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Everything posted by ManaScRYeD

  1. Tribunal Robes sethttp://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20077/?
  2. Natural Skyrim Rain http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8395/?
  3. I need some help figuring out why my game freezes and i have to close it by using the task manager. I only want the Races module and nothing else, i tried with the main module installed as well with the same result. SkyRe_Races.esp is not active Here is my boss log.
  4. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the glowing edges when/after casting spells with something else like a spinning orb around my character or a symbol or something
  5. I'm looking for a mod that gets rid of that stupid screen tint and blur when using high level spells and shouts. Eg. Using a high level ice spell, after using the spell the screen flashes a blue color.
  6. Nevermind I think I figured it out. Nvidia titan+314.22 drivers+ssao by nvidia nspector not a good combo.
  7. Sound like you are using dynamic bokeh. Try looking for some DOF presets, static is the best for gameplay. Better yet turn off DOF and use dynavision.
  8. Did you have any gpu overclocking utilities running? Pretty much all rivatuner based programs eg. MSI afterburner, evga precision sapphire trixx and the likes will not work with enb. If you do close the program and you can run the wrapper version.
  9. Looking for a mod that gets rid of the color flashes and radial blur from high level spells and dragon shouts. Eg. When I use fire breath the screen flashes a fullscreen red color. When using blizzard a fullscreen blue flash then radial/motion blur? Also looking for a mod that adds every book i read and information and lore on monster I have killed in one spot? Aby mods that make use of the dragon claws after they have been used?
  10. Is there a mod that removes the fullscreen color flash depending on spell type from high level spells and dragon shouts? If not can some please make one. I have been searching everywhere for one and my google-fu isn't working for me.
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