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    Skyrim, Serious Sam: The First Encounter HD
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  1. So I finally solved this issue. It wasn't a bug with the game but with path finding in the computer. I had set the language to english everywhere except for in the "Advanced" section in the language settings in the control panel. There I had "Japanese". This messed with the path finding for both New Vegas and Skyrim when I tried launching them. So that was my problem, if somebody else stumbles across this problem I hope this can help. :-/
  2. Well, unless anybody here can provide me with a solution I'll post it here as soon as I get one from Bethesda. I'm really hoping they have a quick and effective solution to the problem.
  3. Nope, I've never altered the compatibility mode. I checked just in case but both the TESV.exe and SkyrimLauncher.exe files had unchecked compatibility modes. I've sent this issue to Bethesda, they asked for a DxDiag.txt file so I created one and sent it to them... I don't know if they'll be able to solve the problem but maybe it can help them patch it in the future. They must have really wanted that 11/11/11 release date. It went well at least, let's just hope they're able to cover up the damage with proper patching etc. But until they release a patch for this in say like... 1-2 months (positive thinking!), I'm still looking for solutions.
  4. It would appear that the game is indeed creating its own profiles in Documents and Settings for my computer.
  5. I've also noticed that the game actually creates new My Games/Skyrim/... folders with new settings. Sometimes these new folders don't include the usual text information and instead contain text lines I can't find in the original .ini files. I've tried deleting all folders to get the original .ini files re-created and then change the settings in the .ini file but to no avail. The game seems to completely ignore any changes to the .ini files. Anybody with ideas on how to solve this? I have the Steam version of the game. I think this could be one of the reasons that my game won't go into fullscreen but I'm keeping the topics separated if that's not the case. *tries out configuring the other .ini files again* This time I seem to have been able to at least get my game to fullscreen by using the secondary .ini files in a second profile on my computer. It's weird though... I have three profiles for one. That's not how it should be right?
  6. *bump* Are there any solutions out there yet?
  7. When should I press alt+enter? When I'm finally in the game? I've tried pressing them in the menu but it doesn't work. :-/ Make sure the window is selected on the desktop and then hold alt and press enter, it should go full screen. It doesn't, I read about the alt+enter combination before but figured maybe there was some kind of trick to it. If not then I've already tried every possible way with that combination. Anybody else got any ideas? It's not getting fixed with the 1.2 patch from what I've seen. *trying the clean game cache option now* ... Results: Well... I now have access to the "Data Files" option. I thought that was just locked away. Anyhoo, the window issue still persists to pest me. Any solutions?
  8. When should I press alt+enter? When I'm finally in the game? I've tried pressing them in the menu but it doesn't work. :-/
  9. Do you open it with "notepad"? I'm not sure if it could make a difference but it's possible.
  10. Did you choose "Save" and not "Save as"? I'm not sure if that could be the issue but maybe, I assume you didn't have the game running simultaneously as you did the changes either. I've run into a new problem but it's in the same category so I'll just update this thread on it. It's now set to widescreen windowed mode and I can't alter any of the settings in any way. I can save the .ini file just fine but it doesn't appear to have any effect on the actual game. Could it be that the game created a new... *checks* Yep... Skyrim created a new My Games folder in a different profile settings in "C:/Documents and Settings". It has happened before but... why does it happen? It can't be normal, is there any way to change it. Anyway, I'm gonna' try altering the settings in the new .ini files to see if I get any results... Nope, no results from changing the .ini files. If I try to alter it and set it to my given resolution instead of the lower one it sets automatically I end up getting a message that reads: "Failed to initialize renderer. Your display doesn't support the selected resolution. Please set a different resolution in Skyrim's Launcher under 'Display Settings'." Any ideas? :-/
  11. I appear to be completely screwed. You solved the fullscreen issue. I'll just have to find some way to deal with this... save data issue. I appreciate the help though. :-)
  12. So I've run into a bit of a problem when playing Skyrim. http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii86/prox1mately/SkyrimDoesntWork.jpg It's like this every time I start up the game and I have no way of setting it to full-screen. I think it may have to do with when I sent a saved file to a friend of mine through Skype (he'd come over and played some so I sent him his data for continuation) but I'm not sure. Either way, if there's a simple solution or advanced solution is not something I care about, I just want to fix it. I've tried re-installing and fixing the audio settings as well as set it to "windowed mode" in the settings and then turning it off again. Also worthy of note is that I can't load any saved files. All it says is "New Game", "Credits" and "Quit" (or was it exit..?). Please help me, I have no idea how this came to be as it's worked perfectly fine for around 50hrs. :-( And before anybody asks, yes I can find the saved data, it just won't read them. Not even the savedata manager pulls it off. A man in need Prox
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