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About Shazbot85

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  1. Thanks Buddah. :) Ask the original modder for permission and give credits to both. I think I got it. :)
  2. I disagree, and you miss the point. It's about intellectual property ownership. 15 minutes to add a sightnode to a .nif doesn't warrant credit in my books. In the second case, that person is just a porter. A modder makes the mod. A porter ports it. I'll credit the modder sure. I've pm'd a mod about it anyway. Hopefully he'll answer soon.
  3. OK, say it's a weapon from an FO3 mod. The porter had to add a sighting node to the .nif to make it work with iron sights. It then becomes his property? I'm inclined to say no. Even if he made a few minor changes to the mesh I'd still say no. It takes upwards of 100 hours of work to make a good model, get your animations straightened out, get it textured... etc. Some guy comes along and does less than an hours work and has ownership of it? mmmm I'd say no. But I'm PMing some mods to get them to weigh in on it.
  4. See how this becomes a complex issue? I'd like a mod to weigh in on it. I don't agree with the above re: asking both. That would imply joint IP ownership. Continuing the music analogy: the compisitor of an artist's music does not own IP rights of the music - put in a more apt scenario: The recording company does not own the IP rights of the music if they, say change the format of the recording to .mp3 to sell it online. The IP ownership belongs to the original artist.
  5. OK. So if I want to use materials from a port I must ask the original author for permission (if required), not the porter.
  6. There are a lot of ports of FO3 mods on the newvegasnexus and this causes some confusion among modders as to just who owns the IP rights to the materials ported. I'm uncertain myself, so I'm putting the question up here. If a porter ports a mod from FO3 who owns the IP rights to the materials in the ported mod? The porter or the original modder? A follow up question to this is does the original usage restrictions of the mod that's been ported apply to the port or do the usage restrictions imposed by the porter apply? -Thanks for your time in advance. :)
  7. Thanks guys, I got it sorted out with your help. I've given you both thanks in my mod description and readme file. :) Mod available here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37280 Cheers, Thanks guys.
  8. No I haven't. I haven't modded a Bethesda game since Oblivion lol. Is that something I'd have to do in the GECK or in the .nif? Could you please explain how to do it? -Much thanks :)
  9. If it helps the block/node hierarchy is identical between the stock nif and my modified nif except I pasted over the tristrips node for the part of the mesh I modded. I had to do some hokey working around because exporting a nif from 3DS 2010 is apparently a different version from the nifs in new vegas (one ends in .07 the other in .05) so I got a warning message pasting a block from one to the other. I also exported a texture map for the new model and overlayed it on the dds and it fits fine. The weird thing is the butt of the gun (the mesh I changed) is fine in game, but the barrel part is all funky with the texture. I'm trying to setup blender to work with .nifs to see if I can get it to export it with the right version, but I can't get a blender version + nif script match. Can anyone tell me what blender version they use and what nif script version they use with it? -thanks
  10. Hi all, I'm having a weird problem remodelling the caravan shotgun and I just can't figure it out. I've got the model in game and the mesh looks like it should, and the gun looks like it should if you drop it, but from first person the "stock" [barrel part - it's just called that in the .nif] has the textures all weird and messed up, but the butt of the gun looks just fine. Any ideas?
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