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Everything posted by Unleashin

  1. Speak for yourself, if someone made a quality Shippuden overhaul, and gave you powers like Amaratatsu, etc, etc. I'd download it. Correct, if someone made a proper Shippuden Mod, that wasn't designed for child's play, but proper ninja shinobi game play, it would be downloaded by millions. We aren't talking about the very first series where he was a kid, when he's older and there is much more cooler S*** in it.
  2. So, im sick of the creators of naruto not making a fully sick MMORPG of Naruto. It'd be played by millions, so they are stupid for not doing it. Anywho, i jsut want to put the idea into peoples heads, to create some sort of 'Skyrim expansion' where you can be naruto, most of the jutsu are in the game, the villians, the massive summoning animals, the jinjuurichi (ol at spelling) etc etc etc. It would be SO fun, and i know there would be a massive amount of people that would play it, god it would be fun. Just want to put this idea into the heads of the greats, i hope im allowed to bump this when i can because i think this would be such a sick project. (You dont have to go as far as making the land like in the series, just the jutsu's, monsters, all that stuff.) It'd be SICK.
  3. No, she'll be wearing the cloths in the design jsut here. It'll be custom clothing as well. And yes i know about the face, as i said its a ROUGh lol.
  4. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/1926/leilaa.png So there's is a real ROUGH. I know it's hard to see, but i had to upload it small like that, for this forum otherwise it'd probs get deleted. As i said, its a WIP so lots of detail to get into, but thats the basis there.
  5. Working on it now, also yeah i have no idea how much polygon count skyrim can handle hey XD ill show a WIP preview soon.
  6. Im not REQUESTING someone to make a mod for me. Im asking people if they are interested in the project im going to start up. There is a difference, but thanks for your input though :)
  7. Bump, i've done abit more art now, she's more Harem than heavy armor now. Hope i can get a team on this, it'd be cool to make her a princess, and build a city she comes from populated with people etc!! :D
  8. So im designing a female companion, named Leila. Now she'll be what i'll call a, Battle Medimage. Meaning a heavy armor wearer, but is a medic/mage. Basically she'll be a really happy, fun, lovable characters, and even maybe a little bit naughty/horny, who know's! I've only just begun the designing in photoshop, so i can not show any images yet, but does anyone want to take on the task of creating, hopefully a well remembered mod of the skyrim community? Would be great to make her a project with customisable spells, moods, dialogs, all that jazz. Not sure if the modeler could animate her too, as she'll have custom made armor and weapon(s?) Lemme know via PM or a comment here if you wish to join this WIP project, i'd lvoe for her to be like that one character from oblivion we all remember, you know the one ;) Cheers. (When i get a nicer image going, i'll post an image here (with watermarking) for viewing. I dont see myself as a really pro artist, but i think im definately good enough to provide good images from front, side and back that a 3D modelist/animator can use.)
  9. THere was one very hard to clear dungeon in between, maybe there is another way ? Revert back, level up, then redo the dungeon. Get a good companion like illia.
  10. Just wait for the creation kit, this will make this a whole lot easier, if its even possible now without it.
  11. Yeah, me too, i really dont want it having less flexability, jsut so more people can mod easier. If you cant understand it in a few days of using it, you shouldn't be using it to mod at all. :P Yeah, well, if a game is created by man with code and protected with code, the game can then be rewritten with that same code, by man, to undo it. Just how it is. As for the release, i would honestly bet money it would be with this next patch. As all they said was they hit a few hickups with it, not being able to be realeased on the game release date, meaning it should've taken only this long to fix it. Their thoughts are, stablise the game more, and release the kit, is what i would think. Just wait till the 24th and we'll find out hey. :)
  12. Thing is, you have 10 fingers, so if you had x10 20% pickpocketing rings, it would be so over powered its not funny. I'd vote to have 2 rings, or 3 + a custom enchanting wedding ring (enchant chosen on the day of the wedding) where they can not be the same enchant on any of the rings. This seems much more balanced and well played.
  13. OK, I don't know because I haven't got that far into it yet. I'm sure you are right but is it worth investing all of those perks on something which for a long time is not worth doing. Even then I guess they would still look the same, so you still have the issue that every Smith in the whole of Skyrim uses the same materials to make the same items. Seems a little odd to me. Again, if I had the talent, I'd want to create something unique, even if it didn't have double the function. Its well worth the perk points. A standard elven bow (me being a sneak hunter) is i think, at my current char lvl (33/35) is 32 Damage. Now, that alone isnt great, it takes so many arrows to take down one foe. With my elven smithing, and my smithing being about, idk, i think its 52 now, with a nice set of +%smithing enchants, i can put that normal elven bow from standard 32, to a (Legendary) 68 damage. Over double damage. Now, that, is well worth having, more than doubling your damage, is well worth it. Plus, if you only need the LIGHT side of armor, just go up the elven tree side, and not the dwarven heavy armor side. Smithing is an invaluable tool, and i'll level it at least to 60 on all characters because it helps immensely, i would say you just havent played around with it enough to get enough gain from it, in the beginning, added 1 damage to daggers etc, yes, was crap. At 50 on the other hand with some smithing enchants, it is WELL worth it.
  14. Yes well, iif you HAD the daedric talent, you can then UPGRADE THEM, from what you would normally get as a drop, and normally, if you are that high, it would be well over DOUBLE what they originally were.
  15. This would defeat the purpose of being a sneak. Being a sneak allows you to hide appropriately that you are not caught by things happening around you. Perhaps i second all this for lower level sneaking. But after about lvl 50-60 sneak, then they dont find you as easy. As for the last point, stay in the house long enough, normally about 4-5 warnings of saying get out, they call the guards, and the guards burst in and kill you. Had it happen to be once. lol But i think some of this defeats the purpose of having sneak as a skill, so lower level sneaks, this should effect.
  16. Rate of fire = 30% Draw speed. Get it. Arrows fly decently fast already, they may dodge it like once, second arrow should finish them. (In stealth I one hit stuff so normally you dont get dodges.) I think a max of an added 100% speed would be sufficent, an extra 100% would be insanely fast, let alone x10, x10 would probably crash the game because it would have no physics. So a x2 (100%) would probably be all thats needed really. :P
  17. Yeah its a pain to wait 48 seconds for them to restock their gold and stock. Some people think 48seconds isn't long, but if you play skyrim for a couple hours, and then have to sit in your chair for 48 full seconds doing nothing, its like the opposite of playing the game, it just feels like an eternity lol. Instant waiting mod please. :)
  18. As the title says, its a long time to wait 2 days (48hours/48seconds) just for the vendors to restock their stuff and gold, looking for something that'll make waiting, instant. Any ideas guys n gals? Cheers.
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