I've been on Nexus since I found it (right after I picked up my copy of Skyrim). I decided to try out the Steam workshop, and aside from the search function, it has a lot of other issues as well. 1. When you 'unsubscribe' to a file it does not remove the information that you once were subscribed to it. Unfortunately what that means is that if you DO decide (like I did) to go back to a Nexus version of the mod, the launcher handles it poorly. 2. You MUST use the launcher to update your subscribed mods. This is a pain for those of us who run SKSE. 3. The interface is NOT user friendly. Some functions are hard to find, and far too many clicks to get from point A to point B. Why is there no link up at the top of Steam, right next to 'Community', for 'Workshop'? Pretty big oversight IMO. 4. The interface is NOT setup to function well in multiple resolutions. By building it with a 3 mod width-wise max, they've constructed it for the lowest common denominator. I have a lot of screen real estate (dual 29" flatscreens), I'd like to use it. And speaking of real estate, I want it to remember that I like it to show me 30 at a time. It can remember my login, it should be able to remember that. 5. A popup with a 1-2 sentence description for each mod when you mouse over it would be extremely helpful - titles don't always give enough info, a popup would solve that without requiring me to click on each one. 6. And last, but definitely not least...sometimes I don't WANT to upgrade a mod? At least not automatically - not until I've read the read me/notes and seen if this latest update is going to, for example, cause me to lose all my stored belongings (ala housing add-on mods). - With NMM I can quickly and easily scroll through my mods (about 2 seconds), see if any have yellow exclamation points, and if so, click the link which brings me directly to the page for the mod. There, I can read not only the read mes/notes, but I can also read the comments and see what other users are saying about the update. - With Steam, first I have to make my way to the Workshop. then click 'Your Workshop Files', then 'Subscribed Items' (wait...bear with me, still not there yet), then INDIVIDUALLY click each mod to read the comments (wait, it gets better), but what, you say? No Read Mes or developer Notes? What is this? You mean I have to actually let Steam download and update and hope there is a developer note stuck in my Data folder afterward? Sigh. I'm sure there's more, but I'm tired and that's all I can think of right now. Nexus just needs more bandwidth...