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About Evilicious

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  1. Armor-Piercing Ammo Rank 5 - Ammo Capacity option. It should increase ammo capacity by 30% but does not appear to do anything even with the power activated. It has no impact on total ammo cap or current weapon ammo cap. Has anybody noticed this problem? Is there a fix?
  2. That doesn't make sense that I didn't need to change it until now. Anyway, thanks I guess.
  3. I couldn't log in just earlier, discovering that my existing password no longer met the 12-character complexity requirements so I had to use the "forget password" process to change it. That's cool and everything but some notice ahead of time about that requirement change would have been really nice, as I hadn't seen anything about it in the last month. I had a momentary thought that I had been hacked and my anxiety really did not f*#@ing appreciate that thought. Thanks for reading, keep up the great work etcetera.
  4. Hi everybody, I have a problem that comes up at random. Okay I have a lot of problems in the CK but think I figured out a couple more yesterday - however this one in particular I cannot figure out and want to know if anybody has a solution: Sometimes in Navmesh mode I can only move nodes in one of X or Y planes, for an entire navmesh. I cannot find any refences to shortcut keys or settings that might be getting toggled inadvertently that would cause the problem to happen so I usually have to reboot the PC in order to get it working normally again. Yes, really, just quitting and restarting CK puts the problem right back there and I need to reboot*. In a nutshell this seems really messy and a reboot to resolve this should not be the norm. Has anybody else had this happen? Does anybody have a solution or tips to try? Evil *Quite sure the problem is with the CK itself as clearing out temp files, fresh reinstalls and so on have not addressed this particular problem.
  5. Anybody know where would be a helpful place to ask for tips with a couple of scripts I am working on/can I ask here? I think I need an experienced script demon rather than my hack-together-til-it-works efforts. I am messing about in Automatron trying to change a couple of features in the lair to manually activate/deactive them at will, such as the overhead tracks but it isn't as straightforward as I thought given the complexity of the base quest activation scripts.
  6. Bam. <- Just as I suspected since audiodef pointed it out. Time to switch it out...
  7. Check through the Models & Textures category and the Visuals and Graphics categories. You'll find some pretty great stuff. It is hard to recommend specific ones because a lot of them come down to your individual taste and preference. NMCs road textures are great, FlaconOil has a terrific texture pack, dDefinder1 for blood textures, Vivid Fallout from Hein84 in various flavours, the High Resolution Texture Pack by valius, power armour textures by Gorgulla, Wasteland Water Revival by Feyawen, Dynavision by Gopher, ENB with all kinds of ENB presets. I have left so many out that it is mind-boggling. For AI: Pack Attack by Greslin; Better Settlers by Thom293; Better Companions by techprince. You can consider Orphans of the Commonwealth by gift2 for more children presence. There are an astounding number of faction improvements for Super Mutants, Gunners, Minutemen, Raiders, Institute, BOS. For settlements you could consider Sim Settlements by kinggath, to make them more autonomous For a complete overhaul it is impossible to go past Horizon by zawinul. Hopefully these are good starting points for you.
  8. Oh. Oh my. I think I know which mod might be causing it and it is one that makes children mortal, which I haven't even tested hahah. Thanks, I will look into it when I next have a moment to test that theory.
  9. I ran a search in the forum but could find nothing related to this. Is there a mod available to change the height of the children in Diamond City to that of... well, children? They are all the same height as adults (and the same height as each other). Adults with baby features and kiddy clothes, while not problematic, is a little jarring when they are meant to actually be children.
  10. If you use NMM for your mods also use it to purge any loose files to ensure no nasties remain in the install folder.
  11. Make some empty .esm files for each DLC and place them at the top of your load order. Then clean the patch in FO4Edit to remove all DLC content that has errors when checking the mod for errors. It also helps to filter it for cleaning and remove duplicates from master files (fallout.esm).
  12. Addendum: Share the heck out of this fix. I've scoured the web and nobody else has suggested this.
  13. Solution found (PC) Background Had the same issue and noticed the missing power lines since a few weeks ago. CTD affected only Sanctuary when scrapping nearly anything - no scrap mods installed. I have no DLC installed, disabled all mods and even removed the Unofficial FO4 patch. This fix absolutely worked for me and hopefully will work for you as well. Findings After a vanilla reinstall (no DLC or mods) I have isolated the problem to Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) - I am using the latest v0.4.2. Installed, I get CTD when running "scrapall" console command in Sanctuary. After uninstalling F4SE and trying again there is consistently no crash (tried a half dozen times with modding enabled and disabled in fallout4custom.ini). Further testing Leaving F4SE uninstalled but re-enabling mods (I have no DLC but that should not matter). Solution Optionally, use Transfer Settlements to save your Sanctuary blueprint. (In fact, save all your settlements.) Back up your saves. Do it. Yes, really. Uninstall F4SE (the default location of the uninstaller is in the FO4 installation folder.) Disable any mods that use it - do a description search in Nexus for "Fallout 4 Script Extender" (without quotes) if you are unsure. The main ones that come to mind are Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, scrapping mods, Place Everywhere, LooksMenu, Transfer Settlements, Sim Settlements (or parts of it such as Settlement Management Software) and Achievements. There may be others. Load FO4 standard - you'll get some warnings about stuff being disabled. Scrap all of your stuff. Save your game. Reinstall F4SE and re-enable your mods. Conclusion F4SE still has room for improvement but, hey, it's still in beta. Uninstall it, scrap all of your stuff, reinstall it. I could probably do more testing but this took a lot of effort to troubleshoot,.. To demonstrate my load order while using this fix, open the spoiler below. Note that this was not my gaming rig computer so not all my plugins are present.
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