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Darth Tempo

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About Darth Tempo

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  1. Good, free!Adamantium is the only thing that comes with GOTY, but even then it doesnt do what the plugin does, which puts adamantium on vvardenfel and, if you have GOTY, Mournhold already comes with it. Its good someone finally put it out.
  2. Mannimarco: King of Wimps. He hit me with the gay spell thats effect is a green spiral, then stopped. I talked to him a second time, then he hit me with the spell again. I took out my rusty iron dagger and started wacking until his death. Then i used a cheat to resurrect him then killed him with a summoned scamp or 2. And mages and fighters guilds pays to get back in. Things ungettable for my level especially in the quantities they wanted. I accidentaly hit a partner with a little spell called meteor in the mages guild(Got it from a mod.) and in the fighters guild case, i lodged an arrow in the back of my partners neck. Mages guild was fatal, fighters was almost fatal.
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