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Posts posted by granreycero

  1. Oh, thats maddening.


    K, I figured out why the spell wouldn't use the correct animation. It was the Wall of Storms effect that I was trying to add. Apparently that animation overrides the Lightning storm animation f***ing great. Stupid ass creation kit. Can someone help me figure this out?


    I also still need help with the rest.




    I'm going to try adding LS last. Maybe the order will fix it.




    f***ing broken ass spell. Y U NO GIVE ME EFFECT. I ONLY WANT EFFECT.

  2. Right, so I decided to create a spell mod.


    Yesterday night, I created an adept "flames" spell with a little bit of an extra effect so it wouldn't just be the same damn thing except stronger. (That said, for some reason the game displays it as an expert spell. Yes, I gave it the adept perk. help?)



    Today, I continued my work (it was rather late last night) and decided to go for an expert "sparks" spell. However, I wanted it to be different. As in, use the Lightning Storm animation and range. So I created it, and went to test it out in game.


    It ignores my "either hand" specification and does the master spell charging animation. It will combine with the spell in my other hand as long as there is a spell in the other hand. Doesn't matter what it is. If you have Midas force blast, they'll combine and turn it into a lightning force blast. Midas Haste combines, uses the firestorm completed charge animation while you're wreathed in lightning, and then slams down for the haste effect. No lightning. It also varies by which hand you click. If you have one spell in one hand and my created spell in the other, there will be a different result depending on which mouse button you click. Sometimes, it doesn't even do the animation and just stops. No effect.


    The only way the spell works as intended is if I have either a weapon or nothing in the other hand.










    Can someone please help?

  3. How does it work? I haven't seen a single spell that didn't have the area greyed out.


    I was hoping to create some new spells, and I made one the way I wanted, but it only has the range on the standard flames spell?


    How can I get it un-greyed out.Can you even do it?

  4. Right, so for some reason, you can't hotkey dual wield if you've improved a weapon to legendary.


    I'm going on a jedi/sith run using magicka sabers, and I had two green sabers. I could hotkey them both to 1 and just switch to akimbo by double pressing it. After I smithed them to legendary, the bloody things refuse to stay hotkeyed. I can only hotkey one of them, and if I switch both sabers out for a spell, the bloody thing unhotkeys.


    That was all I did. Made them legendary.


    Can SOMEONE please fix this s***? Or, if it's already been done, point out the mod that does it?

  5. Bethesda has been slowly releasing video tutorials, for those who don't know.

    You can visit their Youtube channel here. http://www.youtube.com/user/BethesdaGameStudios?feature=watch


    And, here are the links to their videos so far:


    There is a tenth video intended, but as of this post it hasn't been released yet.

    I'll have to remember to update this post once they've released it.

    Last one is now up as well.



    Could anyone point out a good tutorial for spell creation? (Note, CK is the only thing I have, and I only vaguely know how to work it.)

  6. Can some PLEASE figure out how to get rid of this dialog option?


    I like using wuld nah kest to get around in cities, and every bloody time I turn around, theres some jackass stopping me and yapping. I told you five seconds ago that I didn't give a damn about your opinions. Stop bothering me.

  7. Strange, not everyone seems to behaving this problem. My test mod loaded up fine on data files. Have you tried using NMM to work your plugins?


    My problem is more that I don't know how to do anything (I is a n00b), and the thing I wanted to start with isn't included in any tutorials yet. -_- (That being spell creation)

  8. I'm a complete noob to modding, but I still wanted to get into spell creation.


    I've already looked up tutorials, but so far, all I've found are the official videos on youtube and CK.com, which has nothing on spell creation yet.


    Ive already tried once, and I made the test spell I wanted....but I couldn't figure out how to actually put the damn thing in the game. esp file did nothing, apparently.

  9. I would be using the entire pack if it wasn't for a couple things.


    HDtexpack.esp01 breaks Xenius' mod. Dunmer in particular get the shaft. The hideous foreheads return as well as the wrinkles. Installing the files again will fix (Well, make it less prominent at least) the forehead, but the wrinkles refuse to disappear.


    AS for the rest of the pack, I haven't really noticed much with esp02.


    A warning however.


    Any clothing/armor replacements you made get overridden. My Daedric returned to default, and I had to redownload www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3104 (I use a combination of all three types). I don't know if I lost my nightingale prime, but luckily I still had the files somewhere. Ysolda's outfit got a massive texture boost, but the dirt returned.


    Likely due to esp01 as well, since I now have 02 turned on but my daedric remains the same.




    My rage when I saw that hideous forehead on my Dunmer was legendary. :P


    I understand what you mean about the ridges and wrinkles but I think I initially spent an hour or more making the character as pretty as possible even with those disabilities lol. Some texture replacer mods remained fine and still active like the Triss armour replacer for Dark Brotherhood armour. Was hard to tell but it probably got a slight boost in detail. Thalmor Replacer is still active but Mystic Elven isnt. That one is a real blow. Female Muscle mod is destroyed but Oily skin remains active. Bit confusing really.


    Thats why I use the the standalone rather than the replacer. (Well, that and I don't want those dirty Thalmor anywhere near my shiny armor.)


    My Daedric, on the other hand, got SCREWED. I can't use the NMM version of that mod, because none of the 3 available variations are good enough for me. I use Bloody glow's glowes and boots, regular glow's armor, and no glow's helmet. When I saw it replaced, my eye twitched. Like a jackhammer.

  10. I would be using the entire pack if it wasn't for a couple things.


    HDtexpack.esp01 breaks Xenius' mod. Dunmer in particular get the shaft. The hideous foreheads return as well as the wrinkles. Installing the files again will fix (Well, make it less prominent at least) the forehead, but the wrinkles refuse to disappear.


    AS for the rest of the pack, I haven't really noticed much with esp02.


    A warning however.


    Any clothing/armor replacements you made get overridden. My Daedric returned to default, and I had to redownload www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3104 (I use a combination of all three types). I don't know if I lost my nightingale prime, but luckily I still had the files somewhere. Ysolda's outfit got a massive texture boost, but the dirt returned.


    Likely due to esp01 as well, since I now have 02 turned on but my daedric remains the same.




    My rage when I saw that hideous forehead on my Dunmer was legendary. :P

  11. Ah, but the statue has been sitting there for ages. Its entirely possible that the color is due to dust, rust, or blah. :)


    The swords, at least, are too small to really make out the details. Its saying they're like 400x350.


    Also, as for the cartoony look:


    I'd say its the blade itself. The gold portion looks a mite too shiny, and the greyish part looks too dull. The contrast kinda makes it look low rez.


    On the greatsword, the gold-ish part looks too...dirty, I guess. Again, same problem on the grey.


    I can't really describe it too well, but they just don't scream weapon to me. I keep thinking they're bits of plastic that got a dull metallic coat of paint.



    Anyway, my 2 cents.

  12. 1. Wrong Forum.

    2. Its specifically stated on the Deadly Dragons description (Unless its been removed since I installed it.) that Wars in Skyrim is not compatible. Try reading the entire description next time you try to install such a large mod.

    Dont help him D: its the Wrong forum D=


    THE WRONG FORUM i tell you...




    He should learn to read.... FORUM IS WRONG... wait... ITS THE WRONG FORUM...


    Look at it this way. If they do it again, we get to lynch them. Its in the contract.



    Will this do?


  13. I have had no problems with Beta Drivers, If its Nvidia that is, i don't know about amd though.


    The latest is 295.51

    Also you would get a kick out of the install screen lol. if you play Skyrim that is :teehee:


    Yes, its Nvidia. I'm running the GTX 560M. I can't remember that version I have though.



    Why would I get a kick on the install screen?

  14. Since they're snow elves, I feel as though a crystalline blue and silver would be a better color scheme. The swords look a bit cartoonish, and I don't really see the purpose of the staff. What attack animations would it even use? You could do with some bigger pictures. (Unless PB is just being gay and refusing to enlarge.)


    Just my two cents.

    Edit: Derp. I completely forgot that you can put spells on staffs.

  15. 1. Wrong Forum.

    2. Its specifically stated on the Deadly Dragons description (Unless its been removed since I installed it.) that Wars in Skyrim is not compatible. Try reading the entire description next time you try to install such a large mod.

    Dont help him D: its the Wrong forum D=


    THE WRONG FORUM i tell you...




    He should learn to read.... FORUM IS WRONG... wait... ITS THE WRONG FORUM...


    Look at it this way. If they do it again, we get to lynch them. Its in the contract.

  16. 1. Wrong Forum.

    2. Its specifically stated on the Deadly Dragons description (Unless its been removed since I installed it.) that Wars in Skyrim is not compatible. Try reading the entire description next time you try to install such a large mod.

  17. Last time I downloaded a beta driver was for the BF3 beta. It ran fine on my computer, but it had an unintended side effect.


    When I tried using skype post said install, the video chopped itself into 4, alternating rectangles on my screen.



    One rectangle had the video facing > that way. The other had it going <.


    So essentially, both my receiving video and my transmitting video did this







    on my screen.


    Has this s*** been fixed? I brought it to Nvidia's attention at least. Is it safe to download now? Are there even bigger screwups?

  18. The very first time I encountered a deathlord or higher with like over 9000 levels in archery. 1hk


    Knocked him on his ass with a FUS RO DAH next load. Raped him on le floor.




    When I realized how weak shouts are was also a big wtf moment. I now have shoutrecoverymult set to 0. -_-

    As soon as mods that let said shouts LIVE UP to the legend, I'll put that back to normal.


    Also, when I realized that Storm Call it the ground and friendlies more often than they hit enemies.

  19. Isn't that the first dragon u see ? that's scripted, the rest don't do that.


    Nope they do it all the time....all dragons crash land when their HP hits a certain level while in flight....but they come down pretty steamed.... :whistling:


    Sometimes, if you do it while they're...er...hovering in place, they'll simply lose flight and cannonball into the turf. Its hilarious.

  20. One mod that I really want is to change storm call around.


    Honestly, its one of the most badass abilities in the game, but you can never use it because of the friendly fire. And really, the bloody lightning hits your companions and the ground more than it hits enemies.

  21. No, not Daedric. As has been mentioned, I don't think it fits.


    It either has to be a replacer for the Imperial side (To REALLY showcase how screwed the Stormcloaks are) or a totally standalone piece.


    Its too "in your face" to be Dark Brotherhood. Too rich looking to be Thieves Guild.


    Mage guild isn't even in the running, I don't think. :P


    Maybe the Blades, since it kinda fits the Samurai look. (Don't really like them though, and I want to gut Delphine every time she tries to order me to kill my bro Paarthunax.)

  22. you really feel destruction spells are under powered?

    i think with the dual cast and knockback perks they are as deadly as anything.

    using incinerate in 1on1 and chain lightning vs multiple enemies.

    problematic are the master level spells. i don`t see any use for those considering their insane casting time.


    Never tried dual casting, but my spellsword was barely doing any damage with spells, and the majority of the damage came from my sword. It was cheesy. So the mod I'm talking about boosted magic damage by around 100% once the tree was filled out, and thunderbolt was finally taking about 1/4 of the creatures health each cast, and I would deal a finishing blow with the sword. This is how it should have been in vanilla.


    Dual casting is a retarded perk. Essentially, it gives you +20% damage for +80% cost. You might be doing a mite less damage with regular dual casting, but you also last way longer. Impact just makes me feel like a pussy. f*** stun-locking.




    Here. The original version of this mod is different from the current version, and I love it. It actually makes you feel powerful.


    The current version (1.1) is explained on the page, but the original version gave you +50% damage for every mastery perk.


    Is it overpowered? Most likely.


    Do you feel like a badass when you're hitting like a goddamn sledgehammer? f*** yeah.


    Choose whichever version you like best.

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