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    Creation Kit & xEdit

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  1. https://github.com/lutris/lutris/blob/master/docs/steam.rst In case anyone reads this thread and sees a random "StateFlags" value. For example my CK was set to 518, which basically reads as "the game/app is installed, requires update and updates are paused.
  2. You can edit GCBUILDINGGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN if you want longer wires. Change the following: <Property name="BuildingPlacementMaxConnectionLength" value="200" />I've tested it with values up to 2000 so far and it works without issue.
  3. To each their own, I'm glad it's gone.
  4. Like someone else said, mod authors usually make their mods because they want what it adds in their game and are nice enough to share them. Sometimes we make a mod because someone asks on the forum "is X possible?" and someone else says "no it's not" and we go "hmm I f*#@ing think it is." I take the approach that it is the end users job to run their load order through FO4Edit and look for conflicts and either search for a patch or make one. Some times a mod author is kind enough to provide patches but I never expect it. I'll ask but if they say no or don't respond, I've learned how to make them on my own. The initial idea would have merit if people were not inherently jerkoffs, look how 99% of wiki's work
  5. I nuked that play through and started a new one with zero mods other then my personal custom fixes to stuff and didn't have the issue this time around. I still have no clue which of my mods caused the issue and I spent several days looking at them all in FO4Edit and the CK so I dumped them all and went for a more vanilla playthrough. I'm sorry that I can't give you a clear answer about this issue Loriwood01. Another one of the threads about this issue saw someone knowledgeable like SKK post a modification to DLC04DialogueSettlement quest but I'm not sure if that would fix your issue.
  6. I'm glad you got it to work. I only wish the developers kept things as simple as possible, other then unique weapons you find on vendors, it seems like every damn thing in the game is done four different ways so trying to find good examples in the CK can be such a pain in the ass. IE I found another part of the game with annoying audio so went to fix it and found that this one was not just an X-marker or a speaker but also had a quest attached that controlled audio for parts of it but not the entire aspect.
  7. I wanted a certain weapon with Rapid mod to be on a vendor so what I did was: Form List – created form list and added the OMOD mod_Legendary_Weapon_speed “Rapid” Leveled item – created and added the base weapon type I wanted and overrode the name, adjusted level and chance to taste Quest – created a quest, attached CustomItemQuestScript and edited in my Leveled List, Form List, and my reference to the vendor. I never tested adding the weapon to a non-vendor npc because I wanted it through a vendor but it should work
  8. yeah this magical scrap everything that manages to not break precombines, the system you have to break to scrap s#*&#33; that otherwise you cant scrap... see how that sounds?
  9. Music and sound in FO4 is a pita. There is no uniform way it's applied. LarannKiar points out the most important thing though, you need to look at all scripts with the suspect mod and decompile the scripts if source wasnt provided, which is easy enough to do with the tools for FO4.
  10. One page unless you want to annoy people, we don't need another dd
  11. Have you tried something like this? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23559
  12. Well good news or bad news, not sure which yet. Verifying files to fix amphitheater broke a bunch of textures in boston and caused a few areas to CTD when I enter them so time to zap everything and start again. Not sure when it'll happen but this is top of my "find and kill/fix" list. One mod at a time it is.
  13. If that mod is on nexus, provide a link and I'll look at it and as well.
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