Introducing Navonod Eveer Age 52 Birthplace - Blue River, Eveera Race - Eveeran Occupation - Eveeran Bright Knight Experiance - Highly skilled with long-bladed weapons, preferes single-handed. Also skilled in blocking and with heavy armor, and a good speaker, and quite conversiant with many types of magic. I am strong, fast and agile, as well as intelligent and strong-willed. I tend to be very friendly and personable, and will defend my friends at any risk to myself. As an Eveeran Bright Knight, I am bound by both duty and choice to protect the innocent, the weak, and all honest creatures from the ravages of the evil and hartless. I seek out injustice, cruelty and corruption whever they exist and fight them with all of my being. Although I myself have a code of strict honesty, I tend to sympathise with those who have been forced by circumstances to resort to thievery or other professions considered socially unacceptable to survive. I love a good adventure, and enjoy teaming up with other adventurers to hunt treasure and fight evil. I have a number of hobbies, two of which are pearl-diving and baiting Slaughterfish. Being born under the sign of the Bright Knight, I am gifted with the ability to breath under water, which makes these hobbys a natural for me. He takes off his blindingly bright polished gold-plated titanium helmet as he enters the room, a highly decorated, long and heavy sword swings at his side. Strolling non-chalantly and easily up to the bar, he leans his shield against the bar, face out so that the solid black background with the pure white star-sign of the Bright Knight nebula is clearly visible to all. Setting his helmet carefully on the bar, with a disarming smile he politely asks the Preacher for a glass of orange juice, as Bright Knights never touch alchohal.