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Posts posted by eroserebus

  1. I was having a horrible time with the map in the Pip-Boy before I realized there was a problem with the cursor. It wanted to only go up and then it would stay at the top of the screen and it was impossible to fast travel or make markers. I had installed a few mods and found that something had fixed it and it took me a while to find that it was something in one of my .ini files. After testing a few things, I found what fixed the problem in my game.

    If you are having problems with the Pip-Boy map's cursor not working properly, hopefully this solution will work for you.


    Remember to save a backup of your .ini file before you make any changes to it.


    Go to the Fallout folder in My Games, not the Steam Fallout folder.


    Open Fallout4Prefs.ini


    Find "bFull Screen" and set the value to 1.

    Underneath that, you will find:


    iSize H= [value]
    iSize W= [value]


    Where value is just whatever the default value happens to be.


    Now, go to your display settings on your monitor and determine what your dimensions are.

    For my display, it is 1280x1024.


    Take note that the Height is first and the Width is second. So for my example of a display of 1280x1024, this section of my Fallout4Prefs will read as follows:


    bFull Screen=1
    iSize H=1024
    iSize W=1280


    Sometimes I have had this reset on me for some reason, but I just go back in and change it and it fixes the problem again.


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