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Everything posted by Warriok

  1. It's awful, more clicks, more time. It was perfect before and we were used to it. If something works, don't fix it!
  2. Some vocation stat growths are better than others. I'd be cool if you could play as, say an archer, and get the stat growths per level of a warrior. That is if you find more fun to play as a certain class but want to get better stats.
  3. The house in Vernworth is awful. I particularly hate the table in the middle. All those cooking things in a house that's empty all the time. It's just cluttered af. It could be made better by just deleting some unwanted items. But the better option would be to live anywhere. For example, let's say the elven father decides to sell you that beautiful room with a view of the river, cause he likes you so much. It would just be a matter of adding the chest and the rest option on the bed. And like that are many examples of houses that I consider way prettier than the ones provided.
  4. 1. Climb walls - All those chests up high and only those clunky vocation specific mechanics. Why not rock climbing instead? Its more immersive and a better way to enjoy the environment. 2. No front tuck after climbing - Have you ever seen a pro climber, say Janja do that? It's silly. 3. Double jump - Concussive step is awful and unpredictable, if not DD:DA double jump, just chaining jumps would be better. 4. No auto climb - We wouldn't like auto combat, right? Same thing. 5. DD:DA climbing mechanics and animations - Cause it was just better.
  5. I'm currently doing a second playthrough and I'm amazed on hpw much I've missed. I don't know who did this awesome job: https://www.reddead.gg/map/ I'd love a mod using map markers in game to find all things marked by this website.
  6. In the streets you find these awesome Tyger or Maelstrom paints or simply colors we like better. Imagine buying a real car and vendor said: we only have red. Picture that pink Cortes in Columbia Blue. I'd be cool if you could steal the blueprints for new paints from factions (Fallout 4 style) or that when you buy it there was an option to pick different color from the ones that are already in the game. Maybe just a store where you can recolor.
  7. Seriously, one male, one female? in a city of sin? And all those bars with no possible interaction.
  8. Because everything should be for everyone, at least in the virual world, right?
  9. I mean, anyone that uses a Windows PC is used to managing files into folders. What if the Pip-boy had the feature of creating and renaming folders? To me, that would be the solution for inventory management. You could use a folder for everything you're actually wearing, another for stuff to sell, another for holotapes, another for stuff you want to store later, etc. Once you have the folder you'll use, you just drag the item into it.
  10. TY so much. My character had the wispmother and the spider steaming feet. Not sure, but I think I got them from Arvak.
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