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Everything posted by Redguardian5000

  1. guess im one of the few people that love goin wolf its fun to go wolf-s*** on a gang of bandits every so often ijs... 8)
  2. Store? I guess that's one word for it. LMAO!!!!! :laugh:
  3. Hate to turn the subject but can anyone give me the list of NPC that u can marry ive been play since day one and only no of 3...
  4. The elf in Riverwood is nice with a bow saved me a lot name in Faendel
  5. Every time i start a new game my most current one is deleted. Its not me because when i go to save the new one i notice my previous data is gone. Can some one help please?
  6. yes i save the game then i go to quit game then i select new game and doesnt warn or say anything about previouse data will be deleted nothing
  7. Maybe I missed the memo but are we only allowed 2 saved games i tried to make a third and my first game was deleted!!!! I thought it was my error so i started another one and the newest one prior to the game i just created was deleted too! Is anyone else having these problems if so did you figure out what was happening? Or is it just me? Someone please please please PLEASE!!!! Help me.
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