This is only part of the problem in my opinion, though. Because if, for example, there is a room full of enemies and you approach one and kill him in one shot, and if the rest became aware and started attacking you, then it wouldn't be so powerful. It would also require more strategy because you have "one shot" and you need to make it count, and so pick out the toughest enemy and deal with the rest. However, that doesn't happen. The AI is incredibly predictable and easy to fool even on highest difficulty when you're trying to sneak around. I kill a guy in a room, and then run back to a hiding spot. If his friend (that's a big 'if') notices his dead corpse, he raises his sword and starts walking around a bit before going back to his normal patrol route, saying "It must be my imagination again!". Yes, you're imagining the dead body of your friend...and his friend...and that other guy. I almost feel sorry for how stupid the AI is sometimes. Don't get me wrong, when the AI is actually fighting you, they're pretty damn smart in blocking, dodging an stuff like that. But when it comes to stealth mechanics, the AI is just absolutely ridiculous. This is the main issue, I believe. To me, in a stealth game, if you make some noise, enemies should become suspicious and start searching the place of origin of the noise, then go into a random patrol route for a while before going back to their original route. If they see a dead body, they should go into a frenzy and try to look everywhere, not walk off like nothing happened at all. I know Skyrim isn't a stealth game, but come on. Put some effort, Bethesda.