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About deathglock

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    Skyrim, Fallout series, assassins creed

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  1. Well I tried what you said but nothing seems to change.
  2. So I'm trying to change dogmeat's race to another dog, but everytime I change it he is unable to talk to me and when I load a save where he is following me, he refuses to fight. Any help would he appriciated.
  3. So ive been playing skyrim for awhile and never have had problems with it. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it to clean up the mods ect. I have a pretty good machine that sets quality to high. Now ever since i have started playing again, when i fast travel or go outside any town i get this huge lag problem that brings it down to like 10 fps. It runs silky smooth indoors and just around the wilderness. Is anyone else having this problem/ know a fix? I would really appreciate it. Thanks. Specs: Amd athlon II x2 6 gb ram Nvidia gforce gtx 560 Also, changing the settings does not help.
  4. Well i was watching beowulf movie (2007) the other day, and ive been thinking, What if someone could retex the penitus oculatus armor it would look pretty close. Seeing how it already has the cape and everything. Just add some chain mail and make it all dark brown, it would be perfect. Examples, http://www.tracksounds.com/reviews/images/color/beowulf/beowulf.jpg http://www.figurerealm.com/userimages/customs/6500/6077-3.jpg Anyways it would be awesome if someone could do it!
  5. Since dawngaurd should be coming to us pc gamers soon, i would really like for someone to create Raziels vampire armor. (Before he was thrown into the lake of fire) Anyways, i think it would be perfect for a vampire character. Heres a pic, http://legacyofkain.wikia.com/wiki/File:SR1-Character-RazielVampire-ConceptB.jpg Would love to see it done. Not sure how hard it would be. Anyways, thanks!
  6. Great idea. I would love to see barrows armor. But i do not have the skills to do so. These -----> http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Barrows_brothers?image=Barrows_Brothers_1920x1200-jpg
  7. Has anyone else noticed just about every race and factions have their own sets of armor and clothes but the dunmer have nothing? I think it would be awesome for someone to make something for dark elves. Armor similar to Indoril would be awesome. Ex. ----> http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:MW-concept-indoril.jpg Since the kit is out now i think this would be a great idea. Maybe im not the only dunmer player out there.
  8. exactly. Have an option to build your own hall if you have enough followers, a shrine to your village's god. Maybe even make the shrine to a daedric prince? XD. But your right about the hills. Not sure about that, but maybe theres a way around it. I was thinking set up a village around an abandond tower. But either way it would be a good mod if anyone was willing to make it
  9. Im not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but i think it would be cool if there was a mod like real time settler where you could make your own village with guards, villagers, blacksmith, ect. Maybe have random attacks from bandits and very, very randomly be attacked by dragons. Have it where you must have hunters gather food or somthing like that. Anyways i think it would be a good idea to make some money on the side, or for the rpg aspects. Any thoughts?
  10. Hmmm.... Not sure if this is possible, but i think it would be cool if marriage had more options. Have a child, being able to marry more than once, devorce, ect. And also i think it would be cool to have a hardcore mode kinda like fallout new vegas had. Where u had to sleep, eat, ect.
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