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Posts posted by dunmer_jediknight

  1. Well for me the site is cool and even thou searching for a particular mod is a hassle its not that big of a problem. a next page button at the bottom of the page MIGHT be helpful, and I cant remember if there is one at the top of the page I dont really download that many mods for Morrowind and I just got my new computer to run Oblivion, so I'm still haveing fun with the basic game before I start to play with mods.
  2. Dur-Colath looks down at his Tanto "crap. I love my daedric weapon, But if I am to be effective as the team scout I guess I have to go ebony." He shakes his head as he makes it known to Fygge about his choice.

    Hearing Kane's deilema Dur-Colath smiles " Kane my man, you WILL sleep, we have no choice in the matter, it will be an enchanted sleep. So at least this one time you will know sleep and rest since your personal disaster." Dur-Colath understands why Kane doesn't want to sleep. He also would prefer to keep an eye out for trouble rather then sleep. "I also dont think I could sleep on my own with Daedra so closeby. But as I said we really dont have a choice in the matter. Sucks dont it?" Dur-Colath lets out a laugh that would do a Nord proud. " Ok Fygge get this magic over with, the more you talk the more the situation sounds worse and worse. I dont mind Daedra, I hate the fact that gods are involved but hey life is not fair. And I have been looking to visit Oblivion since I found out I could kill Daedra and live to talk about it. And now you tell me you have to take my best weapon away?!?!" Dur-Colath shakes his head but smiles.

    "Well as I said earlier I guess I dont have much choise. But if I die because of this weapon swich I'm comeing back to haunt you Fygge." And Dur-Colath laughs agine. "Ok everyone hold on to what is most presious to you because we're going for a ride!"

  3. Hearing Fygge's wordsDur-Colath thinks 'The effects of Oblivion on transportation?! What the blazes does THAT mean?' aloud he says "Well this should be interesting." Dur-Colath checks his equipment to make sure everything is in place, and then double-checks it. After doing that he looks to his teammates and asks " if you guys are ready I am. Lets get this over with." And saying that he steels himself for whatever effects Fygge talked about might happen.
  4. lol it is not a barrier for me and my caracter but just how my caracter is. And as for the OOC option that wont help because there IS no problem OOC. My caracter saw something done that basicly pissed him off and being a warrior he would want to settle it. It has nothing to do with anything out of the game. But if PVP would be that harmful to the game I could just play it off as there just not being time to settle accounts and just be done with it. What do you have to say about this Malchik?
  5. Dur-Colath bows to Aldhelm "Thank-you for rthe potions, I just hope they will not be needed" He says with a smirk. His smile fades as he loks at Aldhelm with concern " I have noticed that you have been drinking some potions yourself, I hope everything is ok with you. If there is a problem I'm sure Fygge could help cure you. He seems to be more then just a Nord Merc so I'm sure there is something he could do."

    Dur-Colath then turns to Ice " Now that you have the forms that Fygge wants we can finnaly get out of this camp and off to were the fun is." he says this in a way that makes it clear that the trip to follow will be ANYTHING but fun. "I dont know if I should be glad that we dont have time to find out what Fygge really is or annoyed. All that I know now is that if I dont get away from some of these individuals I may be forced to use my Tanto on them." as he says this his eyes seem to flash red. Then he slowly shakes his head as if to clear his anger and thoughts. " Sorry about that. While I am a Bosmer and we as a race are not known for our warriors, I AM a warrior and I do have a warriors temper and morals, There are somethings that I will not tolerate in others and I have seen that here in this camp lately."


    with another smirk Dur-Colath says "Of cource I also sometimes have the warriors arrogance." he smils at his own pun more in hopes of disarming any concerns for him by his fellow groupmates then accully feelling that way.

  6. Malchik I was wondering if PVP is allowed, the reason why I ask this is because there has been some actions taken that would greatly upset my caracter and he would want 1) blood or 2) the offender gone. Now this has only to do with how I see my caracter and how he would react to certain actions. And if PVP is allowed how would you handle it, soory this is the first time I have tried a forum RPG ( as if you couldnt tell lol) and I dont want to seem like I am power playing.
  7. still smileing about the news of Kane joining his group and haveing a alcialmist join as well Dur-Colath fills out the illusion:



    Race: Bosmer


    Weapons: (ranged)crossbow (melee) Daedric Tanto

    Armor: Glass Cuirass and Greaves

    Potions: 4 healing, 3 cure diseace

    other: dark green cloak, 70 steel bolts, 30silver bolts, 6 master lockpicks, 3 armor repair hammers, 90' of rope


    Dur-Colath checks with his other group members and wonders who is going to hand the list over to Fygge.

  8. Dur-Colath takes the offered drink and takes a deep swig of it befor handing it back. Then he stands with Ice at his side and in a loud voice "Kane, may I have a word with you. You have shown experence in matters that we will be faceing, I would be honored to have yo in my group. What is your desition?" Dur-Colath looks first at Kane and then at Ice to see if he agrees or disagrees with his choice. " the only magic user I can think of is a blind one, not to sure how useful he will be but worth a try unless yo have a different choice?"
  9. Dur-Colath enters the camp and see Ice sharpening his weapon. sitting down on the ground next to him he says "Ice I have given this some thought, During the battle you saw how things were and didnt just automaticly atack at the sight of the beasts. I was wondering if you will be part of my group when we finally leave this place for were ever our leader deames proper?" Dur-Colath sits quietly and waits for Ice-Blood to answer.
  10. Dur-Colath should have known better then to think he could have a quite relaxing bath in the nearby stream....as he wahsed the gore from his cloak and him he saw a darkelf sitting nearby. Expecting trouble but willing to give the being a reason of the doubt 'Idid the same when I first came to the camp.' he was still watching the dark elf silently when Ulf stumbled to the stream. ' the poor fool, he is going to get someone killed before long.' But Dur-Colath still readies his Daedric Tanto incase the dark elf wanted any trouble.


    ' There is something about that armor that really seems familuar, but I'll be stumped if I know what' Not knowing about a person always put Dur-Colath on the defenceive but he relaxed when the elf finally introduced himself to Ulf and the old man seemed to relax. ' Ok lets see were this goes.' then he saw Garrick and Ismail come to the stream to wash and by the looks of things, it looks like those three have formed a group. ' I really need to start thinking along that line, time is getting short and I'm still not sure about anyne here.'


    Thinking back at the semibattle Dur-Colath figure he had nothing to lose by asking Ice and Kane to join up.

    "first thing I do after my little talk with Aleksi is see what Ice and Kane think of me in a group with them." Dur-Colath quickly finishes and gets back into his clothes and armor and slings his wet cloak over his arm. His wet feet melt the snow on the bank but he pay little mind to the cold ground. He is more intent on getting a group formed and getting as far away from Fygge and his 'higher power' qualities as he could. steping quitely so he is not seen by the others at the stream Dur-Colath goes back to the camp with many plans forming in his head.


    (OOC: editited once I realized that the clannfear wasnt offical.. I really should check up on those kind of things)

  11. Dur-Colath breaths in relief as he see Ice-Blood intercept the ice ball " ok people we still have a chance, form a defenccive circle arounfd these two...." Dur-Colath got about that much out when the two Atronachs vanish and Fygge is once agine back in the camp. With him are two Nords.


    After hearing what Fygge had to say and disapearing agine Dur-Colath thinks 'oh this is just looking better and better as the day goes on, now I need to find out just what our leader really is'


    as he gets ready to go get himself clean a newcomer sttracts his attention, Dur-Colath listens to him and replys "Yes you have reached the right camp, but as for getting answers from our 'wonderious leader' good luck. you might have better chances geting answers with his two new bodyguards, if that is what they really are. Now if you would excue me I need to get clean befoire I totally swear off meat" Dur-Colath shakes the hand of Sesmar Alaharnok and then proceds to try and find a bath or stream, he is also looking for that coward Aleksi. walking up to Ice he smiles at him "good work there with stoping that spell, you more then likely saved a good many lives today. And if you see that coward Aleksi let me know because I think we should have a little talk with him about that little vanishing act he did"


    Dur-Colath looks at the two bodyguards and figures he could wait till he looks (and smells) betterbefore trying to get some answers and forming a group. " Now for that bath"

  12. OOC: my long work hour days are going to suck for me to post here lol.


    Dur-Colath seeing Aleksi and Ice have decided to spar amongst themselves instead of working on how to be a team, figured he will have to think of something to get everyone to work as a team. 'Figures, if I have to I'll be team leader, but I really dont want to, being team leader useally means dieing first' even as he finishes that thought Xristo makes his announcement to leave the camp. ' I dont blame him its chaos here right now, but that can be fixed'


    Ans as he is finishing THAT thought a Orc and two Nords show up. and state "Does Mehrunes Dagon believe he can stop us with MINIONS?" and take that moment to blow up!! Dur-Colath only wishes his mouth hadn't been open when that happend. And hated haveing dirty Orc parts in his mouth even less when he found out he couldn't move!!!! 'THIS IS WHY I HATE IT WHEN GODS ARE INVOLVED!!' As what was a Orc launches a attack on Fygge what had been Nords take up defencive postions 'They look like Atronachs' a cloud of snow and dirt cloud the two fighters as they fight to kill each other, and then Fygge and the What-ever-it-is vanish! 'thats not good.' Dur-Colath thinks and feels his joints start to not feel as if he is pinned.


    As he spits out the Orc parts in his mouth he sees the two Atronachs look at each other and seem to echo his thoughts. Dur-Colath screams " hold!!! Dont attack yet!! Let them make the first move, Then respond as a team!!!" as he says this he barely hears Kane's words. 'Thank god someone is thinking other then me!' Then he sees Aleksi vanish ' male without a father, he is either running or attacking, either way he's dead once he reapears'


    Then he sees the ice ball fly towards the Atronachs " Oh no"

  13. ok I was wondering if we can take control of other peoples caracters, with their permission of cource, We can discuss here what will happen so that the poster can keep the other persons caracter correct.


    Reason why I ask this is because I want my caracter to take Peregrine's and Werewolf531's example and attack Almalexia's caracter, this would be a no weapon attack becuase Dur-Colath wants to see how Ril-Toka reacts to a sudden attack not hurt him.

  14. :::::::NORD CAMP::::::::::



    Dur-Colath shakes Aleksi hand "good to hear that you have esome military training, would you be so kind as to think up some drills for the rest of us? Fygge said there was some pratice area, But seeing the haggered bunch he has hanging around him I'm not hopeing to find much" As he talks he sees even more strangers comeing into the camp "lord if this keeps up we'll have an army by the time we leave. Not thats a bad thing concidering whats at stake and concidering the 'strange voices' we all have heard, the more help the better" to himself he adds 'or at least I hope, with the gods involvied, we could have the Nereivene himself and still be in trouble'


    "Ulf, also glad to meet you. I take it by the way your attacking the food you dont go to public places much. I also take it you haven't faced combat with intelligent foes in a while or you wouldn't need rest now. We are in a strange camp and I for one dont enter such places unless I can fight my way out of trouble for hours if need be." Dur-Colath grabs a few pieces of meat and vegetables from the vast table, or at least from his standpoint its vast, and looks to see if the others are going for drinks or equipment. " I have my full now and if you others are 'rested' enough, shall we see what kind of drills our 'officer' can think up?" Dur-Colath smerks at Aleksi so the man knows he is only jesting. "now what say the rest of you?" Dur-Colath looks on at the gathering hord and hopes all of them, includeing himself, will be up for what faces them.

  15. Well since my caracter has a Daedric Tanto and two pieces of glass armor I guess I really should read what the moderators have to say on that.


    Cheat sheet for Dur-Coath:

    Bosmer scout


    Crossbow; with steel bolts and a few silver bolts

    Daetric Tanto



    Glass Cuirass and Greaves


    Other equipment:

    Dark green cloak


    armor repair tools

    healing potions

    cure diseaes, resist disease potios

    bed roll, soap and other items a person who prefers to live in the woods would bring.


    I wanted to show that Dur-Colath is an acomplished adventurer and while he is not the nerevarine, he has had a few runins on the island. The Daetric Tanto is one of my favorite weapons and is readly avalable if you look. The Glass armor can also be bought in a few store ( I cant remember were off the top of my head) I have Dur-Colath go barefoot as a caracter quirk, He has gone that way so long that he can go throu snow with no discomfort or harm.


    I do have a question on skills. In the last update the leaders said that we should train and equip ourselves. How will we show this? My caracter is not starting out and as I posted He already knows enough to get himself into trouble and out of it if need be. So Do I need to state OOC what skills my caracter has?


    And on a last note, I dont post here but HOW DO YOU GET THE REALLY BIG LETTERS?!?! Sorry I want to do the title thing but my atempt failed badly as all of you can see.


    Hehe I just saqw right after I posted this Kheskeim's post on the breakdown of the various caracters, I have the same list but thanks for it I had a couple of errors in it and now it is fixed.

  16. nord camp


    listening to his "leader's" words Dur-Colath had to smile. 'I have what skills I need, what I dont have other do. Why else have a group? As for equipment, all I need is food for the journey and that will be provided.'


    Dur-Colath looks around and figures its time to see how everyone will work as a group. "Aleksi, Xristo, Ril-Toka, Ulf, Wulfgar! " Dur-Corath yells as loud as he can. Once he has all their attention he continues in a more normal voice "sice we are going to work together we might as well get some pratice in working as a team. I know for one that I haven't worked with others for a while and I could use some polish in that area. Not to mention I really want to see how all of you fight, especialy you Ril-Toka, you handled that guard nicely but I want to see how you handle a combat situation."


    "Well are we going to get some pratice in or are we going to see how fast we trip over our own feet when the bad guys come?" Dur-Colath crosses his arms and plants his barefeet wide as he waits for their replys.



    Dur-Coath smiles at Xristo " thanks for the compiment Nord, but his guards couldnt hit a moutain much less me" but the Bosmer is glad of the distraction the Nord gave, it lightened up the mood so everyone could get down to the important things.


    As Xristo stod at the ready for the duel Dur-Coath looked the Nord over with a professional and seasoned eye. ' Yea he can handle himself ok, and his sword is in great shape, shows me that he is not lazy. Now to see if he can handle this without geting either himself or our future boss killed'


    Dur-Coath then glances over to the blind Kahjit "you looked a bit worn out there when you entered the camp, you going to be ok?" but he thought 'a blind mage, hehe, he knows how to handle some guards but can he handle combat? Got to remember to get this cat into some trouble to see how he handles himself'


    Dur-Coath sits down with his back to a tree next to what he hopes will be a member of his group. keeping most of his attention on the two Nords Dur-Coath also kept his eyes on the camp, and noticed the old man in the fur boots, " hey old man come over here and introduce yourself" Dur-Coath noticed the gleam both in the man's eyes and on his staff 'oh great, he's a nut job. Hope he is not part of all this , but I got a feeling he will be. Xristo is right this IS a troupe!'

  18. Still stareing the huge Nord down Dur-Coath heard the strange sound in his head. And in the corner of his eyes he saw that the new arivals were also reacting to something only they could hear. 'damn, I hate it when I hear strange voices in my head, that means the gods have a invested intrest in this. And that means major trouble'


    'Well theres nothing like the present' Dur-Coath thought. "Fygge, I'm sure even you have heard of the city of Vivec?" when the Nord nodded with more then alittle of anger in his eyes Dur-Coath continued. "Well a few months ago the Ordinators, thats the local athorites if you didn't know, were haveing some trouble with a bunch of warriors that were looking to claim Vivec as their own now that the local god was dead. I figure I help them out since I visit the city often whenever I'm on the island."

    "Now that was a fun fight. there were fifty Ordinators plus me. Aginst seventy-five warriors. The warriors tried to ignore me at first, I am a Bosmer after all, but after I took out three of them in as many seconds I got their attention. Hehe they must have thought I was some Daedra from Oblivion itself, for after I killed ten of their numbers and me not even with a scratch they had fear in their eyes. In the end I claimed fifteen of their numbers total and loss three of the Ordinators. I am now a offical Ordinator, the first non-Dunmer if I remember correctly."


    "I can work with a group, or alone, whichever is needed at the time, I dont ask for much, I'm not in this for money. I'm in this to stop the rifts from tearing everything apart. Now am I apart of this group or do you go off without me to your deaths?"

  19. Dur-Coath looks down at the nord and wounders if there is such a thing as a thin nord, probably not, they would be mistaken for a Bosmer.


    With the speed and agility that has made his race admired Dur-Coath does a backflip and before he comes to a landing behind the nord he pulls his Tanto out, and as he lands he thrusts the blade between the nords legs, with the blade faceing up,makeing sure to leave as little space between the blade and the nords skin as possible.


    Fighting down the urge to puke from the alcohol stench he puts on his best "tough guy"voice, which isn't much he knows. " If I want to get drunk I'll go to a tavern. But were your heading I asume there will be more fighting then drinking." knowing he had proven his point with the blade he resheths it and flips over the nord to land without a sound in front of him, and is a bit disapointed when Fygge shows no sign of being dizzy from all the movement, 'must not be as drunk as I thought' Dur-Coath thinks. " Not all Bosmer are theives, I have fought orcs,Lichs,Werewolves, a couple of vampires, and many others. My services are yours if you are truely what others are saying. in the two days that I have been here I have seen only the Imperial and a blind Kajit come to this camp, so I have to wonder if YOU are more then just what you smell to be. If you are what I think you are then I would be honored to fight at your side. Not to mention that at the least I could train your so called guards to spot a bull netch before it enters the camp" Dur-Coath glares at Fygge as he waits for the not-so-drunk nord to respond.


    As he atempts to stare down a Nord that is almost three times the size he is he sees that everyone in the entire camp gather round and watch in amusement. He sees the two adventures as well as a new Nord that wasnt here yesterday. in a hartbeat he has a plan of excape if things go badly. Other then Fygge the only other person in the camp that looks even remotely capable is the Nord that joined himself up with this sorry band. So getting out of the camp in one piece shouldn't be a problem. But Dur-Coath hopes the Nord will let him join, time is short and he doesn't know if he would have the time or the chance to hunt down one of the other rumored leaders.

  20. Dur-Coath, after hearing the rumors of rifts in cryrodiil from a drunk Imperial in Vivec, made his way to Cryrodiil province to see if there was any way he could stem the tide of evil that would pour from these rifts.


    Makeing sure to stock up on supplies, potions, lockpicks ( while not a lowly thief, one never knows when these things will come in handy), even a couple of tools to repaire his glass greaves and cuirass, since such armor is hard to come by and he does spend so much time in the woods he so loves. Dur-Coath pulls the dark green cloak over his armor and the hood over his blond hair and pointed ears. As he leaves the store he looks over his shoulder to the owner and flips a coin to the kind high elf and a frendly smile, never know when you'll be back agine so best to stay on friendly terms with those that help you.


    After much searching and listening to both commoners and creatures, Dur-Coath decides his best chances of getting to the bottom of this problem is the Nord fighter Fygge Ropemuscles in the moutain country north of Bruma. Fygge sounded like the type to hire a Bosmer with few question, if not a few racial slurs. Oh well that is what one gets for being one of the shortest races in the world, of cource Dur-Coath has ended his share of raciest slime at the end of his Daedric tanto.


    Makeing his way up to were the camp was at was childs-play. Not wanting to be seen at first Dur-Coath waited till nightfall and sliped past the camp guards and silently made his way to were Fygge's tent was soppose to be at. Keeping to dark areas and trusting more to his barefeet to see by then his eyes Dur-Coath finds a spot up in a tree were he can listen to others plea to let Fygge take them in.


    Dur-Coath's plan was to listen to a few "interviews" and then make his case based on what he heard.

  21. one of the craziest would have to be when I was on my compaions kick. I had a few that were compatable and in Seyda Neen over by the lighthouse there were three of the same Companion some female wood elf archer, I guess the modders REALLY liked her. One scaring moment came when I went into this one house ( cant remember the name of the town) but there was a naked male wood elf in it, now what made this scaring was that I was running better bodies mod at the time. Lets just say that the modders were not kind to the wood elves, I guess Fargoth had something to do with that.
  22. hehe... now why wouldn't you want all of us (who obviously love you for this site) to know were you live lol.


    there was also forgotten relms, not to sure if it has been going as long as TESSource. but Morrowind summit is simular in that it was for TES series only.

    when do I get my free Oblivion game :)

  23. ok on a new subject.... Untouchable1.....why is this person still allowed to post on this site? I just saw this persons posts on a fable vs. morrowind topic and he has not only hijacked it but also has links to other topics that he has ranted on and done his best to rattle everyones chains on. I don't clame to know what the rules are on posting links to other topics but this seems to me like another form of hijackking. If I am out of line I do applogize in advance for it but I just hate to see people like Untouchable who post hateful messages just to rattle other people chains for fun.
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