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Posts posted by volvaga0

  1. I have recently also been trying to do this myself, but haven't got anywhere with it... I was starting to think the whole zoom in with a bow thing is hard-coded and can't be used with something else, I just couldn't see how anything would work without having a arrow drawn.

    Is this even possible to do, I would LOVE such a thing from an SKSE keypress function. I've yet to see a mod that does this, even on the Nexus

  2. Success! I have it working now :dance:


    The code as it was, is perfectly fine. It works with that code, minus the top 4 lines that is... I'm not entirely sure why this is, but the RegisterForKey() function (and the other SKSE functions) simply doesn't/wont work when written in an 'ObjectReference' script. I took your advise and had a quick look through my papyrus logs to see if it actually is being called, or is throwing out errors. Sure enough, it was giving an error:


    error: Unable to call RegisterForKey - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


    This lead me to believe the code wasn't being called, because it's not in the correct script extension. I made a quick blank Quest with a single script in it (the same code that is on the first post), called the sections of code via functions from my object reference script, and it worked! For a good lot of hours I've been wondering why my sections of, seemingly correct code; wasn't working. It was in fact correct, but being called from the wrong script extension, causing the errors.


    Thanks for the assistance and the will to help a fellow modder through his troubles, it's an honor to be a part of this solid community. Thanks again!

  3. So I got rid of those top four lines, however I'm still getting no response from the key presses.

    The only reason I had those top two lines there was because the script wouldn't compile without them. It was something to do with my SKSE instal not being 'correct' somehow. I did a fresh copy/instal of the SKSE files and the script compiled correctly (without those line in them, as they wouldn't before). I thought that would solve my problems... NOPE.


    I don't understand why I can't get a response when using that code. I've even put the int value for the DXScancode in a global variable, and calling it using globalname.GetValueInt(), but that didn't get a response either (just trying different things to trigger a response).


    Is there a specific scriptreference where the Registerforkeypress() has to go? At the moment I have the code running in a 'Scriptname nameofscript extends ObjectReference'. Does it even matter?

  4. EDIT: SOLVED!!! Thank you steve40 for the sound advise. +Kudos to you my friend



    So I've been trying to get one of my mods to use a keypress function, but have not had any luck in getting it working. What I think will work, just doesn't and I just don't know why :wallbash:


    I've been trying to use the 'OnKeyUp' function to call some code, but have had no luck. Here is what I've got as of now:


    Function RegisterForKey(Int KeyCode) Native
    Function UnregisterForAllKeys() Native
    Import Input
    Import Form
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    Event OnKeyUp(int keyCode, float holdTime)
    if keyCode == 49
    Debug.MessageBox("KeyPressed N")
    Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)


    This script is being called from an item the player equipts, it should then register for the 'N' key, and call an action when that key is pressed. I'm not sure what I'm missing here as it's not working at all.

    Can the 'RegisterForKey()' not be called from within an event? Does it have to be from a function?


    I haven't found/seen much documentation on on SKSE keypress events so im not entirely sure what the correct syntax is, all this is from what I can gather from various Creation Kit wiki pages and a few mods that have working SKSE keypress events. If someone who knows what they are doing, could tell me what I'm doing wrong, please do!

  5. New problem now... fml :dry:


    Since the random hangs and error messages, my mod esp has BLOATED a lot. it was at 32kb in file size, now it's at 6592kb and causes the game to hang and takes AGES to load into anything to do anything about it.

    Why is my mod esp suddenly become so bloated? I have been doing no different to what I've always been doing when making mods and mod updates. This all has seriously upset me as I'm not sure on what to do with it right now... Looks like I am going to have to rebuild what I had done up to this point from a previous mod version.


    Again, if anyone knows why mod esp's get bloated like that, let me know. I'm probly not going to be modding again anytime soon, I really can't be botherd with it right now




    EDIT: I hadn't updated my CK to the correct version. I was still using the v1.6 CK with patch v1.8. I'd imagine the slight incompatibility was causing the mod file to bloat and become corrupted. Problem averted people. Sorry all!

  6. Ok I loaded my mod into TESVEdit and even that hung for quite awhile, but it did indeed finish loading and I had some form of access to my mod. I managed to remove two of the magic effects I thought would cause the issue, and sure enough my mod now loads in the CK once again (albiet it hangs far longer than I've ever seen any mod do before in the CK, but atleast I have mod access now).


    Thanks for the reccomendation to clean it out with TESVEdit, I don't know why I didn't try to do so myself. I guess it never occured to me that it would have been something within the esp that was causing the problems. Thanks guys!

  7. Weird. No idea how to fix this using the CK alone. TESVEdit might help you in getting rid the part that triggers the error though.


    Nope. I cannot just ignore it unfortunately...

    If I Hit 'Abort', it just brings the same message up again (I can spam click the same message over and over)

    If I hit 'Retry', it just removes the message, but completely hangs the CK into an endless load loop of some sorts. I've left it for quite a long time and still does nothing what so ever...

    When I hit 'Ignore' it does the same thing as 'Retry'.


    Slightly annoyed by this as I have rebuilt a good portion of the mod within the CK, and I REALLY don't want to have to do it again.

  8. Everytime when I load my mod, it reaches 100% load and give this error message http://i.imgur.com/ZmX4i.png

    I heard some things about a similar mesage about the Dawngaurd DLC causing an issue but I don't think that's the problem. (I've already applied that fix and it still brings the same errors).

    It will load any other mod esp perfectly fine, its just my mod esp that gives this error. I was working on an update to one of my mods, but this has halted it altogether as I sadly cannot continue with it because of this :wallbash:


    I don't really want to have to do EVERYTHING again, so if anyone has any info on this matter it would make a VERY happy person

  9. It's taken a back seat to things right now. I'm juggling a few projects as well as Skyrim modding, as well as playing DayZ for 2-3 hours every night...


    The bandana mod will be coming out soon, so when that's out I'll carry on with the eye patches. Im still struggling with inspiration so it's going slower than usual. Plus the frequent playing of DayZ isn't helping, lol.


    TL;DR - it's still coming, I haven't forgot about it

  10. Ok derp time for me...

    Looks like I got it right in the first place, I just didn't connect the two in the script properties.

    I though It already was connected but I checked and the source wasn't linked.


    Sorry guys!


    But hey if anyone is having trouble doing this then here you go, that is how it's done

  11. I've been trying to get my mod to act a certain way depending on a set variable and I can't quite get the correct syntax to do it. The script compiles correctly, but I'm obviously doing something wrong.


    The mod in question is my Dwemer Goggles and Scouter mod


    I have an external 'POWER' that brings up an ingame menu, that when options are selected, changes a global variable setting I have set up in the CK. I have tested this to be working correctly by checking the variable values in the console.

    My problem now is, I can't get an item to act on that set variable.


    Here is a snippet of the code I have at the moment:

    Scriptname Dwemer_Goggles_Sense extends ObjectReference  
    GlobalVariable Property DwemerGoggles_VAR  Auto  
    Message Property DwemerGogglesMenu_Begin Auto  
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    if (DwemerGoggles_VAR.GetValue() == 0)
    Debug.MessageBox("Var is set to 0, show menu")
    int button = DwemerGogglesMenu_Begin.Show()
    elseif (DwemerGoggles_VAR.GetValue() == 1)
    Debug.MessageBox("Var is set to 1, cast night eye")	
    if (DwemerGoggles_VAR.GetValue() == 2)
    Debug.MessageBox("Var is set to 2, cast detect life")


    No matter what value the variable is set at, it always acts as if the value was at '0', so It must not be calling directly from the set variable.

    What is the correct syntax to find and call from a variable.


    Essentialy I would like something like this translated:

    if DwemerGoggles_var = 0 then
    if DwemerGoggles_var = 1 then
    if DwemerGoggles_var = 2 then

  12. Yes of course you will be able to wear helmets and hoods with them.

    And it's going alright. Just playin around with some styles for the armour types

  13. You might also like to add headbands and stuff like that. Perhaps a piece of clothing that goes around the skull and covers an eye or both (for blind characters).


    I've already done exactly that. Full blindfolds and blindfolds over one eye. Check my sig for my mod list. It's called 'Blindfolds of Skyrim'.



    I'll start work on the eyepatch set soon then as the feedback was positive. Thanks guys

    If you have any suggestions on what the individual eyepatch versions could look like, any input is welcome.


    And of course all eyepatches will have FULL beast race support.

  14. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/3147615-1337732894.jpg


    while messing about with this mock-up eyepatch, I was thinking of doing a set to match each of the armour materials. So you would have a leather patch, iron, steel and deadric patch versions, ect... Each with there own unique mesh and designs.


    Yes, I know about the 'Bandit Eyepatch by Ceekay9'. But reading some of the comments some users are giving on that mod page, leads me to think they aren't 100% happy with it. I can offer some variation on the eye-patches.


    I was asked to do something like this awhile ago but didn't get round to it.

    Is it worth it?

    Would you even want such a thing?

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