This is just a simple request, but it can also be a hard one. Now, I only started to play the recent skyrim out of the whole elder scroll series, but i have already fallen in love with the argonians. Now, here is were my request comes in. As much as I love the argonians, the character creation menu doesn't do them any justice when it comes to be creative. What i mean here is that, I would like there to be more scale and eye color options, at the very least, up to being able to add even more hair/horn style AND color, as well as tattoos and such. Also, tying in with this, I would like more control on the body, if possible, and if not, at least be able to put the weight at max, and still have a strong looking character, instead of a fat looking one. Now, I know some mods that give muscled bodies, at least to girls [Which is what I'm playing, don't judge] but I don't know if they actually work for argonians or not, and I don't want to install something, find out it doesn't work the way I want, and find myself hunting the files down. Thank you in advance to whoever provides me at least one of these mods.