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About baal1980

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  1. Long story short - Elys Uncapper (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31464) doesn't work for me. I have Oblivion XP correctly installed, with properly configured INI file - it works fine. I have Elys Uncapper installed with properly configured INI file (also tried the non-ini version) - it doesn't work at all, ie. I cannot raise any of my attributes above 99. Any ideas what's wrong?
  2. Can you point me out to the ENBoost for Oblivion? I've only managed to find the Skyrim one... edit: is this the one? http://enbdev.com/patch_oblivion_enboost_v0259.htm
  3. Hello, I have never played Oblivion before Skyrim (bought Skyrim on release). After Skyrim released, I played it a lot - up till now I've dumped around 600 hours on it. But IMO - for Skyrim to be enjoyable you really have to mod the crap out of it. What I found quite frustrating was that the game was getting more and more unstable and quite bad performance-wise. Of course I applied all known performance and stability guides, patches and other stuff but between using over 100 mods on top of an ENB, gameplay felt really sluggish (and I don't play on a potato), with the game loading screens taking up to a minute. With frequent crashes it just felt like a chore... I have decided to try Oblivion which GOTY I bought some time ago on a Steam sale. And I'm having a blast with it! Even heavily modded it's very responsive, stable and looks beautiful. It is definitely more on the 'light and colourful' side of fantasy as well (especially the fantastic Shivering Isles expansion) but that's great - personally I like it's bit of a tongue-in-cheek attitude :) TL;DR Oblivion is not a game everyone is going to like (the setting, difficulty, graphics) but I am having a great time in Cyrodiil. Give it a chance, it can't hurt. You can always get back to Skyrim if you don't like it :)
  4. I ended up just installing OBMM and properly installing Darn UI. Everything works fine and looks awesome :)
  5. Thanks for trying to help :) But I've seen this thread before and it doesn't help in my case. I wish I could use the installer but it won't work with MO (and I don't want to install OBMM/NMM). And yes, I'm well aware of MO's way of handling ini files - I edited the correct ones.
  6. I am already using "larger" font versions, my Fonts section looks as follows: [Fonts]SFontFile_1=Data\Fonts\Kingthings_Regular.fntSFontFile_2=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_14.fntSFontFile_3=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_18.fntSFontFile_4=Data\Fonts\DarN_Oblivion_28.fntSFontFile_5=Data\Fonts\Handwritten.fnt
  7. I have a problem with DarNified's UI. Is there a way to increase the font size of dialog text? I'm using 1920x1080 resolution and letters are tiny, see here: https://img.bi/#/DD3LB8G!AO6c4nN0zSIgAvayDw7d1nyt9JT429lY7AjHUdnz I don't think it's supposed to look like this. I have tried tinkering with xml configuration files but I can't seem to find parameters responsible for this... *** I am using MO so there's no fomod support, therefore I have not installed DarNified's UI using the installer. I did it manually. ***
  8. I am REALLY looking forward to this. I've been planning to do a proper Oblivion playthrough for some time now but looking for mods and trying to tie up everything together (like OOO) can be really intimidating. I just hope my Oblivion GOTY (including Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine expansions) will be enough (what I mean is, addons like Fighter's Stronghold etc will not be required for your overhaul to work) !
  9. I am perfectly aware that this thread is quite old but I've stumbled upon it when searching for solution to my problems - Skyrim crashing to desktop on power attacks. I just wanted to say that after disabling ENHANCED ENEMY AI (BTW, I had no idea this mod no longer exists on Nexus) - all problems disappeared, game is rock solid. Maybe it helps someone, someday.
  10. Whoa... I had no idea they sold SO MANY units on XBOX360, compared to PC. It's mindboggling!
  11. When I press F1, the following window appears http://i.imgur.com/ZT7zAbD.jpg For the life of me I can't figure out which mod is doing that... can anyone help? My modlist: http://pastebin.com/p4PDE0rx
  12. So did anyone come up with a solution to the 'purple eyes under the character' problem?
  13. Another follow up: I solved the rotation problem, now the only one remaining is that items end up *in* the furniture etc. (like the first post shows).
  14. To follow up - when moving items from temporary location (eg. warehouse) to player location, they end up either randomly rotated, halfway in the ground etc. How can I make sure that the item is positioned correctly (related to the world, ie. it will be based on the ground) ?
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