Hi guys, When playing Skyrim I tend to roleplay as characters from my favourite novels. My favourite to date has been Severian from Gene Wolfe's "The Book of the New Sun", an exiled torturer. Throughout the majority of the series he has an executioner's sword said to contain a hollow channel of mercury running down the middle to make it easy to raise and heavy to swing. I'm fairly new to pc gaming and modding as a whole and have followed a guide online in order to make this my first mod. I've made a basic 3d model on blender which I'm fairly happy with (for a first project at least) but the texture program I'm using kicks up a load of errors with it that I can't wrap my head around. I'm going to keep at it but feel I may have hit a wall with this project and would really appreciate if someone could help me out. Like I said its my first ever attempt at modding so any help is appreciated. Of course I'd love for someone to pick up where I've left off and complete it for me but even just fixing the 3d model or some friendly advice would go a long way. Thanks. N.B I've tried uploading the actual 3d model as an obj, 3ds and original blender file but the forum doesn't seem to want any of it. If anyone is interested at all I can send it straight to you in whatever way you prefer.