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  1. Hello to all. I'm working on a new world space and now I have to navmesh it. I have tried the auto generate navmesh under World Space menu and also under Region. I got CTD after a while. I would like to know why I'm getting this and how to resolve. This is the last dump file, hope it helps. I have the latest version of CK and CKPE. Many thanks
  2. Hello to all. I have a question about xEdit script. By giving X and Y value of position, it is possible to know the Z value of terrain at that position? Please, check the attachment for more details. Thank you.
  3. Yes, I want to use it as "brush" to my custom landTexture. As I said in first post, I made a copy of vanilla one and then I replaced the texture path file on the new one with NifSkope. Anyway I found the issue: your new grass nifs must be UNDER meshes\landscape\grass and no in other places as I did.
  4. Both CK and game, does not show. Also I don't se any "blue texture" in CK nor in game. Texture is a normal DDS file.
  5. Hi, guys! How are you? I'm having a little issue with custom grass. Here what I did: - made a copy of meshes/landscape/grass/rockgrass01.nif in meshes/manny_gf/grass/manny_GF_grass_sandrock01.nif - replaced one texture with nifskope 2.0 dev.8 (texture path is ok and it's showed in Nifskope: textures\manny_gf\landscape\manny_gf_sand01.dds) - imported in CK in my custom grass These are the (untouched) flags in BSTriShape node: Does not show it up and I have no errors. What I'm missing? Thanks!
  6. Hi, there. I have a question: When you place objects in the world cells (or interior cells), they were placed with rotation 0,0,0. It is possible to place object conform to slope? I'll explain better with an example: Imagine you have a shipwreck wich is a bit sank, a bit rotated and so on. Now I want to place a chest on the bridge but I have do manually rotate the chest to match the bridge slope. Is there a way to automatically match the slope? This feature is seen in the Palette Object window but I want to place object(s) without using that Palette. Many thanks.
  7. Hello, guys! After years, I decide to reinstall and open CK SE. I just made and published a little mod. However I tried to make another one by editing an exterior worldspace cell by putting an item in the world. When I right click on a model in the list and select "Preview", the object in the preview window is flickering when I try to view other models. Anyone knows how to fix this? It's really annoying. I'm using Win10 Thanks!
  8. Hello, guys! After years, I decide to reinstall and open CK SE. I just made and published a little mod. However I tried to edit an exterior worldspace cell by putting an item in the world. When I right click on a model and select "Preview", the object in the preview window is flickering when I try to view other models. Anyone knows how to fix this? It's really annoying. Thanks!
  9. In response to post #61093447. If this can help, I still have 0 DP. Don't know why. * update * Sorry, my mistake. I didn't see the "pending" points.
  10. In response to post #50637042. #50637457, #50641767, #50642032, #50642107, #50661332, #50663927, #50670942, #50684132, #50687542, #50687672, #50688552, #50689297, #50694787, #50697272, #50702562, #50722097 are all replies on the same post. @ JeniSkunk: Correct, but I'm not sure about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Cernobyl. I tried that time ago and the CD-KEY didn't worked. Also you can reclaim The Witcher 1 and 2 too.
  11. In response to post #50669642. #50684202 is also a reply to the same post. I'm waiting for "GOG connect" feature.
  12. In response to post #50637042. #50637457, #50641767, #50642032, #50642107, #50661332, #50663927, #50670942, #50684132 are all replies on the same post. I love both clients: GOG Pros: - Entirely DRM free - Download of games can be done via client or via website - Client is not necessary to run games - "Connect": some videogames you bought on Steam can be added in your GoG account for free Cons: - The catalog does not have so much games but thankfully is growing day by day STEAM Pros: - The catalog is very full of videogames Cons: - Games my have third party DRM too such Denuvo - Client is necessary to download and play videogames
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