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About CapCoop

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  1. Ah cool! Thanks, it was just a sorta general thing since I remember somewhere someone had come-up with a script of somesort that seems to add various weapons to pretty much everything raiders, gunners, etc. Though I don't really have experience in that sorta thing so I was afraid to try.
  2. Hai~ Was just wondering if anyone would happen to be able to integrate this thing into the level lists. Took a look at it and was disappointed to see it's just the one guy at Gunner's Plaza that uses the thing.
  3. To be fair when hacking robots I'm not shure where you stick that sucker on an Assaultron. oco
  4. I'm not shure if anyone else has requested this yet but as a weirdo who likes to play a character with a different height than everyone else I've noticed that this makes using Terminals exceptionally difficult. It would appear Bethesda hadn't really intended for this at all and each time a character with a different height (via player.setscale X.XX) interacts with a Terminal their view is distorted by that amount. I'm not totally shure how difficult this would be for someone but a friend had an idea of replacing that awkward path finding to access terminal with the animation for hacking a robot where you pull out the Pip-Boy's aux cord. Then the contents of the Terminal is simply displayed on the Pip-Boy.
  5. Huh, seems like something they oughta bring back for four~
  6. Has anyone ever thought of bringing in weapons from the previous FO games such as the Automatic Rifle, 12.7mm Pistol, Service Rifle, etc under a single....erm...would download page be the right term? All being balanced functioning with eachother, leveled lists n' all? Seen a number of things like the Chinese Assault Rifle and the R91 on Nexus but there's still quite the number of weapons to be brought back and would seem like an exciting prospect for them to be all in one huge pack. Plus theres something special about that certain look they all have. All based on real weapons but not quite the same~..
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