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About mightymouse2045

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  1. Ok, so thank you again for sharing this. It saved me from buyng a new video card!! Yesterday I was wandering into dwarven ruins and the visuals were breathtaking. really happy :-) By the way you can try this patch for 64 bit OS's. It will patch the game to allow it to address more than 2GB of RAM (32bit limitation), and as you have 32GB of RAM that's a good thing. http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php I was going round in circles with the ENB settings and not getting rid of the stutters and about ready to give up, then I remembered this patch I used a couple of years ago had worked well for me. I think you will find after applying this patch, that you can go back and increase your ENB settings without a performance hit. Just run it and point it at the TESV.exe file and then click patch. It will make a copy of the exe and patch it. Then run the game the normal way (skse_loader.exe or injector). This should reduce or completely cut any stutter you have as all those big ass textures are now getting loaded into RAM. As you said your SSD was possibly causing a bottleneck, this will cut that bottleneck out of the equation. With all the 2k & 4k textures, most people playing around with ENB recommend graphics cards with more than 1.5GB onboard RAM if your using 2k and above textures. With this patch that negates that requirement. SO those of us with lowly 1GB cards can take advantage of the nicer textures without causing stuttering :wink: Cheers MM :smile:
  2. Hi prod80 - I just sent you a PM as well - I'd really like these settings, and if you have a mod list for the eye candy that you need to get it looking like yours would be fantastic :) Cheers, MM
  3. Hi, If it's possible I would love to be able to see active effects in the HUD. Either all of them or just the timed ones (at the very least) and also negative effects like diseases etc This to me is the biggest pain in the ass in Skyrim - you forget to check your active spell, potion, food effects and you die and lose 30 minutes because you forgot to save your progress. It's easy getting emersed in this game and being able to flick your eyes to see if your still on a stamina or health boost or ebony skin etc would be really helpful... Anyone up for the challenge?
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