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Posts posted by Throsby

  1. Hi all,


    I have used ENB on and off again since I started modding Skyrim. I have always uninstalled because I have been unsatisfied with the lighting, it is often overexposed.


    Does anyone have any idea where I can find a quick guide on ENB configuration.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Save it, run it, walk into it. Some items don't have physics automatically enabled, however when you walk into it physics will enable. You can change this in the item properties, I have forgotten where exactly, but it is there. Just have a look. :thumbsup:
  3. just have to find a clear-ish container.


    Only trouble with this, water only has a texture above and below the surface. You will probably have to create your own object for this, add a bit of a texture to the outsides.

  4. not sure, i've never played minecraft...but yeah, it sounds like what l need. the water doesn't actually have to do much, tho - l just need it so fishes can swim. (I haven't done anything with landscaping yet, so its possible theres a way of doing that that i just haven't found. my apologies if so.)


    Oh, I don't see why not then. Just need the container to be static, then re-size the water to fit. Then you just need to add fish, I would assume from a spawner.


    Water isn't a physical entity, it is more of another surface through which the player can pass. This is from my own research while screwing around with the CK, I could be totally wrong.


    Check it out for yourself.

  5. Skyrim is one of the few games where the player can feel a part of the world. Breaking this connection detracts from a lot of the great parts of Skyrim, you are left with a first person hack-n-slash, with repetitive voice acting and a relatively shocking plot.


    That is how I feel, each to their own though.

  6. Has anyone seen this ingame? If so, where, or any other details? I need to figure out if it's possible to do this...


    Lol. Misstress of the odd requests tonight l think.


    I am imagining you want something like Minecraft's bucket? Unfortunately, I don't think Skyrim does liquid physics.

  7. The site works well though it stinks not being able to use the search or download without logging on. It really goes against the anonymous lurker inside me.


    I think that has something to do with them trying to create a community, that is why I will stay with the Nexus. This is something, at this stage, that the Nexus does far better than SW.

  8. Ha, yeah, not the greatest engine.


    I just noticed that I could float other objects down a river, or at least roll them along the bottom.


    I wanted to do a boat mod, but it seems that I have reached my first boundary, obstacle rather, in my modding life.

  9. I also would like to ask people to help inform newer modders about this site by going onto the mods in Steam workshop and commenting if they will be adding their mods to Nexus.


    Sounds like a good idea, hopefully most have already heard about the Nexus.

  10. So, I just logged into steam to find this horrendous looking Steam Workshop panel on my Skyrim library page.


    Will the workshop take off, or will the Nexus remain the undisputed source for Skyrim content?


    What do you think? Personally, I will stay here.

  11. Hi all,


    I am pretty new to the Creation Kit, not having used Oblivion's Construction Set very much, so excuse my lack of understanding.


    I am trying to apply physics to a static object, how would I go about doing this? Also, is there any easy way to bind two objects together, for instance an invisible chair and another object?


    Any help would be awesome, otherwise I will be patient and wait for more Bethesda tutorials.



  12. Hey Guys


    Just wondering if anyone would be able to upload their copy of "By The Nine Divines There Is A Murderer/Psychopath On The Loose"? I haven't had Oblivion installed in some time and need the file for a video.


    Any help would be sweet.


    Let's not... on account that it would be illegally sharing those files. Do your own footwork. Thanks.


    - Vagrant0

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