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Everything posted by mdodeadone

  1. still same issues, any suggestion please guys and gals.
  2. you could try these locations Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 Steam\userdata\20918769\760\remote\377160\screenshots or this guide posted here http://www.gamepur.com/guide/21171-how-take-and-edit-stunning-screenshots-fallout-4-pc-version.html hope it helps.
  3. ok i have removed all clothing mods, reinstalled and issues are still the same, i also triedto copy all files manually but no luck . any ideas. current load order is Fallout4.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1ArmorKeywords.esm=1ProjectCommonwealth.esm=1SettlementKeywords.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1Worsins-Paint-Garage-lite-no-bonus.esp=1Simple Intersection.esp=1SkjAlert_RS-.esp=1ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1Snap and Build - Greenhouse.esp=1Snap and Build - Capsule.esp=1Snap and Build - Bunker.esp=1DD_AIO_I_Hate_You_All.esp=1DD_bobblehead_stands.esp=1Siles - ModernMagazineShelf - All in One.esp=1Buildable_PAFrame.esp=1BetterGenerators.esp=1CBBE.esp=1Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1Pack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack1 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack4 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1MYLadyKillerBed.esp=1MYBlackWidowBed.esp=1GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp=1Art Gallery.esp=1Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp=1Lore Friendly Posters.esp=1OctaviusSentibar_LabeledContainers.esp=1SR_Settlement_Signs.esp=1BetterStores.esp=1BS-ExtraCustomProps.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1OctaviusSentibar_Labels.esp=1pylonscheap.esp=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1BusinessSettlements-SKPatch.esp=1Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp=1Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp=1SnB- Greenhouse - SK.esp=1InsElevator-AllGlass.esp=1CarryWeight200Strength.esp=1CarryWeight9999.esp=1Crafting Workbench.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1KerriganGlasses.esp=1Kerrigan.esp=1KerriganColorChange.esp=1N7-Armor-Standalone_by_Ruddy88.esp=1SniperDamage.esp=1SuitDreams(3.Average).esp=1N7 VaultSuit F-Gloves.esp=1DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp=1rtactical.esp=1ShadeArmorIV.esp=1VaultCentral.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1ImmersiveVendors.esp=1UnlimitedPower.esp=1Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp=1GITS_suit_by_OniNigma.esp=1el_precursorsuit.esp=1NanoHelmet.esp=1NanoArmor.esp=1DelyteOutfits.esp=1Build High.esp=1BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp=1WeaponRacks.esp=1WeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.esp=1WeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet-SKPatch.esp=1AS_CraftableInstituteStations.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack.esp=1WaterTowers.esp=1Cait CBBE Standalone 1.esp=1Siles - ModernBobbleheadRobotModelStand.esp=1Sexy Cait.esp=1presetfeMANSHED.esp=1AzarMoreHairstyles.esp=1Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp=1AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp=1QuickEnterFromStand.esp=1QuickExitToStand.esp=1m82a.esp=1Northland.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core.esp=1NX Pro - Harvest Overhaul.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - Homemaker.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - No Requirements.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - Rebalancer 06I.esp=1CleanSettlement.esp=1RaiderOverhaul.esp=1Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp=1AIO SS.esp=1MeetTheNewRaiderettes-NR.esp=1 thanx all.
  4. thank you. so my option would be to remove all my clothing mods and re-install them.
  5. hi all, currently have an issue, not sure whats wrong but seems most if not all of my NPC and radiers etc are pink in colour, some are some are not and some even have holes going straight through them. got any ideas as to whats going on. seems like a texture issues so not sure what to do next.
  6. hi, i cant offer much assistance in your load order as still trying to figure that out myself, but seeing as it sounds like you after building mods then this is my current load order with a few loaded and so far with thanx to help from a couple of members here are working great for me. Fallout4.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1ArmorKeywords.esm=1ProjectCommonwealth.esm=1SettlementKeywords.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1Worsins-Paint-Garage-lite-no-bonus.esp=1Simple Intersection.esp=1SkjAlert_RS-.esp=1ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1Snap and Build - Greenhouse.esp=1Snap and Build - Capsule.esp=1Snap and Build - Bunker.esp=1DD_AIO_I_Hate_You_All.esp=1DD_bobblehead_stands.esp=1Siles - ModernMagazineShelf - All in One.esp=1Buildable_PAFrame.esp=1BetterGenerators.esp=1CBBE.esp=1Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1Pack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack1 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack4 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1MYLadyKillerBed.esp=1MYBlackWidowBed.esp=1GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp=1Art Gallery.esp=1Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp=1Lore Friendly Posters.esp=1OctaviusSentibar_LabeledContainers.esp=1SR_Settlement_Signs.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1pylonscheap.esp=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1BusinessSettlements-SKPatch.esp=1Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp=1Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp=1SnB- Greenhouse - SK.esp=1InsElevator-AllGlass.esp=1CarryWeight200Strength.esp=1CarryWeight9999.esp=1Crafting Workbench.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1KerriganGlasses.esp=1Kerrigan.esp=1KerriganColorChange.esp=1Harness-calyps.esp=1N7-Armor-Standalone_by_Ruddy88.esp=1SniperDamage.esp=1SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp=1N7 VaultSuit F-Gloves.esp=1slootyVaultSuit.esp=1DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp=1rtactical.esp=1VaultCentral.esp=1VaultSuitBoxes.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1ImmersiveVendors.esp=1UnlimitedPower.esp=1Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp=1NanoHelmet.esp=1NanoArmor.esp=1DelyteOutfits.esp=1Build High.esp=1BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp=1WeaponRacks.esp=1WeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.esp=1WeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet-SKPatch.esp=1AS_CraftableInstituteStations.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack.esp=1WaterTowers.esp=1Cait CBBE Standalone 1.esp=1ShadeArmorIV.esp=1Spartan-Calyps.esp=1Chain Armor.esp=12pacSkimpy.esp=1Siles - ModernBobbleheadRobotModelStand.esp=1Sexy Cait.esp=1presetfeMANSHED.esp=1AzarMoreHairstyles.esp=1MGSOutfit.esp=1QuickEnterFromStand.esp=1QuickExitToStand.esp=1m82a.esp=1Northland.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core.esp=1NX Pro - Harvest Overhaul.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - Homemaker.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - No Requirements.esp=1NX Pro - Farm Core - Rebalancer 06I.esp=1CleanSettlement.esp=1 hopefully it might help you in some way.
  7. ok, when i change the load order from snapnbuild above homemaker its crashes everytime. however with the load order i have now this seems to work the way i have it no problem so im leaving it as is. i also copied over all the files manually from from northland but still not even showing up. really would like to have this mod working, i have also tried moving it up and down my load order but still nothing.
  8. ok thank you, i have found the issue with my ssd space being used, it was the geforce experience program using it up. and i shall try manually copying the file from northland over and see if i have any luck. cheers for the Snap'N Build tip ill try that also
  9. hi, sorry about late reply, been trying to fix this since i posted, anyway i have everything working except 1 mod. Northland. no matter were i place it in my load order nothing appears, i think i shall just remove it as everything else works perfectly so far. i do have 1 other issue, when crafting my SSD seems to lose space untill i have none left, thus causing me not having enough SSD space to save what i have just created. i have set my page file size manually but still same issue. runing win7.1 with 16gig ram and thank you also for the advice and tips above, i might take some and try them out.
  10. hi all, im after some assistance with my load order. as you can see by the couple of screenshots i have added all was running great while building my little base up. now all of a sudden when i go to the prefab section it CTD on me. i have not added anything new since i have been building and looks like my load order has gone mad. now im lost to what should be a working load order http://s23.postimg.org/yyxu2k9tz/Screen_Shot2.png http://s23.postimg.org/rhomnckav/Screen_Shot3.png this is my current load order.Fallout4.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1SettlementKeywords.esm=1ArmorKeywords.esm=1ProjectCommonwealth.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1Snap'n Build.esm=1Simple Intersection.esp=1SkjAlert_RS-.esp=1ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1Snap'n Build - Metal windows.esp=1Snap'n Build - Immersive Modular Doorways.esp=1Snap and Build - Industrial bridges.esp=1SnB - Windows.esp=1SnB-Bridges-Homemaker.esp=1Snap'n Build - Roofs.esp=1DD_AIO_I_Hate_You_All.esp=1DD_Power_armor_option.esp=1DD_bobblehead_stands.esp=1Siles - ModernMagazineShelf - All in One.esp=1Buildable_PAFrame.esp=1BetterGenerators.esp=1CBBE.esp=1Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1Pack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack1 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack4 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.esp=1MYLadyKillerBed.esp=1MYBlackWidowBed.esp=1OSHA_Signs.esp=1GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp=1Art Gallery.esp=1Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp=1Lore Friendly Posters.esp=1DS Flags.esp=1OctaviusSentibar_Labels.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1pylonscheap.esp=1PerkChartPoster.esp=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1BusinessSettlements-SKPatch.esp=1Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp=1Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp=1InsElevator-Nobutton.esp=1CarryWeight200Strength.esp=1CarryWeight9999.esp=1Crafting Workbench.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp=1KerriganGlasses.esp=1Kerrigan.esp=1KerriganColorChange.esp=1Harness-calyps.esp=1N7-Armor-Standalone_by_Ruddy88.esp=1SniperDamage.esp=1SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp=1N7 VaultSuit F-Gloves.esp=1slootyVaultSuit.esp=1DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp=1VaultCentral.esp=1VaultSuitBoxes.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1Snap'n Build v1.6 SK patch.esp=1ImmersiveVendors.esp=1UnlimitedPower.esp=1Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp=1NanoHelmet.esp=1NanoArmor.esp=1DelyteOutfits.esp=1Build High.esp=1BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp=1WeaponRacks.esp=1WeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.esp=1WeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet-SKPatch.esp=1AS_CraftableInstituteStations.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack-SKPatch.esp=1WaterTowers.esp=1Cait CBBE Standalone 1.esp=1ShadeArmorIV.esp=1Spartan-Calyps.esp=1Chain Armor.esp=12pacSkimpy.esp=1MGSOutfit.esp=1m82a.esp=1QuickEnterFromStand.esp=1QuickExitToStand.esp=1 regards
  11. hi all, need some assistance, i think i disable the workbench in sanctuary hills as it was it my way of my creation, now i do have one to store my junk files, can i use something else to do this or re-enable the workbech. regards Mick i feel so bad now , all sorted, this can be deleted.
  12. hello all, this might be a simple solution but how do you obtain dye to use for crafting. i have looked through every menu and it has me puzzled or am i missing something thanx Mick
  13. hi all, thought i already done this but guess not. so my name is mick im 44 male and from the uk. hobbies include gaming, keen cyclist on and off road (MTB) and trying to get my hands into a little bit of modding without much success. im also i live bootleg collector of various bands in audio, dvd and bluray version. and go to as many live shows as i can.
  14. please some one help me out,, its driving me crazy.
  15. hello all. im really struggling here to get my mods working in an order were the items i have are listed when im building, some dont seem to show up unless i change them around and im lost as to why. i did have alot of issues with CTD while in building mode but i have somehow managed to stop that from happening. even tho its taken me over a week to try and sort it and many hours. this is taking me just as long now and need some modders help in getting me a load order that will show all my items i have. my current load order is Fallout4.esm=1SettlementKeywords.esm=1Snap'n Build.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1ProjectCommonwealth.esm=1Robot Home Defence.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1Worsin's Garage.esm=1Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp=1AlternateSettlements.esp=1ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1AdvSettleTurretSet.esp=1Buildable_PAFrame.esp=1Worsin's Paint Garage - Complete Collection.esp=1DD_AIO_I_Hate_You_All.esp=1Snap and Build - Modules.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1Craftable Institute Elevators - all in one - Homemaker.esp=1Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1Simple Intersection.esp=1Locked Doors - Destructable.esp=1Locked Doors - Indestructable.esp=1Locked Doors - Player House(optional).esp=1DDP_Lightbox1.esp=1Pack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Flags of the Old World.esp=1DD_bobblehead_stands.esp=1SkjAlert_RS-.esp=1LongerPowerLines3x.esp=1ZerasPaintings.esp=1Lore Friendly Posters.esp=1Siles - ModernMagazineShelf.esp=1DDP_Ramps_mark1.esp=1WeaponRacks.esp=1WeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.esp=1WeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.esp=1LightboxPower.esp=1OSHA_Signs.esp=1Homemaker-SettlementKeywords-patch.esp=1Safe SSEx.esp=1Settlement Keywords SSEX Patch.esp=1Snap and Build - Patches.esp=1pylonscheap.esp=1CarryWeight9999.esp=1CarryWeight200Strength.esp=1Snappable Covenant Walls.esp=1Dont Throw Stones.esp=1DD_Power_armor_option.esp=1DD_why_am_i_doing_this.esp=1BetterStores.esp=1Snap and Build - Industrial bridges.esp=1SnB-Bridges-Homemaker.esp=1SnB-Bridges-SSEx.esp=1 thank you all.
  16. hi all, i have been playing aroung since my last post and have so far i think managed to get it working. still need some advice. i have seen on one of the mods (but cant remeber which one ) huge security structures etc and hope some1 here has an idea of what im looking for. anyway so far this is the load order i have got which seems to work. do you have any suggestion on this list for what im looking for. Fallout4.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1SettlementKeywords.esm=1Worsin's Garage.esm=1Robot Home Defence.esm=1Snap'n Build.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1ProjectCommonwealth.esm=1Worsin's Paint Garage - Complete Collection.esp=1Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp=1DD_AIO_I_Hate_You_All.esp=1Snap and Build - Modules.esp=1Snap and Build - Patches.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1Craftable Institute Elevators - all in one - Homemaker.esp=1Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1Buildable_PAFrame.esp=1Locked Doors - Destructable.esp=1Locked Doors - Indestructable.esp=1Locked Doors - Player House(optional).esp=1DDP_Lightbox1.esp=1Pack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Pack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.esp=1Flags of the Old World.esp=1DD_bobblehead_stands.esp=1ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1Simple Intersection.esp=1SkjAlert_RS-.esp=1LongerPowerLines3x.esp=1PerkChartPoster.esp=1ZerasPaintings.esp=1Lore Friendly Posters.esp=1Siles - ModernMagazineShelf.esp=1AlternateSettlements.esp=1DDP_Ramps_mark1.esp=1WeaponRacks.esp=1WeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.esp=0WeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.esp=1LightboxPower.esp=1Safe SSEx.esp=1 regardsMick
  17. thanx all for the help and advice its very much appreciated. i have used loot for the 1st time, and that was the load order it gave me. can some1 reccomend a load order with just building mods please. once i get that part sorted when i add new ones i an do it 1 at a time and test as i go.
  18. hi all, currently everytime i open the workshop menu my game crashes. its driving me crazy. all im looking at doing is having more functions for building items etc. i have been at this for around 3 weeks now and so many hours wasted im starting to loose hope if i will ever get it to work. so here is the information you might want is assisting me to get it working. running Win8.1 i7 4790 @3.6 Ghz 16Gig ram GTX 760 (: Load Order Fallout4.esmSpringCleaning.esmArmorKeywords.esmPreWarHouse.esmHomemaker.esmSettlementKeywords.esmRobot Home Defence.esmSnap'n Build.esmHomemaker - SK Integration Patch.espABP Paintings.espABP Paintings - Sets =01=50=G=B=P.espSC_ExpandedScrapList.espExpandedSettlementBuildings.espColored Workshop Lights.espDDP_Lightbox1.espPack1 - Poster - BetterBeds.espPack2 - Poster - BetterBeds.espPack3 - Poster - BetterBeds.espPack1 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.espPack2 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.espPack3 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.espPack4 - Vault-Tec - BetterBeds.espEferasBetterBeds.espBrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.espCBBE.espDDP_Ramps_mark1.espeFFoodPlanters - Variable.espWeaponRacks.espWeaponRacks-Tools-Vanilla.espWeaponRacks-Weapons-Vanilla.espLongerPowerLines3x.espLore Friendly Posters.espMYBlackWidowBed.espMYLadyKillerBed.espVasstek_Vaultsuit.espCraftable Institute Elevators - walled.espDDP_Bridge_mark1.espSnap'n Build - Patches_HMM.espAlternateSettlements.espPHR - ALTSET.espSnap and Build - Modules.espCraftable Institute Elevators - all in one - Homemaker.espAlternateFurniture.esp i have tried adding meshes etc manually to there respective folders but to no avail.apart from this not letting me access the workshop the game seems to run perfectly well. all your help is more than appreciated in getting me a load order that works. regardsMick
  19. hi all new around here. name is mick and im from the uk. not realy done any thing moding related so im a little confused on how to get certain clothing items to appear. i have NMM installed with a few various mods which sem to be working fine so far . getting clothing to work is were im lost. any help is more than appreciated thank you Mick ok i spoke to soon. with the current mods i have running now everytime i go to build more it crashes the game. these are the mods i have added. Alternate Settlements atom bomb pinups Paintings Brighter Settlerment Lights Coloured workshop lights Craftable rafts and rails weapon rack homemaker expanded robot home defence santuary player home restored settlement keywords SK problem solved this can be removed in deeded, thank you
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