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  1. I'll give this a try, thanks. That would actually be perfect! Let me know if you make such a mod! :)
  2. Hello modders, I have a request for a rather simple game tweak. I don't know if a mod already exists that does this, but I've searched a lot with not luck. I simply want arrows to be more rare and valuable in Skyrim. This would make Archery a bit more immersive and would force the player to think a bit more before each shot. In the vanilla game, by level 3, I had about 70 Iron Arrows, which is just way too much in my opinion. If anyone could create a mod that would reduce how often arrows show up in loot, or if anyone knows a mod that does this already, or if anyone could point me to any tutorial that would let myself create this mod, it would be much appreciated! :)
  3. I don't know if Aura Whisper caused it for me. However, on the character that I have this issue, I spam that shout a lot when I'm sneaking around, and I noticed the issue after I unlocked the shout. So it could be related for me as well.
  4. I'm leveling a Redguard right now. I'm going to focus on Heavy Armour, One-Handed, Two-Handed, and Destruction (with focus on Fire). I'm going for both One-Handed and Two-Handed because I'd be switching between the two when I'm casting spells or just straight-up brawling. So far, I'm having a lot of fun on Expert difficulty.
  5. Are mages too difficult to play? I keep hearing they're underpowered. I should play one sometime. Has anyone here played a true warrior type? How is that in terms of difficulty?
  6. This is only part of the problem in my opinion, though. Because if, for example, there is a room full of enemies and you approach one and kill him in one shot, and if the rest became aware and started attacking you, then it wouldn't be so powerful. It would also require more strategy because you have "one shot" and you need to make it count, and so pick out the toughest enemy and deal with the rest. However, that doesn't happen. The AI is incredibly predictable and easy to fool even on highest difficulty when you're trying to sneak around. I kill a guy in a room, and then run back to a hiding spot. If his friend (that's a big 'if') notices his dead corpse, he raises his sword and starts walking around a bit before going back to his normal patrol route, saying "It must be my imagination again!". Yes, you're imagining the dead body of your friend...and his friend...and that other guy. I almost feel sorry for how stupid the AI is sometimes. Don't get me wrong, when the AI is actually fighting you, they're pretty damn smart in blocking, dodging an stuff like that. But when it comes to stealth mechanics, the AI is just absolutely ridiculous. This is the main issue, I believe. To me, in a stealth game, if you make some noise, enemies should become suspicious and start searching the place of origin of the noise, then go into a random patrol route for a while before going back to their original route. If they see a dead body, they should go into a frenzy and try to look everywhere, not walk off like nothing happened at all. I know Skyrim isn't a stealth game, but come on. Put some effort, Bethesda.
  7. At lower levels, it's stupidly frustrating at times because you die so often (you sneak up on a bear and try to do a sneak-attack...and it only takes away one-fifth of his HP before he starts mauling at you and tearing you to shreds). I'm having a much easier time on my Two-Handed warrior right now who just charges head-first into combat. But I wonder if the difficulty curve for this warrior is smooth and steady or not. Because for the assassin, it wasn't. It was super hard at first, and then suddenly turned super easy.
  8. The difficulty is at highest, I'm pretty sure of this. As for the perks, I've taken everything in the Stealth tree (minus the last one), and I have the Dark Brotherhood armour. I use Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe as my weapons, and my sneak-stabs do x30 damage (thanks to the Brotherhood armour gloves). Other than that, I've scattered my points in various trees, like Restoration, One-Handed, Destruction, and Alchemy. I wonder how the game would be if I got rid of my Dark Brotherhood stuff... Still, I'd like to know if anyone else who has taken the Stealth route feels this way.
  9. So right now, my main character in Skyrim is level 35, and I've been focusing mainly on side quests and finished the Dark Brotherhood quest line (so I also got all the delicious armours and weapons). I started my character with the concept of an assassin in mind, and I picked the perks accordingly. Until level 30, the game was incredibly difficult at times. I had to turn down the difficulty every time I encountered a troll or giants, and my greatest enemy was always the cave bear. Those things are vicious! Amazingly enough, I has no trouble with dragons. However, after that, I spent some more points in Sneak and One-Handed, and now suddenly the game is easy-mode on highest difficulty. Enemies fail to see me when I'm literally 3 feet away from them. I can one-shot pretty much anything, and the enemies are incredibly stupid when you're playing Stealth. The guy is standing there, I sneak up behind his guard, take him out, and he just stands there, totally ignorant to the fact that I killed his buddy 3 feet away. The game's almost turned into a grind. Go to dungeon XYZ, one-shot-sneak-kill all zombies/bandits, kill the boss using the hide-and-seek approach, exit, rinse and repeat. Even trolls and cave bears are no longer a threat as I can either sneak past them or just do massive critical damage. I can literally finish every mission, and clear every cave without anyone ever touching me. Has anyone else experienced this? Have you experienced this on other character builds by any chance? Is the game just generally supposed to be this easy in the mid-30s range? Right now, I'm taking a break and playing a berserker-type character and focusing on Heavy Armour, Destruction, One-Handed, and Two-Handed. I'm hoping the combat would be more fun and exciting.
  10. I think the human females in Skyrim are much more attractive than the previous game; same goes for male models. But am I alone in feeling like most females in Skyrim look the same? Almost every female NPC I've seen has cat-like eyes and really square features, which really works well for Nords and maybe Imperials, but not so much for others human races. Maybe they just look similar to me.
  11. I'm experiencing this issue as well, and it's completely ruining the game for me as I play in both first-person and third-person modes, and the issue persists in both modes (you can see little glowing blobs on the corner of your screen in first-person mode).
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