So I've run into a bit of a problem when playing Skyrim. It's like this every time I start up the game and I have no way of setting it to full-screen. I think it may have to do with when I sent a saved file to a friend of mine through Skype (he'd come over and played some so I sent him his data for continuation) but I'm not sure. Either way, if there's a simple solution or advanced solution is not something I care about, I just want to fix it. I've tried re-installing and fixing the audio settings as well as set it to "windowed mode" in the settings and then turning it off again. Also worthy of note is that I can't load any saved files. All it says is "New Game", "Credits" and "Quit" (or was it exit..?). Please help me, I have no idea how this came to be as it's worked perfectly fine for around 50hrs. :-( And before anybody asks, yes I can find the saved data, it just won't read them. Not even the savedata manager pulls it off. A man in need Prox