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About mrandroid

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  1. I heard there was a way in the console to despawn/respawn your follower/companion at which time their stats will fall in line with your current level (though I don't know the commands), but it would be great for a mod to do this automatically, so you could have the same companion throughout your whole adventure and not have to worry about them being under skilled. Anyone up for the task?
  2. I'm playing a Khajiit assassin. My main weapon is a bow, with 1h sword as a backup (and dagger for stealth kills). My problem is that I can't look the part unless I wear a robe/hood, which gives no armor. If i wear heavy or light armor, I look nothing like what most would envision an assassin to look like. With that said, is there any way to change just the appearance of what you're wearing? That way I could get the benefits of light armor, but still look the part.
  3. wow 3 hours and on the third page already. Bump
  4. Ahoy hoy everyone, Here's my request: Buff Countdowns! It'd be nice to have an emblem at the top for all of my conjurations/alterations i have going, with a countdown for each. That way, I can better prepare before a battle without wasting mana, or know how long my buffs will last before they need to be recast. This could work for alteration spells & conjurations. Knowing how much longer your bound sword, stoneskin, or summon will last would be great! It could tie into the active effects area, and also display any diseases you might have. Also, it would help to determine if a stoneskin type of spell is actually on, as during the heat of battle it's not the easiest to see if your hand has a feint glow. Thanks
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