared in the base class for ObjectReference. When you "override" the base class with your version of an event, you must use the same types of parameters, but you can name them whatever you want. Most people would declare OnActivate like this: Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) See how it has the same parameter? A single ObjectReference. You can name it however you want though, and you use that name inside of the function (or event) when you need to refer to it. Properties can be used in any function anywhere in your script, because they're defined outside of the functions. "actronaut" is just some programmer's joke. Get it? :p
  8. I don't think this is a problem with dummies themselves and multiple re-loads, per se... consider after all that you're using the same mechanics the game itself uses. I bet you've never noticed a dungeon strangely empty of loot in a game you happen to have saved and loaded more than a few times. :) The thing is, certain changes remain in effect as long as the Skyrim executable is running. You can observe this most easily with some SKSE functions like SetWeight and SetGoldValue. They persist as long as Skyrim is running, even if you F9 or switch to a completely different save than the one which had the script that made that change. However, as soon as Skyrim shuts down, the change is lost. (For this reason, mod authors who use those functions need a re-instantiation routine, usually with OnPlayerLoadGame.) My guess is that somehow you're getting stuck in this state only because of how you're testing. Try shutting down and re-launching Skyrim to test four or five times in a row. Do you get the results you expect? Or, enter some other dungeon where you've found a dummy with a % chance of none, and use the same pattern of F5 / F9 to see if the same thing happens there?
  9. No, no, no, that is not how variable declaration works in function definitions! :p When you are declaring a function, everything in parentheses is a parameter of the function. Based on the script's base type (whatever it "extends") you should be using the same parameters that the base class uses... the best reference for all of these is of course the Wiki. For example, here is the page on Event OnActivate for the ObjectReference script. Properties are completely different. They exist outside your functions, enabling you to refer to forms (actors, weapons, miscobject's, formlists, etc). Hope that clears things up a little. :D
  10. Ahh, I didn't know that, thank you for the tip in return. :)
  11. On the subject of loot lists (LeveledItem's), at least, you can dynamically modify / revert them through Papyrus, so your mod doesn't stomp all over changes other mods make to those lists. @ArtMurder: Add in Economics of Skyrim and Random Alternate Start for an even meaner low level experience. :D
  12. These two links may help: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Creation_Kit_Interface#Controlling_the_Camera http://www.creationkit.com/Creation_Kit_Keyboard_Mapping From the second link, the keyboard shortcut to "de"-select is D. :)
  13. 27001C4 is the FormID, then. :) FormID's are in hexadecimal, so they often have letters. So you can add that item to your inventory with: player.additem 27001c4 1 (That 1 on the end means add 1 to your inventory. If you want more than one, change that number.) Or if you already have it in inventory, you could equip it with: player.equipitem 27001c4
  14. Console commands typically take a FormID parameter, not the name of the form as it appears in the CK. There are ways to figure out your FormID in advance, but it's easiest to just look it up in-game with the help command. The help console command wants the literal name of the thing you are looking for, so if you had given the sword the text name "Vorpal Sword" then the console command would be: help "vorpal sword" Depending on how generic your search is, you may get lots of results. You can Page Up to scroll through them. When you see the one you think is what you want, note the hexadecimal number by it. That is its FormID. (Caveat: It may not always be the same, depending on changes made to the mod and changes to load order.) Also, are you sure it's player.EquipItem that you want as your console command? Not player.AddItem?
  15. Just as you say, learning how to identify and resolve conflicts is the best means of enabling you to run as many mods as you want - or decide which you have to pick over others. It can be a real exercise in tedium, so if you aren't the patient, meticulous sort, you may have to try your luck with mod roulette. :) At a minimum, install the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) and use it exclusively for installing mods. NMM will tell you when a file is being overwritten, and which mod that file currently belongs to. So if two mods both want to modify skeleton.nif, at least you'll know which they are, and you can pick one over the other or follow up with the mod comments to see if there are compatibility workarounds. After that, try learning BOSS. It can intelligently sort your mods into a correct order and warn you about conflicts that are happening inside the mods - not with files, but with parts of the game that the ESP files are changing. However, even BOSS can't resolve sophisticated conflicts for you. At the far end of the spectrum are tools like Wrye Bash and Tes5Edit. These tools let you build "patches" that resolve conflicts by merging some things together, or letting you pick out which parts of which mod you want, when a merge is not possible. There are tutorials and forum topics on each of these tools, and lots of people here are happy to help with specific questions on each of them, too. :)
  16. The mods you mention are clunky hacks because of the game engine itself. You will find no easy solution, unfortunately. Like you say, rain is just a shader... not a mesh, not a set of particles with physics. That's the whole point of shaders (as I understand them) - making believable effects that don't require heavy physics. Arrows are independent meshes and do have limited physics; not hyper-realistic physics like, say, a shooter that can calculate bullet drop and wind speed over several hundred meters. I don't want to just "rain on your parade", though ;) so here's an idea that could at least give you something to chew on: Consider lakes. You can see the rain falling from above the lake, or rather, while your camera is above water level. "Water" here is defined as an actual volumetric zone, kind of like an invisible cube that is flagged "I am water". When the camera object is inside of that cube, the game changes to a different shader, the one for the underwater effect. At the same time, you stop seeing the rain shader. Most pseudo rain collision hacks work on the same principle.
  17. That's part of how Tes5Edit shows conflicts: If two mods are trying to change the same value in a list, that value is shown side-by-side.If two mods have different entries for the list, they are shown stratified.You can see this effect on the entry for SkyrimCloudy, actually. In the first column, Skyrim.esm, it's the only entry in the list. For CoT, it isn't shown because CoT's list doesn't include that entry, the CoT list is all custom entries. It shares nothing in common with either Skyrim.esm or SoS. However, SoS does include the original value of SkyrimCloudy in its list... plus several other entries. SkyrimCloudy is purple on the left because that original value was overwritten but is mostly the same. CoT's entries are red because they aren't the same and they aren't being kept. SoS's SkyrimCloudy is orange/brown because it is like the original (Chance is different), and is being kept. The rest of SoS is green because it is an addition with no other conflicts. I haven't messed around with weather but I suspect you could merge these lists. The only caveat actually is that you'd have to make up your own series for Chance, so that your combined list keeps a total of 100.
  18. I may have misunderstood how you mean "no competition", so please disregard if this is already plain to you. :) I think you may be misreading Tes5Edit, though. In the picture, CoT (lower in the load order) wants a certain list of WeatherType for SkyrimClimate. SoS (higher) wants a different list. The game cannot merge lists - of any kind - so the conflict is resolved purely by load order. Hence, Tes5Edit is showing you all of CoT's list in red ("removed") because none of that list will be in effect in the game. Only SoS's list will be in effect. If you wanted both lists to be in effect, you will need to make your own ESP that merges the two lists into one list. BOSS can automate this kind of task, Tes5Edit has a more hands-on approach. I actually prefer Tes5Edit myself, since you can drag-drop fields to fine tune your merge. For example, in that screenshot, if you dragged "CoTCloud_20_VT" to the right, the column for SoS, you would add that as an entry to the list in the SoS ESP. You probably don't want to modify the SoS mod itself though, so right-click on the left panel instead, choose Other, then Create Merged Patch. Hope that helps?
  19. There's no console command to enumerate spells, but you could use: HasSpell 204c4 In this case that's not the spell she has though, anyway. In the CK (or with help conjure frost atronach in the console) you'll see there are multiple versions of this and other conjure spells. For the NPC's these versions are specific to a given hand, to help their AI with dual-casting. Brelyna knows ConjureFrostAtronachRightHand, which is ID 100e77.
  20. I am pretty sure the list is hard-coded. Various PEP's allow you to add a Papyrus Script Fragment, so you can augment the system arbitrarily, but it looks like Modify Enemy Critical Hit Chance has no such options. Might be some other way to accomplish your goal, though?
  21. The sections are hard-coded. This has long been a lament for modders, unfortunately. And modding isn't that hard to pick up. A simple mod to change recipes wouldn't be any harder than fighting Alduin. ;)
  22. Caveat: Mods, and even industrious INI file tweaking, can completely change the ballistics of arrows and bolts... even gravity itself, for that matter.
  23. The first thing I'd do is add some simple "break points" at your AddSpell and RemoveSpell lines. Like so: if (toggleState) Debug.Notification("Adding spell: " + aaaaa2) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(aaaaa2) else Debug.Notification("Removing spell: " + aaaaa2) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(aaaaa2) endif Also, did you add the PlayerAlias with SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias?
  24. Delete these files: Data\Scripts\MineOreScript.pexDataScripts\Source\MineOreScript.psc Then run "verify integrity" to get them back. My guess is you had a mod that directly modified that script, and uninstall did not properly revert it. Also... does it happen on a new game?
  25. Run Steam's "verify integrity" on the Toolkit. You should have > 10,000 files (yes, ten thousand) in your Data\Scripts\Source folder.
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