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About Demonik420

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  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Starcraft 2, Pokemon Heart Gold, Final Fantasy tactics (PSP), Final Fantasy 12 (PS2 Emulator), Hoshizora E Kakaru Hashi (PC Eroge), Metroid Zero Mission (GBA), Paper Mario Sticker Star (3DS), Metal Gear Solid 1 (PSX PSP)
  • Favourite Game
    Eldar Scrolls, Starcraft, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Eroge, Dragon Quest/Warrior, Metal Gear, Warcraft 3 (NOT WOW), Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age Origins (NOT DA2), ,
  1. why do you say not to turn off vsync? mine is off and has been for a very long time and i have no problems
  2. Hey all so i have an Nvidia Gforce GTX 760 with 4GB vram and the VERY latest drivers from nvidia I was having this problem where reflections wont work.. my water only reflects the sky but will not reflect ANY buildings or objects. I have provided some screens below. I have played and modded fallout 3 for years and this is the very first time I have run into this problem. I have checked my other Gambryo games which are Oblivion and Morrowind (dont have new vegas installed right now); the water shader works perfectly fine in these games. SO i did a completely fresh install of Fallout 3, Backed up and deleted my fallout.ini, falloutprefs.ini and renderinfo aswell. I installed the DLC and the game is fully patched. I boot up the game, let my graphics config do its thing, turn all my settings to where i have them at high with all water effect turned on and on high of course. KEEP IN MIND i am not a scrub i have been modding games since morrowind and i still mod every game from morrowind to skyrim.. AND i have absolutely NO mods or loose files because this is a completely fresh install with all my old folders backed up and deleted and my game is not even tied to any mod manager yet. IT IS ONLY RETAIL FILES! and it is running on brand new game generated inis with only launcher settings applied. I am still experiencing the problem here are my screens
  3. I think it would be sooooooooo cool if there was a mod where to craft say an iron sword you needed to make the following 1. The Hilt (out of iron ingot, leather, leather strips and Wood) 2. The Guard (out of Iron Ingots or maybe steel to be fancy) 3. The Blade Blank (out of Iron Ingots) 4. A Wetstone (out of Rock from hearthfires) 5. The Blade (Using the Blade Blank and the Wet Stone) 6. The Iron Sword (Made From The Hilt, The Guard and The Blade) And there would be similar methods for all weapons and armor in the game. Armor Would be even more involed with buckles and belts and chain to make chainmail and different pieces of the plate or different pieces of leather ect to make up the armor :) Im sure you could go even further than my imagination with it. While im on the topic of this does anyone know of a similar mod ALSO does anyone know of a mod that adds weapon durability to the game? Thanks let me know what you think and if you know someone working on this :D
  4. none has any ideas as to a solution to this?
  5. Hey can anyone tell me what this problem is? I have had Ultimate HD Fire Effects installed for quite a while and i tried reinstalling it but i still get this glitch with all fire effects.. any help would be great Here's a video of the problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qssraawxHkk&feature=youtu.be&html5=1 As you can see there seems to be textures missing or somthing and yes i have reinstalled to check and i still get the problem :(
  6. im looking for a trexture to replace this ugly one of the wood walkways in the mines if anyone knows a texture pack that replaces thsi please let me know :smile: http://i40.tinypic.com/n47gr8.jpg link incase needed http://i40.tinypic.com/n47gr8.jpg
  7. THANKS I am giving this and the below methods a try right now.. ill let you know how they turn out
  8. well its either one of two tings.. it could be a custom war paint possibly... but more likely it is just the face texture you are using.. the face is all just one texture so if someone put that on the face texture that you downloaded then im afraid your stuck with that face as well cause you can simply download a mole and put it on the face it is built in to the face texture.. if you look at my pictures below its a good example.. i have some sweet tattoos on my characters body.. BUT i literally had to get a program to edit the skin texture and add those in myself by painting or pasting them on the texture.. because like I said you can just put stuff onto a texture like tattoos or a mole it comes with it. here is a very nice texture that I use and would HIGHLY SUGGEST!!!!!! but it doesn't have a mole tho :( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3563 here is my characters face so you can see how nice it is :biggrin: oh and dont worrie my character is a dark elf but the face texture works for any race and it adds some nice makeup and eyelashes and stuff. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/191380 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/193931
  9. Lol, thanks buddy! I just figured out the same thing! It's pretty weird, because I didn't have errors with it before... That made me not check them. Until TES5Edit. By the way, I don't use Wyre Bash because the last time I tried using it I failed horribly. I didn't understand a thing and it seems like I can live without it. At least for now and the last time. ya basically all that wrye bash does is take mods that add items or change items in the leveled lists and makes them work together.. because lets say you have an armor mod that adds some new armors for bandits to wear and for you to find in chests but then you get another mod that adds some more armors of its own for you to find. WELL then which ever of those two mods you put nearer to the bottom of the load order is the only one that will actually add its items.. but if you use wrye bash and makes a bashedpatch.esp it will merge the leveled lists and allow both mods to add their items to the game at the same time :biggrin: the program can do many other things too but that is MAINLY what it is used for. It can also merge mods so you can fit more ESP's into your game because there is a limit of 255 ESPs.. So it takes any mods that it can merge the two ESPs together and adds them to its Bashedpatch.esp so that you can deactivate the original esps.. its an amazingly awesome progream and I personally couldn't play without it because half of my mods wouldnt work together but it depends what mods you have :smile: also did deactivating those two actually fix the problem?!? :D:D:D
  10. @ missjennabee Please you need to add to the CTD's on startup section a little blurb about CTD's after the bethesda logo being caused by simple load order and mod conflicts.. there are WAY TO MANY POSTS asking this exact question OVER and OVER and OVER again and ITS ALWAYS the same answer.. a load order or mod conflict! if it was added to this sticky maybe we could lessen the mob of "CTD AFTER BETH LOGO" Threads invading this forum!!!!!!
  11. @ Westonski (not talking to the other people with steam problems) 999999 times out of 1000000 when skyrim crashes right after the bethesda logo its A MOD CONFLICT PLEASE READ THE STICKY POSTED AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE ON THIS VERY FORUM IT IS THERE TO HELP YOU, NOT TO BE IGNORED! the sticky is there to help you with these problems and prevent these kinds of threads from even being posted. (if you want to read the sticky and then post a thread for help finding the conflicting mod that is fine) HOWEVER threads like these that have already been answered in the sticky take forum space away from problems that other people are having that are actually unanswered. you said you have been looking everywhere and couldn't find anyone else having the same problem? try looking at the top of the forum you posted in :D there are only 2 stickies there! you should try to skim through them before you make a new thread and see if your problem is listed because in this case... IT IS.. That was you don't even need to wait for an answer because its already there prepared for you.. this is easily ONE OF THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS WITH SKYRIM so please read the stickies before posting. it even has nice big/easy to spot headers called 05. CTDS ON START-UP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND 08. CONFLICTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. CTD on startup is almost always a load order conflict, or slight chance it could be a missing esm/bsa however very unlikely. unfortunately boss is only just "ok" at sorting your load order ... you will have to tweek it further... in fact its too bad you already used it because if you know what your mods are and know what you are doing then it is FAR more effective to sort your own load order.. I dont use BOSS because of this exact reason.. its great in theory but not so much in practice. AND trust me its possible to do it yourself I have 251 modsw and I never use boss I always sort and keep track of things all by myself.. also do you use wrye bash to merge leveled lists? because if you have recently deleted or deactivated a mod that your bashedpatch.esp is dependent on that will case crash on start up. other than that my friend im afraid I cant fix your load order by reading it because I don't have the same load order.. you could try moving COT up to the top.. Im sorry I cant be more help EDIT- the only other thing i see is this.. URN+RLO Patch.esp Active Checksum: B9EAA896 URN+RCRN Patch.esp Active Checksum: DE14D225 are these plugins activated??? because I don't see RLO or RCRN on your list and those files wont work without RLO and RCRN i wouldn't imagine as they are compatibility patches for them and even if they dont require them as a master they still might be causing a crash
  13. Here are the Pictures I promised as well as my load order. When moving in game the screen flashes rapidly but seemingly at random intervals between the two lightings shown below: Pictures: Load Order: Im Afraid I don't use Boss because I know what all 250ish of my mods are and exactly where they go and BOSS just screws up my load order.. I have effectively managed my own load order since the game came out with no problems. just as I have been doing for years with morrowind and oblivion. I find BOSS to be more of a hindrance for me personally because I know what I am doing and I have certain ESP's that I keep in certain places to overlap or overwrite certain other sections of similar mods. So I'm very sorry but my load order is just a list of all 250ish ESP's I have activated, since nexus sucks at turning my active load order into a text file there are even several that aren't activated that are still on the list. its probably terrible to read through compared to those fancy BOSS load order pages. I also highly doubt this is a load order issue but more likely an issue with the ENB
  14. I am having the strangest problem which I have personally never seen before in skyrim EVER... it is 100 percent not a spell effect so don't tell me to read the sticky :P . my entire screen flickers between normal and a full Turquoise color. Its not just one thing its like an entire solid screen overlay :( It jsut randomly started happening while I was playing and it seems to only happen on the 7000 steps so far. I have been playing with the same load order and ENB for months without and change. I did update convenient horses like 2 weeks ago but my horse is nowhere near by. the screenshots and load order are now below any help would be friggin awesome thanks :smile:
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