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About imbubby

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  1. Navonod Eveer finishes his orange juice, pays the preacher and bids him good-day with a cheery grin. Nodding the the other patrons, he heads towards the door, carefully avoiding stepping on the fairy. :) As he passes the table where Xei is sipping her drink, he pauses and looks at her with friendly concern. " Are you all right?" he asks. "I am sorry for disturbing you if you wish to be alone, but that was a nasty fall you took." After being assured that she was not injured, he says "Well, I have to go tend to business, but perhaps we will meet again sometime, in the wilderness or some such. Good luck to you... have a good day." Donning his golden helmet, he slides his left arm through the strap if his well-maintained shield, grips it's handle and heads on toward the door. As he reaches the door, he pauses to check his sword. Turning back toward the room, he speaks. "I don't suppose there is anyone here who would care to go adventuring with me...?" Recieving no immediate answer, he turns back to the door, opens it and passes into the blustery night.
  2. Introducing Navonod Eveer Age 52 Birthplace - Blue River, Eveera Race - Eveeran Occupation - Eveeran Bright Knight Experiance - Highly skilled with long-bladed weapons, preferes single-handed. Also skilled in blocking and with heavy armor, and a good speaker, and quite conversiant with many types of magic. I am strong, fast and agile, as well as intelligent and strong-willed. I tend to be very friendly and personable, and will defend my friends at any risk to myself. As an Eveeran Bright Knight, I am bound by both duty and choice to protect the innocent, the weak, and all honest creatures from the ravages of the evil and hartless. I seek out injustice, cruelty and corruption whever they exist and fight them with all of my being. Although I myself have a code of strict honesty, I tend to sympathise with those who have been forced by circumstances to resort to thievery or other professions considered socially unacceptable to survive. I love a good adventure, and enjoy teaming up with other adventurers to hunt treasure and fight evil. I have a number of hobbies, two of which are pearl-diving and baiting Slaughterfish. Being born under the sign of the Bright Knight, I am gifted with the ability to breath under water, which makes these hobbys a natural for me. He takes off his blindingly bright polished gold-plated titanium helmet as he enters the room, a highly decorated, long and heavy sword swings at his side. Strolling non-chalantly and easily up to the bar, he leans his shield against the bar, face out so that the solid black background with the pure white star-sign of the Bright Knight nebula is clearly visible to all. Setting his helmet carefully on the bar, with a disarming smile he politely asks the Preacher for a glass of orange juice, as Bright Knights never touch alchohal.
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