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About bfg101

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  1. Hi Nozzer66! I have a ran Wyre Bash a few times but did nothing out of the ordinary with it. As for the uninstallation, the game seems to be working fine (no issues when after one hour of gameplay), so deleting the .esp itself is OK in my case. Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi all, I finally started playing Skyrim again after a few years of hiatus and I was wondering, what is "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" and where did it originate from? Can I simply uninstall it by deleting the .esp file? I'm not sure if Wyre Bash is related to it, but I do have it installed and I haven't used the program. Thanks!
  3. I have Meeko set as my follower but today he decided to not follow me, even though he is set to follow, and wanders off to some place. I tried using MarkForDelete, enable and disable, and ResetAI commands but none of them works. The only thing that works is telling Meeko to stay in place through the dialogue. I forgot to mention, I don't have have any children so its definitely not the dog adoption bug. Similar issue with this person https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/540732596678370104 EDIT I went from BOSS to LOOT, which changed my mods load order, and caused a conflict with AFT and Fixed Followers Lite (Fixed Followers Lite was loaded after AFT thanks to LOOT). Fix: Set AFT to load AFTER Fixed Followers Lite.
  4. Oh I didn't know that you can just simply add a command to make NPC use ammo, this makes things much easier :biggrin: . As for the ice mod, I'm not sure since I don't know what happened to the original (new name? mod got deleted? etc..) but the name of it is called "That's Ice" by OpticShooter I believe.
  5. I tried searching on Google and nothing came up or maybe my Googling skills are horrible :confused: . I still have both mods but I am just curious as to what happened to them since they are not on Nexus and Steam.
  6. I just noticed that I have this mod installed and it seems like the mod is now gone. Anyone know what happened to it? and since I have Sounds of Skyrim installed should I uninstall The Sounds of Nature Fire/Water? I haven't experience any crashing issues with both sound mods installed.
  7. Apparently the high resolution texture pack has its very own sky that has a higher priority than Enhanced Night Skyrim, which means I can't run both simultaneously. Is it possible to load Enhanced Night Skyrim on top the high resolution texture pack?
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