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Posts posted by DannoMustDie

  1. I'd love it if someone were to make a jump whilst sprinting mod. Hasn't this been requested like a hundred times before? With the CK out this should be possible now right?


    (Come to think of it, an aerial combat mod would be awesome as well, Melee characters feel almost like a loss over ranged characters with the lack of versatility to their ground-to-air.)

  2. There is no mod to download, the OP just said how it should be made and I expressed my opinion as I am free to do so.


    if people want to get childish about it , thats up to them.


    I'm merely being hypothetical, you just don't bash a concept because you don't like it, the people who still want it, still want it. A little more polish to skyrim's movement system could do wonders.



    well, had he posted an actual mod , of course I wouldnt 'bash' it, but this post was for a discussion regarding 'attacking whilst jumping'.


    I still think you should be stoned. :thumbsup:

  3. There is no mod to download, the OP just said how it should be made and I expressed my opinion as I am free to do so.


    if people want to get childish about it , thats up to them.


    I'm merely being hypothetical, you just don't bash a concept because you don't like it, the people who still want it, still want it. A little more polish to skyrim's movement system could do wonders.

  4. 100% agreed. The people who say this mod shouldn't be made should be stoned. If you don't like a mod don't download it. Don't put down someone else because they want to play the game the way they want, and for what they think is an improvement.


    There is no reason to comment in this thread saying "I disagree." Keep it productive or don't comment.

  5. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/72/FFCCbox.jpg/250px-FFCCbox.jpg


    Not to burst your bubble, but this is an old concept. See: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. You could combine any magics to make a totally new magic. And, I could be wrong, because i'm not a total final fantasy fan, but I'm pretty sure the concept was around since before that as well.


    THAT BEING SAID. I fully approve and want this mod. It's totally righteous and necessary and we should totally do this.

    I never said that it hadn't been done before. I have never played crystal chronicles so didn't know this system also existed there. ( I will probably check it out now that I know ^^)

    What kind of fusion spells do you think there should be?

    It would be awesome if some of the more nonsensical combos such as detect life and conjure dremora could get an equally nonsensical effect such as you conjure a chicken or the dremora attacks you when conjured.


    I was just referring to you saying

    Hi this has been a fantasy of mine for a long time

    I only skimmed your post and didn't read the bit about you getting the idea from Eureka.

    Well, in that particular final fantasy, combining spells would be like say fire + ice = gravity. Usually crazy things like this. This doesn't take into account what it should mean to double up on spells as well. What if I want a more intense animation and effects for dual wielding flame spell? Or healing? :

  6. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/72/FFCCbox.jpg/250px-FFCCbox.jpg


    Not to burst your bubble, but this is an old concept. See: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. You could combine any magics to make a totally new magic. And, I could be wrong, because i'm not a total final fantasy fan, but I'm pretty sure the concept was around since before that as well.


    THAT BEING SAID. I fully approve and want this mod. It's totally righteous and necessary and we should totally do this.

  7. Hey guys, I'd love to see a mod that adds a point to the archery skill tree, with each level increasing the accuracy of their bow. I'm noticing that every so often an arrow will fly a little off, which results in me missing my mark altogether while aiming straight at it. I would like a 3 point skill tree with each level increasing the arrow tradjectory accuracy by 10% / 25% / 50%.


    I have no prior mod experience but if you would like someone to help write some simple code or clarification, I could do that.

    Thanks in advance.


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